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Snippets are optimized for readability and comprehension, sometimes at the expense of performance. Note: This project is inspired by, but in no way affiliated with, 30 Seconds of Code. Table of ContentsList
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ListallReturns fun <T> all(list: List<T>, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean =
list.all(predicate) allEqualChecks if all elements in a list are equal. fun <T> allEqual(list: List<T>): Boolean =
if (list.isEmpty()) false else list.all { it == list[0] } anyReturns fun <T> any(list: List<T>, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean =
list.any(predicate) bifurcateSplits list into two groups. For every element in a list, if the corresponding boolean in another list is true, add the element to the first group; otherwise, add it to the second group. // For example:
bifurcate(listOf("beep", "boop", "foo", "bar"), listOf(true, true, false, true)) // [[beep, boop, bar], [foo]] fun <T> bifurcate(list: List<T>, filter: List<Boolean>): Pair<List<T>, List<T>> {
require(list.size == filter.size)
return { it.second }
.let { (list1, list2) -> { it.first } to { it.first } }
} bifurcateBySplits values into two groups according to a predicate function, which specifies which group an element in the input list belongs to. If the predicate function returns true, the list element belongs to the first group; otherwise, it belongs to the second group. fun <T> bifurcateBy(list: List<T>, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Pair<List<T>, List<T>> =
list.partition(predicate) chunkChunks a list into smaller lists of a specified size. The last list in the resulting list may have less elements than the given size. // For example:
chunk(listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 2) // [[1 ,2], [3, 4], [5]] fun <T> chunk(list: List<T>, size: Int): List<List<T>> =
list.chunked(size) compactRemoves "falsey" values from a list. Kotlin doesn't distinguish falsey values but they are ( fun <T> compact(list: List<T?>): List<T> {
fun isTruthy(t: T?): Boolean = when(t) {
null -> false
is Boolean -> t
is Double -> t != Double.NaN
is Number -> t.toInt() != 0
is String -> !t.isEmpty()
is Array<*> -> t.size != 0
is Collection<*> -> !t.isEmpty()
else -> true
return list.filter(::isTruthy) as List<T>
} countByGroups the elements of a list based on the given function and returns the count of elements in each group. // For example:
countBy(listOf(6.1, 4.2, 6.3)) { floor(it) } // {4.0: 1, 6.0: 2}
countBy(listOf("one", "two", "three")) { it.length } // {3: 2, 5: 1} fun <T, K> countBy(list: List<T>, function: (T) -> K): Map<K, Int> =
list.groupingBy(function).eachCount() countOccurrencesCounts the occurrences of a value in a list, using a provided equality function. fun <T> countOccurrences(list: List<T>, target: T, equals: (T, T) -> Boolean = Objects::equals): Int =
list.count { equals(target, it) } concatConcatenates multiple lists into a single list, preserving the order of the passed in elements. fun <T> concat(first: List<T>, vararg others: List<T>): List<T> =
first.asSequence().plus(others.asSequence().flatten()).toList() correspondsTests whether every element of the first list relates to the corresponding element in the second list by satisfying the given predicate. // For example:
corresponds(listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf(2, 3, 4)) { i1, i2 -> i1 == i2 - 1 } // true fun <T, U> corresponds(first: List<T>, second: List<U>, predicate: (T, U) -> Boolean): Boolean =
(first.size == second.size) && ( { (t, u) -> predicate(t, u) }) crossProductCreates a cross product: forming a pair from each value in the first list to each value in the second list. // For example:
crossProduct(listOf(1, 2), listOf('a', 'b')) // [[1, 'a'], [1, 'b'], [2, 'a'], [2, 'b']] fun <T, U> crossProduct(first: List<T>, second: List<U>): List<Pair<T, U>> =
first.flatMap { a -> { b -> a to b } } cycleProduces a // For example:
cycle(listOf(1, 2, 3)) // 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3... fun <T> cycle(list: List<T>): Sequence<T> =
generateSequence(if (list.isNotEmpty()) 0 else null) { (it + 1) % list.size }
.map { list[it] } differenceReturns a list of elements contained in the first list that are not present in the second list. // For example:
difference(listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf(1, 2, 4)) // [3] fun <T> difference(first: List<T>, second: List<T>): List<T> =
(first subtract second).toList() differenceByReturns a list of elements contained in the first list that are not present in the second list, after applying the provided function to each list element of both. fun <T, R> differenceBy(first: List<T>, second: List<T>, function: (T) -> R): List<T> =
with(second.toSet().map(function)) {
first.filterNot { contains(function(it)) }
} differenceWithFilters out all elements from the first list for which the comparator function does not return fun <T> differenceWith(first: List<T>, second: List<T>, function: (T, T) -> Boolean): List<T> =
first.filter { a -> second.none { b -> function(a, b) } } distinctReturns all distinct elements. fun <T> distinct(list: List<T>): List<T> =
list.distinct() dropReturns a new list with fun <T> drop(list: List<T>, n: Int): List<T> =
list.drop(n) dropRightReturns a new list with fun <T> dropRight(list: List<T>, n: Int): List<T> =
list.dropLast(n) dropRightWhileRemoves elements from the end of a list until the passed function returns fun <T> dropRightWhile(list: List<T>, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> =
list.dropLastWhile(predicate) dropWhileRemoves elements from the beginning of a list until the passed function returns fun <T> dropWhile(list: List<T>, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> =
list.dropWhile(predicate) endsWithChecks whether the given list ends with the given sublist. fun <T> endsWith(list: List<T>, subList: List<T>): Boolean =
list.takeLast(subList.size) == subList everyNthReturns every nth element in a list. // For example:
everyNth(listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 2) // [ 2, 4, 6 ] fun <T> everyNth(list: List<T>, nth: Int): List<T> =
list.windowed(nth, nth, partialWindows = false).map { it.last() } existsUniqueChecks if a unique element exists such that the predicate holds. // For example:
existsUnique(listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3)) { it == 3 } // false fun <T> existsUnique(list: List<T>, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean {
var exists = false
for (t in list) {
if (predicate(t)) {
if (exists) {
return false
} else {
exists = true
return exists
} filterNonUniqueFilters out the non-unique values in a list. fun <T> filterNonUnique(list: List<T>): List<T> =
list.distinct() |