For usage see the example files »tikz-kalender-example1.tex«,
»tikz-kalender-example2.tex«, and »*.events«. See also my Git
repository. The Code is inspired by this
and has the »Creative Commons attribution license (CC-BY-SA)«.
The class »tikz-kalender« requires the package »tikz« and the tkiz libraries
»calc« and »calendar«.
Short Description
Keys for the macro \setup
year=year of the calendar
yearText=text for the year (default: 4-digit current year)
title=title of the calendar
events=list of files with events or periods (without the ending .events)
showweeknumbers=true or empty or false (showing the number of the week)
lang=language for marking (option passed to package babel)
paper=papersize abbreviation (understandable by package geometry;
default: a4)
print=true or empty or false (printer-friendly orientation for
double-side printing; default: false)
xcoloroptions=options (passed to package xcolor; default: svgnames)