开源软件名称:haampie/IncompleteLU.jl开源软件地址:开源编程语言:Julia 100.0%开源软件介绍:ILU for SparseMatrixCSCThis package implements the left-looking or Crout version of ILU for
the How to install
julia> ]
pkg> add IncompleteLU The package is then available via julia> using IncompleteLU When to use this packageWhenever you need an incomplete factorization of a sparse and non-symmetric matrix. The package also provides means to apply the factorization in-place via ExampleUsing a drop tolerance of > using IncompleteLU, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
> using BenchmarkTools
> A = sprand(1000, 1000, 5 / 1000) + 10I
> fact = @btime ilu($A, τ = 0.001)
2.894 ms (90 allocations: 1.18 MiB)
> norm((fact.L + I) * fact.U' - A)
> nnz(fact) / nnz(A)
3.6793806030969844 Full LU is obtained when the drop tolerance is > fact = @btime ilu($A, τ = 0.)
209.293 ms (106 allocations: 12.18 MiB)
> norm((fact.L + I) * fact.U' - A)
> nnz(fact) / nnz(A)
69.34213528932355 PreconditionerILU is typically used as preconditioner for iterative methods. For instance using IterativeSolvers, IncompleteLU
using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
using BenchmarkTools
using Plots
Benchmarks a non-symmetric n × n × n problem
with and without the ILU preconditioner.
function mytest(n = 64)
N = n^3
A = spdiagm(
-1 => fill(-1.0, n - 1),
0 => fill(3.0, n),
1 => fill(-2.0, n - 1)
Id = sparse(1.0I, n, n)
A = kron(A, Id) + kron(Id, A)
A = kron(A, Id) + kron(Id, A)
x = ones(N)
b = A * x
LU = ilu(A, τ = 0.1)
@show nnz(LU) / nnz(A)
# Benchmarks
prec = @benchmark ilu($A, τ = 0.1)
@show prec
with = @benchmark bicgstabl($A, $b, 2, Pl = $LU, max_mv_products = 2000)
@show with
without = @benchmark bicgstabl($A, $b, 2, max_mv_products = 2000)
@show without
# Result
x_with, hist_with = bicgstabl(A, b, 2, Pl = LU, max_mv_products = 2000, log = true)
x_without, hist_without = bicgstabl(A, b, 2, max_mv_products = 2000, log = true)
@show norm(b - A * x_with) / norm(b)
@show norm(b - A * x_without) / norm(b)
plot(hist_with[:resnorm], yscale = :log10, label = "With ILU preconditioning", xlabel = "Iteration", ylabel = "Residual norm (preconditioned)", mark = :x)
plot!(hist_without[:resnorm], label = "Without preconditioning", mark = :x)
mytest() Outputs nnz(LU) / nnz(A) = 2.1180353639352374
prec = Trial(443.781 ms)
with = Trial(766.141 ms)
without = Trial(2.595 s)
norm(b - A * x_with) / norm(b) = 2.619046427010899e-9
norm(b - A * x_without) / norm(b) = 1.2501603557459283e-8 The algorithmThe basic algorithm loops roughly as follows:
which means that at each step
At step The latter problem can be worked around without expensive searches. It's basically smart bookkeeping: going from step The matrix Accumulating a new sparse row or columnThroughout the steps two temporary row and column accumulators are used to store the linear combinations of previous sparse rows and columns. There are two implementations of this accumulator: the The advantage of TodoThe method does not implement scaling techniques, so the |