dustinvtran/latex-templates (star=273, watch=273, fork=95) - A collection of LaTeX templates used for research, courses, and miscellanea., (2014-09-27~2017-11-21).
jankapunkt/master-thesis (star=2, watch=2, fork=4) - LaTex master thesis templates that allow quick publishing as well as custom design., (2014-05-17~2016-05-27).
Submanifold/latex-mimosis (star=601, watch=601, fork=53) - A minimal & modern LaTeX template for your (bachelor's | master's | doctoral) thesis, (2017-05-18~2018-06-21).
latextemplates/scientific-thesis-template (star=119, watch=119, fork=57) - LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses, (2012-07-09~2018-11-22).
phretor/cs-phd-dissertation-latex-template (star=12, watch=12, fork=4) - Latex template based on the typographic memoir class for formatting PhD dissertations. Suitable for any areas but devised for computer science researchers., (2012-05-14~2012-05-14).
tdehaeze/clean-latex-template (star=6, watch=6, fork=3) - A nice looking LaTeX templace for University reports and thesis, (2017-06-21~2018-04-29).
sppmg/TW_Thesis_Template (star=34, watch=34, fork=9) - The LaTeX Template for TW Thesis 台灣碩博士 LaTeX 論文樣板, (2016-10-12~2018-09-10).
YimianDai/iNSFC (star=104, watch=104, fork=57) - An awesome LaTeX template for NSFC proposal., (2017-02-26~2018-03-14).
huiselilun/USTBThesis (star=15, watch=15, fork=5) - Thesis Tex model for USTB, (2015-12-21~2018-04-02).
qin-nz/USTB-latex (star=3, watch=3, fork=3) - latex template for undergraduate student in University of Science & Technology Beijing (USTB), (2014-08-30~2015-06-02).
nanmu42/CQUThesis (star=55, watch=55, fork=19) - 重庆大学毕业论文LaTeX模板---LaTeX Thesis Template for Chongqing University Version 1.30, (2016-05-15~2018-03-16).
aurora1625/dmuthesis-latex (star=3, watch=3, fork=4) - LaTeX template for Dalian Maritime University Graduation Thesis, (2013-03-04~2013-05-27).
zhimengfan1990/seuthesix (star=29, watch=29, fork=26) - seuthesix: A LaTeX document class for typesetting thesis/dissertation of Southeast University., (2016-01-13~2018-12-13).
liubenyuan/nudtpaper (star=74, watch=74, fork=58) - A LaTeX template for Master/PhD Thesis of NUDT, (2013-02-23~2018-12-05).
alex81527/latex-nctu-thesis (star=4, watch=4, fork=1) - A LateX template for PhD/MS thesis of College of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan., (2017-05-12~2018-02-19).
alwintsui/scutthesis (star=73, watch=73, fork=27) - Latex/Lyx templates for the thesis specifications of South China University of Technology (SCUT,华南理工大学), (2014-11-12~2018-01-06).
hust-latex/hustthesis (star=45, watch=45, fork=16) - An Unofficial Thesis Template in LaTeX for Huazhong University of Science and Technology, (2013-03-11~2017-03-17).
Ming-Zhang-XJTU/XJTU-Thesis-Template (star=20, watch=20, fork=10) - This is a LaTeX template for doctoral thesis of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU). The platform is Windows + TexLive + XeLaTex., (2017-02-15~2017-10-05).
swjtutug/swjtubeamer (star=3, watch=3, fork=1) - A Simple Demonstration of Beamer Class for Presentation of SWJTU., (2018-03-17~2018-03-22). 【演示类】
japinli/swust-thesis (star=4, watch=4, fork=2) - The thesis template of LaTeX for Southwest University of Science and Technology., (2016-07-23~2018-05-09).
changkun/SWUNThesis (star=4, watch=4, fork=3) - LaTeX Thesis Template for Southwest University for Nationalities, (2015-11-20~2016-05-09).
huoyao/ZJUThesis (star=6, watch=6, fork=3) - Master thesis template of college of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, can easily be extended to the doctoral thesis and engineering papers, (2016-01-27~2016-03-15).
xujinlai/CUGThesis (star=5, watch=5, fork=5) - The \Latex Template for the Master Degree Graduate Thesis writting in China University of Geosciences., (2015-03-07~2015-06-05).
ywgATustcbbs/ustcthesis (star=68, watch=68, fork=35) - Moved to USTCTUG on Github中国科学技术大学学位论文通用LaTeX模板. LaTeX templates for UNDERGRADUATE and GRADUATE STUDENTS of USTC. Backup mirror at GitLab (sponsored by LUG@USTC) : https://gitlab.lug.ustc.edu.cn/ywg/ustcthesis, (2015-03-17~2016-02-24).
ustctug/ustcbeamer (star=18, watch=18, fork=11) - 简单的演示文稿类(用于讲演). A Simple Demonstration of Beamer Class for Presentation, (2015-03-17~2018-10-28). 【演示类】
GaZ3ll3/ustcthesis (star=4, watch=4, fork=1) - template for USTC thesis, (2014-01-21~2014-02-07).
mohuangrui/ucasthesis (star=596, watch=596, fork=252) - [最新样式] 中国科学院大学学位论文 LaTeX 模板 LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, (2014-05-08~2018-08-03).
xiaoyao9933/UCASthesis (star=116, watch=116, fork=63) - **国科大新版标准** 中国科学院大学学位论文模板,目前遵守2018国科大指导标准。 a LaTeX template for UCAS., (2014-09-21~2018-10-12).
