Laravel Collective - Maintainers of components removed from core Laravel framework, including annotations, remote (SSH), and forms/HTML.
Packagist - Official directory of Laravel (and other Composer-installable) packages.
Packalyst - Directory of Laravel packages (semi-official).
Packanalyst - Search engine and source-code browser for any PHP class, interface, or trait in Packagist.
Spatie - A large collection of Laravel specific quality packages made by Spatie.
Admin Tools/Panels
Volt Laravel - Full Stack Laravel App using LiveWire & Alpine JS based on the most popular Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Interface
Backpack for Laravel - Set of modular packages for building admin interfaces for Laravel based on Admin LTE. [10/01/2016]
Laralum - Simple admin panel with database CRUD support and built-in support for Laravel Auth. [09/06/2016]
Laravel Admin - Provides a new Artisan admin command set for generation and management of administration routes, controllers, views, and configuration. [08/30/2016]
Laravel Admin Panel - Laravel tool for managing users, roles, permissions, and CRUD generation. [04/12/2016]
Laravel Admin Starter - Minimalist admin panel for managing users, roles, and permissions.
Laravel Administrator - An administrative interface builder for Laravel that allows you to visually manage your Eloquent models and their relations and create stand-alone settings pages for storing site data and performing site tasks.
Laravel Totem - A nice dashboard for managing Laravel scheduler tasks. [08/25/2017]
Laravel Orchid - Orchid is a free Laravel package that abstracts standard business logic and allows code-driven rapid application development of back office applications, admin/user panels and dashboards. [01/12/2021]
UserFrosting - A web framework and fully implemented user management application that uses Laravel's ORM and cache components. The Sprinkle system allows you to easily and cleanly extend the core codebase with the custom features that your application requires.
Voyager - Comprehensive Laravel admin package with support for CRUD administration of database, menu editor, media manager and more. [11/01/2016]
Algorithms/Data Structures
Laravel NestedSet - An implementation of a tree data structure in a relational database. [03/16/2017]
HashIDs - Laravel wrapper for the HashIDs tool to generate short, unique hashes for any integer (e.g., surrogate key ID).
Laravel Hashid - Obfuscate your data by generating reversible, non-sequential, URL-safe identifiers.
Acacha Laravel Social - OAuth Social Login/Register implementation with Github, Facebook, Google, Twitter... using Laravel Socialite and (optionally) AdminLTE Laravel package . [23/02/2017]
LDAP-Auth - Very basic read-only LDAP authentication driver for Laravel 5.1+. [11/23/2015]
Libsodium for Laravel - Laravel package wrapper for the libsodium library which allows it to be a drop-in replacement for the Laravel native encryption and hashing classes/services. [09/14/2015]
OAuth-4-Laravel - Laravel package wrapper for PHPoAuthLib with support for OAuth 1 and OAuth 2 providers.
OAuth-5-Laravel - Laravel 5.x package wrapper for PHPoAuthLib with support for OAuth 1 and OAuth 2 providers. [07/20/2015]
PropAuth - Package that supports property-based security policy evaluation. See tutorial here. [01/04/2015]
Purifier - HTMLPurifier for Laravel 5 - HTML filter
ReplayPHP Auth - Enhancements to the Laravel 5 Auth module. [11/07/2016]
Roles - Powerful package for handling roles and permissions in Laravel. [07/16/2015]
Sentinel - Fully-featured, framework-agnostic (works great with Laravel!) authentication and authorization system. (Successor to Cartalyst's Sentry library.) [07/02/2015]
SleepingOwl Admin - An administrative interface builder for Laravel models that supports customization. [04/27/2015]
URL Signer - Improve Laravel security by creating URLs with limited lifetime (similar to AWS signed URLs). [08/16/2015]
Laravel Security Checker - Added Laravel functionality to SensioLabs Security Checker. Adds a command to check for, and optionally emails you, vulnerabilities when they affect you. [07/24/2017]
Boilerplate/Customized Configurations
Laravel Code Generator - A clean code generator for Laravel framework that will save you time! This awesome tool will help you generate resources like views, controllers, routes, migrations, languages or request-forms! It is extremely flexible and customizable to cover many on the use cases. It is shipped with cross-browsers compatible template, along with a client-side…
Acacha adminlte-laravel - A Laravel 5 package that switches default Laravel scaffolding/boilerplate to AdminLTE template with Bootstrap 3.0 and Pratt Landing Page. [02/02/2016]
Antares Project - Custom re-packaging of Laravel, Vue.JS, and more as a starting point for building new applications quickly. [06/27/2017]
Base Laravel Admin - A basic Laravel 4.x install with a admin site/dashboard using Bootstrap 3. [04/13/2015]
Bootstrapper for Laravel - Laravel package that provides fluent interface for using Bootstrap CSS framework in Laravel. [11/09/2015]
Enso - Boilerplate for building single-page apps (SPA) with Laravel and Vue.JS using Bulma CSS framework. [09/17/2018]
esensi - Laravel boilerplate application with enhancements for loaders and models.
