PlotThemes is a package to spice up the plots made with Plots.jl. To install:
Using PlotThemes
Currently the following themes are available:
When using Plots, a theme can be set using the theme function:
using Plots
theme(thm::Symbol; kwargs...)
theme accepts any Plots attribute as keyword argument and sets its value as default for subsequent plots.
Themes can be previewed using Plots.showtheme(thm::Symbol):
A theme specifies default values for different Plots attributes.
At the moment these are typically colors, palettes and colorgradients, but any Plots attribute can be controlled by a theme in general.
PRs for new themes very welcome! Adding a new theme (e.g. mytheme) is as easy as adding a new file (mytheme.jl) that contains at least the following line:
_themes[:mytheme] =PlotTheme(; kwargs...)
The keyword arguments can be any collection of Plots attributes plus a colorgradient keyword argument.