mohuangrui/ucasproposal (star=48, watch=48, fork=30) - 中国科学院大学开题报告 LaTeX 模板 LaTeX Proposal Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, (2016-10-02~2018-08-03).
iphyer/UCASThesisTemplete (star=21, watch=21, fork=10) - LaTeX template of PhD/graduate Thesis of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, (2014-06-30~2014-06-30).
yulijia/LaTeX_UCASthesis (star=7, watch=7, fork=6) - LaTeX template of graduate Thesis [University of Chinese Academy of Sciences], (2013-01-11~2017-11-07).
andygrunwald/FOM-LaTeX-Template (star=54, watch=54, fork=47) - A LaTeX template for term paper, bachelor or master thesis for "FOM University of Applied Sciences", (2013-06-05~2018-09-23).
ivangiangreco/basilea-latex (star=12, watch=12, fork=6) - Latex Template for Bachelor and Master thesis (University of Basel, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science), (2013-05-24~2018-11-13).
kaikuehne/master-thesis (star=1, watch=1, fork=2) - My master's thesis (german), (2017-07-05~2018-10-07).
Micket/chalmers (star=44, watch=44, fork=21) - Styles for LaTeX, beamer for Chalmers University of Technology, (2011-02-18~2018-02-27).
praseodym/tudelft-report-latex (star=11, watch=11, fork=8) - Fork of TU Delft LaTeX Report Template, (2013-11-18~2016-05-04).
GandalfSaxe/laursens-xelatex-thesis-template (star=0, watch=0, fork=2) - This is a LaTeX thesis template (BSc, MSc and PhD) often used by DTU Compute students, officially recommended by DTU. Original repository:, (2018-08-27~2018-09-12).
zemirco/tu-darmstadt-latex-thesis (star=33, watch=33, fork=17) - LaTeX template for any thesis at the TU Darmstadt, (2013-02-04~2013-03-03).
OttoStruve/UT-thesis (star=0, watch=0, fork=4) - UT thesis template, so we can stop passing it around via email like animals, (2016-03-08~2018-06-27).
esenes/Unito-thesis-template (star=1, watch=1, fork=5) - A latex template for the master thesis at the University of Torino, (2016-11-02~2017-04-03).
sdstrowes/Glasgow-Thesis-Template (star=16, watch=16, fork=6) - A Glasgow University LaTeX thesis template., (2011-10-14~2015-11-20).
orestesgaolin/wut_thesis (star=3, watch=3, fork=1) - LaTeX unofficial template for diploma thesis at Warsaw University of Technology (2016) / Szablon pracy dyplomowej na Politechnice Warszawskiej w LaTeX-u, (2016-12-26~2018-02-28).
lotten/uci-thesis-latex (star=45, watch=45, fork=25) - LaTeX template for thesis and dissertation documents at UC Irvine, (2012-10-10~2018-12-26).
kks32/phd-thesis-template (star=348, watch=348, fork=165) - A LaTeX / XeLaTeX / LuaLaTeX PhD thesis template for Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED), (2013-11-14~2018-11-20).
cambridge/thesis (star=92, watch=92, fork=44) - A LaTeX document class that conforms to the Computer Laboratory's PhD thesis formatting guidelines., (2011-05-06~2018-08-10).
kks32/PhDThesisLyX (star=30, watch=30, fork=15) - A LyX PhD thesis template for Cambridge University Engineering Department, (2014-01-10~2014-08-04).
tohecz/ctuthesis (star=11, watch=11, fork=4) - LaTeX template for theses at CTU in Prague, (2015-03-01~2016-06-15).
GR8DAN/coventry-thesis (star=4, watch=4, fork=2) - A LaTeX template for a Coventry University Thesis, based on a Cambridge University Engineering Department template., (2017-01-20~2018-08-06).
egel/uek-latex-thesis-class (star=4, watch=4, fork=1) - Full features LaTeX thesis class for diploma candidates of Cracow University of Economics., (2014-11-12~2016-04-17).
hbristow/quthesis (star=9, watch=9, fork=4) - A LaTeX thesis template for PhD students at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), (2014-01-10~2017-06-09).
fbentele/HSR-LaTex-Template (star=5, watch=5, fork=3) - A LaTex Template for HSR Thesis, (2012-09-20~2013-02-20).
glouppe/phd-thesis (star=431, watch=431, fork=133) - Repository of my thesis "Understanding Random Forests", (2014-01-06~2016-06-29).
jp-um/university_of_malta_LaTeX_dissertation_template (star=2, watch=2, fork=3) - A modern, highly configurable assignment/project/fyp/dissertation/thesis template for the University of Malta., (2018-05-07~2018-12-14).
pdgessler/mugsthesis (star=1, watch=1, fork=1) - A thesis class, based on memoir, complying with Marquette University Graduate School requirements, (2014-08-07~2014-08-08).
kljensen/mit-phd-thesis (star=38, watch=38, fork=24) - MIT Ph.D. Thesis in LaTeX, (2010-01-10~2010-01-10).
amunn/msu-thesis (star=2, watch=2, fork=1) - Thesis Class for Michigan State University, (2011-09-11~2017-12-20).
fwalch/tum-thesis-latex (star=175, watch=175, fork=105) - A LaTeX template for TUM Bachelor/Master theses., (2014-03-26~2018-09-15).
STOM-Group/USF-Beamer-Template (star=1, watch=1, fork=3) - LaTeX/Beamer presentation template for the University of South Florida, (2015-08-20~2018-05-02).