Fountain - Comprehensive application builder for Laravel 5 including ecommerce, invoicing and more. [10/17/2016]
Gold Standard - Boilerplate template for clean, resourceful, testable Laravel applications. [03/31/2017]
Hexavel - Restructured version of Laravel framework to provide streamlined workflows and simplify development process. [12/30/2015]
HTG Laravel - Basic Laravel boilerplate with AdminLTE focused on rapid prototyping. [07/28/2016]
L4 Core - Laravel 4 application boilerplate built from author's other packages; includes Bootstrap. [06/11/2015]
LaraAdmin - LaraAdmin is a Open source Laravel Admin Panel / CMS which can be used as Admin Backend, Data Management Tool or CRM boilerplate for Laravel with features like Advanced CRUD Generation, Module Manager, Backups and many more. [12/13/2016]
Laracogs - Package that includes helpers for Bootstrap, CRUD, notifications, billing via Cashier, and form generation. [04/26/2016]
LaraLTE2 - Laravel PHP Framework with AdminLTE2 and other packages and JavaScript tools. [06/04/2016]
Laramen - Customized configuration of Laravel that uses Lumen-powered API routes. [09/26/2017]
Larafolio - Web design portfolio management tool built with Laravel. [06/28/2018]
LaraProto - Laravel web site prototype with built-in user management and Bootstrap styling. [08/06/2015]
Laravel Angular Admin - Laravel, AngularJS, Bootstrap, and AdminLTE with OAuth and JWT authentication. [10/18/2016]
Laravel Enterprise Starter Kit (LESK) - Comprehensive boilerplate configuration that cleanly integrates many popular packages for quick start to new projects. [03/26/2017]
Laravel Hackathon Starter - Laravel boilerplate configuration with lots of built-in API support. [02/23/2016]
Laravel Kickstart - Laravel starter configuration with an Elixir configuration, the latest versions of Bootstrap and JQuery, a Blade wrapper template, debug tools, and much more. [03/09/2016]
Laravel Zero - Customized version of Laravel optimized for building console/shell/command-line applications. [06/27/2017]
Laravel-Auth - Laravel 5.4 configuration with email registration verification, social authentication, user roles and permissions, user profiles, and user management system. [08/19/2017]
Lucid - Lucid provides an architectural framework on top of Laravel for building scalable applications, with focus on domain-driven design and service-orientation. [10/08/2021]
Owl - Laravel 5.5 configuration with CRUD generator, roles/permissions, Bootstrap 4, DataTables, and much more. [09/05/2017]
React-Redux-Laravel - Boilerplate blog application for a Laravel JWT Backend and a React/Redux Front-End with Bootstrap 4. [06/06/2016]
Scafold - Adds back some of the boilerplate/scaffolding removed in Laravel 5.1. [07/20/2015]
Skeletor - Interactive shell tool for creating a new Laravel/Lumen project that automates several common steps. Learn more here. [10/05/2017]
Support - Adds some nice features and other third-party packages to your Laravel installation. [10/05/2015]
Turtle - Laravel 5.5 package with front & backend scaffolding including a CRUD generator, auth integration, roles, permissions, contact forms, reCAPTCHA, activity logs, demo mode, user timezones, AJAX CRUD/validation, Bootstrap 4, DataTables, & more. [09/18/2017]
UIkit UI preset - UI preset for Laravel 6 that bundles UIkit and Vue.js [09/16/2019]
Watts - Custom configuration with tools for developing microservices using Lumen. [05/10/2016]
Wave - An open-source Software as a Service (SaaS) Starter Kit (Laravel Spark alternative) [04/14/2021]
Analogue - Intuitive, fluent data mapper ORM for Laravel and PHP. [07/15/2015]
Apify - API generator for Laravel that allows JSON access to any model/table. [01/07/2017]
Attribute Events - Fire events on attribute changes of your Eloquent model. [07/09/2020]
belongsToThrough - Adds trait to Eloquent models to support ''belongsToThrough'' relationship. [10/21/2015]
Eloquent Populator - Populate Laravel's Eloquent ORM's models by guessing the best Faker formatters for their attributes from their columns' names and types. [02/16/2017]
Eloquent Sortable - Adds a sortable trait to Eloquent models for Laravel 4/5. [05/25/2015]
Eloquent Versioned - Adds transparent versioning to Eloquent models, which persists an entirely new row in database when updating a model instance. [06/08/2015]
Eloquent Preferences - Allows binding of multiple key-value pair preferences to your Eloquent models. [12/29/2015]
glmdev/search - Adds relevance-based keyword search capability to any fields of Eloquent models. [07/26/2017]
Lada Cache - A Redis based, automated and scalable database caching layer for Laravel 5.1+. [21/09/2016]
Laracadamy Generators - Extends Artisan generate command to automatically build model directly from database table. [09/02/2016]
