开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):awslabs/aws-sdk-kotlin开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Kotlin 99.4%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):AWS SDK for KotlinThis repo contains the AWS SDK for Kotlin and its public roadmap The AWS SDK for Kotlin is currently in developer preview and is intended strictly for feedback purposes only. Do not use this SDK for production workloads. Refer to the SDK stability guidelines Getting StartedSee the Getting Started Guide to learn how to use AWS SDKs in your program. FeedbackThe SDK uses GitHub Issues to track feature requests and issues with the SDK. In addition, we use GitHub Projects to provide a high level overview of our roadmap and the features we are actively working on. You can provide feedback or report a bug by submitting an issue. This is the preferred mechanism to give feedback so that other users can engage in the conversation, +1 issues, etc. ContributingIf you are interested in contributing to the AWS SDK for Kotlin, please take a look at CONTRIBUTING DevelopmentGenerate SDK(s)Generated sources are not checked into the repository, you first have to generate the clients before you can build them. A step-by-step guide is available that demonstrates building the AWS DynamoDB service, or if you have a good working knowledge of Gradle, see below: ./gradlew --no-daemon :codegen:sdk:bootstrap NOTE: This task will respect the AWS services specified by project properties. See options below.
NOTE: To re-run codegen for the same set of services multiple times add the After generating the services you care about they are available to build: e.g. ./gradlew :services:lambda:build Where the task follows the pattern: To see list of all projects run Generating a single serviceSee the Build Properties below to specify this in a config file. ./gradlew --no-daemon :codegen:sdk:bootstrap Testing LocallyTesting generated services generally requires publishing artifacts (e.g. client-runtime) of Generating API DocumentationAPI documentation is generated using Dokka which is the official documentation tool maintained by JetBrains for documenting Kotlin code. Unlike Java, Kotlin uses its own KDoc format. To generate API reference documentation for the AWS Kotlin SDK: ./gradlew --no-daemon --no-parallel dokkaHtmlMultiModule This will output HTML formatted documentation to NOTE: You currently need an HTTP server to view the documentation in browser locally. You can either use the builtin server in Intellij or use your favorite local server (e.g. Build PropertiesYou can define a
Composite ProjectsDependencies of the SDK can be added as composite build such that multiple repos may appear as one holistic source project in the IDE. # comma separated list of paths to `includeBuild()`
# This is useful for local development of smithy-kotlin in particular
compositeProjects=../smithy-kotlin Generating Specific Services Based on Name or ProtocolA comma separated list of services to include or exclude for generation from codegen/sdk/aws-models may
be specified with the Included services require a '+' character prefix and excluded services require a '-' character.
If any items are specified for inclusion, only specified included members will be generated. If no items
are specified for inclusion, all members not excluded will be generated.
When unspecified all services found in the directory specified by the Some example entries for # Generate only AWS Lambda: # Generate all services but AWS location and AWS DynamoDB:,-dynamodb # Generate all services except those using the restJson1 protocol:
aws.protocols=-restJson1 DebuggingSee Debugging Getting HelpUse the following sources for information:
If you still can’t find a solution to your problem open an issue or a discussion SecurityPlease refer to our security policy. Supported targetsThe SDK supports the following targets: |