ipynb-tex is a simple style sheet which allows you to extract tagged cells out of a Jupyter notebook and include them in a TeX document
Rather than save output or copies of source code to insert into TeX docs, ipynb-tex always inserts the latest cells from your notebooks directly into TeX files.
In your main document directory, just make a symlink to the ipynb-tex.sty file.
ln -s /path/to/ipynb-tex/ipynb-tex.sty
Include cells in your .tex document
Include the source from all cells sharing the tag "example".
Include the output from all cells sharing the tag "example".
Include the source and output from all cells sharing the tag "example".
Include an image
Include raw TeX output
Compile LaTeX
ipynb-tex uses PythonTeX to execute the cell extraction code. So, just as with PythonTeX, you'll need to execute pythontex as part of your document build. Also include --shell-escape to allow external functions to be called correctly.
pdflatex --shell-escape document.tex #scan the document, figure out what Python needs to be executed
pythontex --rerun=always document #executes the Python found in the document
pdflatex --shell-escape document.tex #include any valid TeX printed from the Python execution
pdflatex --shell-escape document.tex #ensure any included references are correctly handled
Tagging cells in a notebook
Toggle the toolbar UI
Tag a cell
Modifying this plugin
This repo comes with a ready to go version of ipynb-tex.sty, but if you want to make changes and rebuild it just run ./build, which merges ipynb-tex-template.sty and extract_cells.py to create ipynb-tex.sty.
There are no package dependencies required to run this script, but to execute the sample you'll need to include a set of dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running Tests
pip install nose
Remove the need to "rerun=always", by registering the [filename].ipynb as a dependency while pythontex is running.
Export cells only once, by making an in-memory variable which tags a file as already processed, to avoid repeated work.
Add a \ipynbdirectory which serves as the base path for all notebooks, so if you're compiling a doc with lots, no need to keep including the path