Laradump - A Laravel wrapper package for the MySQL mysqldump tool to allow exporting of your database and reloading via Laravel Artisan commands. [08/03/2016]
Laraformer - Laravel package to add a transformation layer to your Eloquent model. [03/05/2016]
Laravel Media Library - Package for associating files (including those hosted on Amazon S3) with Eloquent model. [07/15/2015]
Laravel Normalizer - Simple package to allow model-independent normalization (i.e., capitalization, numeric formatting, etc.) of data before persisting. [07/28/2016]
Laravel Property Bag - Add settings or other properties to Laravel models simply and easily. [06/28/2018]
Laravel References - Provides a simple way to add unique references to models that can be resolved via route model binding without exposing primary keys. [10/09/2017]
Laravel Searchy - Easy-to-use database searching package for Laravel 4 with support for fuzzy searching and sensitivity configuration. [04/30/2015]
LODM - ODM package for Laravel with native support for MongoDB that supports inheritance, composition, and aggregation, as well as hierarchical data. [10/12/2015]
MySQL to Laravel - Script to generate Laravel migrations from an existing MySQL database. [02/20/2016]
ODBC Driver - Laravel 5.x package which provides support for using any database via ODBC. [07/20/2015]
PHP Eloquent Repository - Repository package for Eloquent for use with Eloquent or plain PHP. [02/15/2016]
Query Dumper - Output query SQL and results to your view page for debugging. [09/18/2017]
- Reliese Laravel Model Generator provides some convenient code-generation capabilities for Laravel models and corresponding database tables. [04/14/2021]
Revisionable - Adds simple (and, optionally, trait-based) support for keeping revision history of models in your Laravel applications.
Searchable - a trait for Laravel 4.2+ and Laravel 5.0 that adds a simple search function to Eloquent Models to prioritize fields for searching. [12/04/2016]
Single-Table Inheritance - Adds a trait to Eloquent models to allow multiple models to be stored in the same database table. [07/12/2015]
Unique With Validator - Provides support for composite unique indexes, such as combination of first and last name.
QueryBuilderParser - A Laravel package that builds SQL queries based on input from a jQuery QueryBuilder.
Design Pattern Tools
Laravel Context - Provides application contextual support for using different service providers, such as the case of admin functionality versus regular functionality. [07/07/2015]
Repositories Maker - Adds Artisan command to auto-generate repositories for all Eloquent models. [10/01/2016]
Laravel Widgetize - Helps you have clean controller methods + easy caching. [4/4/2017]
Development Tools
Acacha llum - Llum illuminates your Laravel projects speeding up your Github/Laravel development workflow. [23/02/2017]
Artisan Menu - Provides menu-driven front-end for Artisan, including custom Artisan commands and prompting for arguments. [07/16/2018]
Artisan View - Adds a make:viewArtisan command for generating a Blade view file. [07/27/2016]
Blacksmith - Independent code-generation tool that works closely with Laravel to generate models, views, controllers, seeds, forms, and much more.
Candela - A Silex/Slim style version of Laravel's Lumen microframework. [05/16/2015]
Debug Window - Extension of popular DebugBar tool that displays variables sent to view in easy-to-read format. [07/20/2015]
Env Providers - Load service providers based on the application's current environment. [03/07/2017]
Inspector - Utility that checks installed Composer project dependencies and notifies you of any updates (not Laravel specific). [04/26/2016]
Interactive Make - Turns Artisan make command into fully-interactive wizard for all options. [04/26/2017]
Lambo - Simple shell script that speeds the process of creating and configuring a new Laravel project. [07/24/2017]
Laraquick - Collection of classes to help speed Laravel development. [04/23/2018]
Larastan - Wrapper package for PhpStan static-analysis tool. [07/23/2018]
Larasupport - Provides some missing helpers to Lumen and allows Laravel packages to be used with Lumen. [06/08/2015]
Laravel API Generator - Another independent code-generation tool for creating project boilerplate, including migrations, models, controllers, various views, etc. [05/14/2015]
Laravel Backup - Artisan extension that allows you to backup your application and database into a ZIP archive.
Laravel Console - An in-browser console for running Laravel commands (or any PHP code!). Like a browser-based version of Artisan. [04/22/2015]
Laravel Decomposer - Generates a list of all of the packages used by your Laravel application, including dependencies, and displays them in the browser. [02/20/2017]
Laravel Environment - Artisan extension to create and edit environment-specific configuration files in the shell.
