The Julia package manager will download and install a pre-compiled
run-time (for your hardware architecture), if the GR software is not
already installed in the recommended locations.
Getting started
In Julia simply type using GR and begin calling functions
in the GR framework API.
Let's start with a simple example. We generate 10,000 random numbers and
create a histogram. The histogram function automatically chooses an appropriate
number of bins to cover the range of values in x and show the shape of the
underlying distribution.
using GR
Using GR as backend for Plots.jl
Plots is a powerful wrapper around other Julia visualization
"backends", where GR seems to be one of the favorite ones.
To get an impression how complex visualizations may become
easier with Plots, take a look at
these examples.
Plots is great on its own, but the real power comes from the ecosystem surrounding it. You can find more information
Besides GR and Plots there is a nice package called GRUtils which provides a user-friendly interface to the low-level GR subsytem, but in a more "Julian" and modular style. Newcomers are recommended to use this package. A detailed documentation can be found here.
GR and GRUtils are currently still being developed in parallel - but there are plans to merge the two modules in the future.
Basic Troubleshooting
Due to conflicts with already installed GR installations or problems with the download, it can happen that the GR runtime environment is not found. Unfortunately, to classify the problem, one can only proceed step by step:
The first troubleshooting step is to force GR to rebuild. This should reset GR to using GR_jll.
ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] ="GR"# Turn on debug statements for the GR packageENV["GRDIR"] =""# Force GR to rebuild from default settingsimport Pkg;"GR")
using GR
Check the generated build.log for errors.
The second step is try binaries from GR tarballs which are provided directly by the GR developers as self-contained distributions for selected platforms - independent of the programming language
ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] ="GR"# Turn on debug statements for the GR packageENV["GRDIR"] =""ENV["JULIA_GR_PROVIDER"] ="GR"# ENV["JULIA_GR_PROVIDER"] = "BinaryBuilder" # Alternatively, uncomment thisimport Pkg;"GR")
using GR
There might be an issue with GR_jll. Check if it can be loaded.