开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):ozdemirburak/laravel-8-simple-cms开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):PHP 74.1%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):Laravel 8 Simple CMSBasic boilerplate content management system for starters, supports Laravel 8.0. Table of ContentsFeatures:
Quick Start:Clone this repository and install the dependencies.
Run the command below to initialize. Do not forget to configure your .env file.
Install node and npm following one of the techniques explained in this link to create and compile the assets of the application.
Finally, serve the application.
Open http://localhost:8000 from your browser.
To access the admin panel, hit the link
http://localhost:8000/admin from your browser.
The application comes with default user with email address Installation Guide:Step 1: Download the RepositoryEither Clone the repository using git clone: Step 2: Initialize the ApplicationTo install the composer dependencies you need to have composer installed, if you don't have composer installed,
then follow these instructions. Finally run, Run If you do not have node and npm installed, follow one of the techniques explained in this link.
Then, to install our boilerplate project's asset dependencies, run Step 3: ServeTo serve the application, you can use Step 4: ExtrasIf you want to use the Gmail client to send emails, you need to change the To use the Analytics API, and have all the features of the dashboard, follow the instructions explained in detail here. You will also need a key for Google Javascript API, has the instructions here. Also if you want to use CAPTCHA in the login form, you will also need to secrets and keys from here. Finally, if you need to re-initialize our simple boilerplate CMS, just run the command below where it will also update the assets for you.
User GuideHow to Create a New ResourceLets assume we want to create a new resource for fruits where it will have title, description and content attributes.
You will see an output like below. The CMS generator will do ALL the boring stuff for you, it will create a migration file with a title, description, content, and slug columns by default, also the respecting Controller and Model files, it will also add the resource to routes, RouteServiceProvider, even it will add the basic language key value pairs to the language file. Just check and edit the files below to proceed.
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