开源软件名称:invenia/BlueStyle开源软件地址:开源编程语言:开源软件介绍:Blue: a Style Guide for JuliaThis document specifies style conventions for Julia code. These conventions were created from a variety of sources including Python's PEP8, Julia's Notes for Contributors, and Julia's Style Guide. A Word on ConsistencyWhen adhering to this style it's important to realize that these are guidelines and not rules. This is stated best in the PEP8:
SynopsisAttempt to follow both the Julia Contribution Guidelines, the Julia Style Guide, and this guide. When convention guidelines conflict this guide takes precedence (known conflicts will be noted in this guide).
ContentsCode FormattingModule ImportsModule imports should occur at the top of the file or right after a A module import should only specify a single package per line. The lines should be ordered alphabetically by the package/module name (note: relative imports precede absolute imports). # Yes:
using A
using B
# No:
using A, B
# No:
using B
using A Imports which explicitly declare what to bring into scope should be grouped into: modules, constants, types, macros, and functions. These groupings should be specified in that order and each group's contents should be sorted alphabetically, typically with modules on a separate line. As pseudo-code: using Example: $(sort(modules)...)
using Example: $(sort(constants)...), $(sort(types)...), $(sort(macros)...), $(sort(functions)...) If you are only explicitly importing a few items you can alternatively use the following one-line form: using Example: $(sort(modules)...), $(sort(constants)...), $(sort(types)...), $(sort(macros)...), $(sort(functions)...) In some scenarios there may be alternate ordering within a group which makes more logical sense.
For example when explicitly importing subtypes of using Dates: Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond Explicit import lines which exceed the line length should use line-continuation or multiple import statements for the same package. Using multiple import statements should be preferred when creating alternate groupings: # Yes:
using AVeryLongPackage: AVeryLongType, AnotherVeryLongType, a_very_long_function,
# Yes:
using AVeryLongPackage: AVeryLongType, AnotherVeryLongType
using AVeryLongPackage: a_very_long_function, another_very_long_function
# No:
using AVeryLongPackage:
# No:
using AVeryLongPackage: AVeryLongType
using AVeryLongPackage: AnotherVeryLongType
using AVeryLongPackage: a_very_long_function
using AVeryLongPackage: another_very_long_function Note: Prefer the use of imports with explicit declarations when writing packages. Doing so will make maintaining the package easier by knowing what functionality the package is importing and when dependencies can safely be dropped. Prefer the use of # Yes:
using Example
Example.hello(x::Monster) = "Aargh! It's a Monster!"
Base.isreal(x::Ghost) = false
# No:
import Base: isreal
import Example: hello
hello(x::Monster) = "Aargh! It's a Monster!"
isreal(x::Ghost) = false If you do require the use of # Yes:
import A: a
import C
using B
using D: d
# No:
import A: a
using B
import C
using D: d Function ExportsAll functions that are intended to be part of the public API should be exported. All function exports should occur at the top of the main module file, after module imports. Avoid splitting a single export over multiple lines; either define one export per line, or group them by theme. # Yes:
export foo
export bar
export qux
# Yes:
export get_foo, get_bar
export solve_foo, solve_bar
# No:
export foo,
qux Global VariablesGlobal variables should be avoided whenever possible. When required, global variables should be Function NamingNames of functions should describe an action or property irrespective of the type of the argument; the argument's type provides this information instead.
For example, Names of functions should usually be limited to one or two lowercase words separated by underscores. If you find it hard to shorten your function names without losing information, you may need to factor more information into the type signature or split the function's responsibilities into two or more functions. In general, shorter functions with clearly-defined responsibilities are preferred. NOTE: Functions that are only intended for internal use should be marked with a leading underscore (e.g., Method DefinitionsOnly use short-form function definitions when they fit on a single line: # Yes:
foo(x::Int64) = abs(x) + 3
# No:
foobar(array_data::AbstractArray{T}, item::T) where {T<:Int64} = T[
abs(x) * abs(item) + 3 for x in array_data
] # Yes:
function foobar(array_data::AbstractArray{T}, item::T) where T<:Int64
return T[abs(x) * abs(item) + 3 for x in array_data]
# No:
) where {T<:Int64} = T[abs(x) * abs(item) + 3 for x in array_data] When using long-form functions always use the # Yes:
function fnc(x::T) where T
result = zero(T)
result += fna(x)
return result
# No:
function fnc(x::T) where T
result = zero(T)
result += fna(x)
end # Yes:
function Foo(x, y)
return new(x, y)
# No:
function Foo(x, y)
new(x, y)
end When using the # Yes:
function maybe_do_thing()
# code
return nothing
# No:
function maybe_do_thing()
# code
end Functions definitions with parameter lines which exceed 92 characters should separate each parameter by a newline and indent by one-level: # Yes:
function foobar(
# code
# Ok:
function foobar(df::DataFrame, id::Symbol, variable::Symbol, value::AbstractString, prefix::AbstractString="")
# code
# No: Don't put any args on the same line as the open parenthesis if they won't all fit.
function foobar(df::DataFrame, id::Symbol, variable::Symbol, value::AbstractString,
# code
# No: All args should be on a new line in this case.
function foobar(
df::DataFrame, id::Symbol, variable::Symbol, value::AbstractString,
# code
# No: Indented too much.
function foobar(
# code
end If all of the arguments fit inside the 92 character limit then you can place them on 1 line. Similarly, you can follow the same rule if you break up positional and keyword arguments across two lines. # Ok:
function foobar(
df::DataFrame, id::Symbol, variable::Symbol, value::AbstractString; prefix::String=""
# code
# Ok: Putting all args and all kwargs on separate lines is fine.
function foobar(
df::DataFrame, id::Symbol, variable::Symbol, value::AbstractString;
# code
# Ok: Putting all positional args on 1 line and each kwarg on separate lines.
function foobar(
df::DataFrame, id::Symbol, variable::Symbol, value::AbstractString;
prefix="I'm a long default setting that probably shouldn't exist",
msg="I'm another long default setting that probably shouldn't exist",
# code
# No: Because the separate line is more than 92 characters.
function foobar(
df::DataFrame, id::Symbol, variable::Symbol, value::AbstractString; prefix::AbstractString=""
# code
# No: The args and kwargs should be split up.
function foobar(
df::DataFrame, id::Symbol, variable::Symbol,
value::AbstractString; prefix::AbstractString=""
# code
# No: The kwargs are more than 92 characters.
function foobar(
df::DataFrame, id::Symbol, variable::Symbol, value::AbstractString;
prefix="I'm a long default setting that probably shouldn't exist", msg="I'm another long default settings that probably shouldn't exist",
# code
end Keyword ArgumentsWhen calling a function always separate your keyword arguments from your positional arguments with a semicolon.
This avoids mistakes in ambiguous cases (such as splatting a # Yes:
xy = foo(x; y=3)
ab = foo(; a=1, b=2)
# Ok:
ab = foo(a=1, b=2)
# No:
xy = foo(x, y=3) Whitespace