开源软件名称:trixi-framework/Trixi.jl开源软件地址:开源编程语言:Julia 99.7%开源软件介绍:Trixi.jlTrixi.jl is a numerical simulation framework for hyperbolic conservation laws written in Julia. A key objective for the framework is to be useful to both scientists and students. Therefore, next to having an extensible design with a fast implementation, Trixi is focused on being easy to use for new or inexperienced users, including the installation and postprocessing procedures. Its features include:
InstallationIf you have not yet installed Julia, please follow the instructions for your operating system. Trixi works with Julia v1.7. For usersTrixi and its related tools are registered Julia packages. Hence, you can install Trixi, the visualization tool Trixi2Vtk, OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, and Plots.jl by executing the following commands in the Julia REPL: julia> import Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(["Trixi", "Trixi2Vtk", "OrdinaryDiffEq", "Plots"]) You can copy and paste all commands to the REPL including the leading
Note on package versions: If some of the examples for how to use Trixi do not work, verify that you are using a recent Trixi release by comparing the installed Trixi version from julia> import Pkg; Pkg.update("Trixi"); Pkg.status("Trixi") to the latest release. If the installed version does not match the current release, please check the Troubleshooting section in the documentation. The commands above can also be used to update Trixi. A brief list of notable
changes to Trixi is available in For developersIf you plan on editing Trixi itself, you can download Trixi locally and run it from within the cloned directory: git clone [email protected]:trixi-framework/Trixi.jl.git
cd Trixi.jl
julia --project=@. -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()' # Install Trixi's dependencies
julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add(["Trixi2Vtk", "Plots"])' # Install postprocessing tools
julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("OrdinaryDiffEq")' # Install time integration schemes If you installed Trixi this way, you always have to start Julia with the julia --project=@. Further details can be found in the documentation. UsageIn the Julia REPL, first load the package Trixi julia> using Trixi Then start a simulation by executing julia> trixi_include(default_example()) To visualize the results, load the package Plots julia> using Plots and generate a heatmap plot of the results with julia> plot(sol) # No trailing semicolon, otherwise no plot is shown This will open a new window with a 2D visualization of the final solution: The method Note on performance: Julia uses just-in-time compilation to transform its
source code to native, optimized machine code at the time of execution and
caches the compiled methods for further use. That means that the first execution
of a Julia method is typically slow, with subsequent runs being much faster. For
instance, in the example above the first execution of DocumentationAdditional documentation is available that contains more information on how to
modify/extend Trixi's implementation, how to visualize output files etc. It
also includes a section on our preferred development workflow and some tips for
using Git. The latest documentation can be accessed either
online or under ReferencingIf you use Trixi in your own research or write a paper using results obtained with the help of Trixi, please cite the following articles: @article{ranocha2022adaptive,
title={Adaptive numerical simulations with {T}rixi.jl:
{A} case study of {J}ulia for scientific computing},
author={Ranocha, Hendrik and Schlottke-Lakemper, Michael and Winters, Andrew Ross
and Faulhaber, Erik and Chan, Jesse and Gassner, Gregor},
journal={Proceedings of the JuliaCon Conferences},
title={A purely hyperbolic discontinuous {G}alerkin approach for
self-gravitating gas dynamics},
author={Schlottke-Lakemper, Michael and Winters, Andrew R and
Ranocha, Hendrik and Gassner, Gregor J},
journal={Journal of Computational Physics},
} In addition, you can also refer to Trixi directly as @misc{schlottkelakemper2020trixi,
title={{T}rixi.jl: {A}daptive high-order numerical simulations
of hyperbolic {PDE}s in {J}ulia},
author={Schlottke-Lakemper, Michael and Gassner, Gregor J and
Ranocha, Hendrik and Winters, Andrew R and Chan, Jesse},
} AuthorsTrixi was initiated by Michael Schlottke-Lakemper (University of Stuttgart, Germany) and Gregor Gassner (University of Cologne, Germany). Together with Hendrik Ranocha (University of Hamburg, Germany), Andrew Winters (Linköping University, Sweden), and Jesse Chan (Rice University, US), they are the principal developers of Trixi. The full list of contributors can be found in License and contributingTrixi is licensed under the MIT license (see Since Trixi is an open-source project, we are very happy to accept contributions from the community. Please refer to for more details. To get in touch with the developers, join us on Slack or create an issue. AcknowledgmentsThis project has benefited from funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy EXC 2044-390685587, Mathematics Münster: Dynamics-Geometry-Structure. This project has benefited from funding from the European Research Council through the ERC Starting Grant "An Exascale aware and Un-crashable Space-Time-Adaptive Discontinuous Spectral Element Solver for Non-Linear Conservation Laws" (Extreme), ERC grant agreement no. 714487. This project has benefited from funding from Vetenskapsrådet (VR, Swedish Research Council), Sweden grant agreement 2020-03642 VR. This project has benefited from funding from the United States National Science Foundation under awards DMS-1719818 and DMS-1943186. |