Since the Mosek.jl package is designed to match a specific MOSEK version (major+minor version), there are branches for the different MOSEK versions:
Branch b0.8 is compatible with MOSEK 8.0. Not actively updated.
Branch b0.9 is compatible with MOSEK 8.1. Currently updated only for bugfixes.
Branch b1.1-msk9.1 is compatible with MOSEK 9.1. Not actively updated.
Branch b1.1-msk9.2 is compatible with MOSEK 9.2. Not actively updated.
Branch b1.1-msk9.3 is compatible with MOSEK 9.3. Currently updated only for bugfixes.
Branch b10.0 is compatible with MOSE 10.0, at the time of writing in beta. Since MOSEK 10.0 the branch names of Mosek.jl will follow Mosek, so the branch compatible with MOSEK 10.0 will be called b10.0. Release will be called MAJORVER.MINORVER.N, where N is incremented independently of MOSEK. This means that since MOSEK 10.0, Mosek.jl vX.Y.Z will require MOSEK version X.Y
The master branch. This is more or less kept compatible with the latest MOSEK release, either latest stable release or, if available, the latest alpha or beta.
Mosek.jl releases are taken from the b*.* branches.
Mosek.jl is a more or less complete mapping of the MOSEK functionality:
Most MOSEK C API functions are available
Callbacks for information retrival and log output during optimization
Interface for the MOSEK general convex solver
MOSEK can solve LP (linear), SOCP (second order conic), SDP (semi-definite),
QP (quadratic objective, quadratic constraints), and MIP (mixed-integer problems). These can be mixed as follows:
MOSEK is commercial software, but free licenses are available for
academic use. See here
for details.
Use the Julia package manager to install Mosek.jl:
The Mosek.jl package requires the MOSEK distribution binaries run. Upon
installation it will attempt to either local an installed MOSEK or download and
install from the MOSEK website (
If the environment variable MOSEKBINDIR is defined, the installer will assume that this directory contains the necessary libraries. If it does not, the installer will fail.
If the current Mosek.jl installation uses a user-defined MOSEK and this is a valid version, this will be used.
If MOSEK is installed in the default location in the users HOME directory, and this installation has the correct version, this will be used.
If no usable MOSEK installation is found here, the installer will
attempt to download and unpack the latest distro. In this case doing"Mosek") will update the MOSEK distro if possible.`
If the MOSEK distro installation directory is moved it is necessary to rebuild the package using"Mosek")
If you have previously installed Mosek.jl using a pre-installed
MOSEK distro, setting the MOSEKJL_FORCE_DOWNLOAD=YES will force the
installer to download MOSEK from the web instead of using the old
Note that environment variables can be set temporarily from Julia as
ENV["MOSEKBINDIR"] ="/home/myname/lib"
Furthermore, a license file is required to use MOSEK (these are
free for academic use). MOSEK will look first for the enironment
variable MOSEKLM_LICENSE_FILE which, if defined, must point to the relevant
license file. If this is not defined, MOSEK will look for a file
called mosek.lic in the default install path, e.g.
Updating the Mosek library
If the MOSEK distro was installed manually, it can be updated simply
by installing a newer distro in the same place. Otherwise, doing"Mosek") will check the latest MOSEK distro and update if
You can see if the MOSEK distro was installed internally this way:
is_internal =open(joinpath(Pkg.dir("Mosek"),"deps","inst_method"),"r") do f readstring(f) =="internal"end
When installation does not work
If you experience problems installing (in particular on Windows or OS X), you can try to pull the latest revision and see if that works
If this also fails, please post an issue in Github.
All functions and constants in the Mosek.jl are briefly documented in docs strings, and an HTML reference can be built using Documenter.jl.
The MathOptInterface wrapper
for MOSEK is a separate package called MosekTools.
However, for consistency the optimizer is still named Mosek.Optimizer.
Use MOSEK with JuMP as follows:
using JuMP, MosekTools
model =Model(Mosek.Optimizer)
MathProgBase interface
The legacy MathProgBase wrapper
for MOSEK is implemented in the MosekConicInterface.jl, MosekLPQCQPInterface.jl
and MosekSolverInterface.jl files in the src folder.