Laravel Environment Manager - Artisan command for managing multiple environments (.env) for a Laravel 5 application.
Laravel Inspector - Comprehensive debugging and profiling tool with full logging capabilities that outputs errors and logged actions to browser JavaScript console. [08/03/2016]
Laravel Log Viewer - Add on which allows you to view your Laravel 4.2/5.0 log file within the application itself by opening the logs (or other) route.
Laravel Make-Me - Extendable interactive Artisan make command. [03/03/2018]
Laravel PackMe - A shell/command-line starter kit for developing pakcages for Laravel 5. [06/16/2016]
Laravel Permission - A simple package to manage users, roles, and permissions in Laravel. [09/22/2015]
Laravel Tracer - Displays the full path of each Blade view, including partials, loaded into template at place it is applied. [06/22/2017]
Laravel UUID - Laravel 4.x/5.x package to generate a UUID according to the RFC 4122 standard. See here for example usage as database key. [04/29/2016]
Laravel View Xray - Provides capability to show which Blade template rendered various portions of page in a view. [07/24/2018]
Laravel Web Installer - Package helps you design an installer/setup wizard to allow users to install Laravel application without using Composer, SSH, etc. [09/14/2015]
Laravel-4-Generators - Package for speeding up development by generating classes, migrations, database seeds, and more.
Laroute - Package of helper functions for "porting" Laravel routes over to JavaScript for use on front end of application.
Laravel Resourceful - Generates full complement of CRUD resource Laravel code, including migrations, seeds, requests, controllers, models, and views. [04/20/2015]
Links - Package for link statistics and tracking, including browser type, OS, language, and more. [11/04/2016]
Llum - Command-line utility to perform common configuration tasks for Laravel framework. [08/12/2017]
Lumen Generators - Adds several Artisan commands for generating controllers, models, migrations, resources, routes and more. (For Lumen and Laravel) [09/03/2017]
Make:User - Adds an Artisan command for generating a new user account based on e-mail address with optional name. [11/15/2016]
Migrations Generator - Generate database migrations from existing database schema.
Open on Make - Simple package to open new file created by artisan make command in editor of your choice. [06/25/2018]
PHP Console - Laravel package wrapper/service provider to handle PHP errors, dump variables, execute PHP code remotely, etc. in Google Chrome with PHP Console extension.
Potion - Asset management tool for Laravel 5 based off of Assetic with only PHP dependencies. [04/05/2015]
Pretty Routes - Adds a /routes URL to your application for a nice visualization of all of the routes, including HTTP methods, middleware used, and more. [08/31/2016]
SmartSeeder - SmartSeeder extends database seeding beyond development to allow to use different seed data depending on the environment.
sqli - Laravel 4 Artisan SQL REPL (interactive tool), similar to tinker for SQL queries.
Environment - A simple library to increase the power of your environment variables.
Laravel PostGIS - Package to simplify use of PostGIS geometry data in Laravel. [09/11/2017]
Postcode - Simple searching by postal codes for geographic information, including latitude/longitude. [09/24/2016]
Alerts - Package for handling global site messages in Laravel. [07/30/2015]
Beautymail - Send responsive HTML emails from Laravel Blade views. [11/03/2016]
Blade - Allows you to use Laravel Blade templates as standalone components outside of Laravel. [10/17/2016]
Blade on Steroids - Several enhancements to the standard Blade syntax, including sub-templating and much more.
Bruno - A Laravel base controller class and a trait that will enable to add filtering, sorting, eager loading and pagination to your resource URLs. [12/31/2016]
Captain Hook - Adds support for web hooks (a.k.a. callback functions) in Laravel Package supporting multiple JavaScript charting libraries, including ChartJS, Highcharts, Chartist, and more. [10/15/2016]driven by Laravel's Event system. [11/04/2015]
Charts - Package supporting multiple JavaScript interactive charting libraries, including ChartJS, Highcharts, Chartist, and more. [10/15/2016]
CSS Colors - Tool to automatically produce color variations/gradients for foreground and background based on input CSS hex color (wrapper for this PHP class). [04/05/2015]
HTML5 Inputs - Extends Laravel Form class to support HTML5 form controls, including color, date, datetime, datatime-local, month, number, range, search, tel, time, and week. [04/27/2015]
HTML5 Forms for Laravel - Another package to extend Laravel FormBuilder to support HTML5 form elements. [06/11/2015]
Intervention Image - An open-source PHP image handling and manipulation library with Laravel facades and service providers. [02/11/2016]
iSeed - Inverse seed generator to create a database seed file using existing data in database table.
Ixudra Curl - Laravel package for fluent curl support. [01/23/2016]