开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):barryvdh/laravel-elfinder开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):PHP 65.3%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):elFinder Package for LaravelFor Laravel 8.x and older, please use the latest 0.4 version.This packages integrates elFinder 2.1, by making the php files available with Composer (+autoloading) and the assets with a publish command. It also provides some example views for standalone, tinymce and ckeditor. Files are updated from the a seperate build repository
InstallationRequire this package with Composer
Add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in app/config/app.php Barryvdh\Elfinder\ElfinderServiceProvider::class You need to copy the assets to the public folder, using the following artisan command:
Remember to publish the assets after each update (or add the command to your post-update-cmd in composer.json) Routes are added in the ElfinderServiceProvider. You can set the group parameters for the routes in the configuration.
You can change the prefix or filter/middleware for the routes. If you want full customisation, you can extend the ServiceProvider and override the ConfigurationThe default configuration requires a directory called 'files' in the public folder. You can change this by publishing the config file.
In your config/elfinder.php, you can change the default folder, the access callback or define your own roots. ViewsYou can override the default views by copying the resources/views folder. You can also do that with the
Using Filesystem disksLaravel has the ability to use Flysystem adapters as local/cloud disks. You can add those disks to elFinder, using the This examples adds the 'disks' => [
'my-disk' => [
'URL' => url('to/disk'),
'alias' => 'Local storage',
], You can add an array to provide extra options, like the URL, alias etc. Look here for all options. If you do not provide an URL, the URL will be generated by the disk itself. Using Glide for imagesSee elfinder-flysystem-driver for Glide usage. A basic example with a custom Laravel disk and Glide would be:
You should now see a root 'public' in elFinder with the files in your public folder, with thumbnails generated by Glide. URLs will also point to the Glide server, for images. TinyMCE 5.xYou can use tinyMCE 5 integration with the following route route('elfinder.tinymce5'); In the TinyMCE init code, add the following line: file_picker_callback : elFinderBrowser Then add the following function (change the function elFinderBrowser (callback, value, meta) {
title: 'File Manager',
url: elfinder_url,
* On message will be triggered by the child window
* @param dialogApi
* @param details
* @see
onMessage: function (dialogApi, details) {
if (details.mceAction === 'fileSelected') {
const file =;
// Make file info
const info =;
// Provide file and text for the link dialog
if (meta.filetype === 'file') {
callback(file.url, {text: info, title: info});
// Provide image and alt text for the image dialog
if (meta.filetype === 'image') {
callback(file.url, {alt: info});
// Provide alternative source and posted for the media dialog
if (meta.filetype === 'media') {
} TinyMCE 4.xYou can use tinyMCE integration with the following route, which by default is route('elfinder.tinymce4'); In the TinyMCE init code, add the following line: file_browser_callback : elFinderBrowser Then add the following function (change the function elFinderBrowser (field_name, url, type, win) {{
file: '<?= route('elfinder.tinymce4') ?>',// use an absolute path!
title: 'elFinder 2.0',
width: 900,
height: 450,
resizable: 'yes'
}, {
setUrl: function (url) {
win.document.getElementById(field_name).value = url;
return false;
} TinyMCE 3.xYou can add tinyMCE integration with the following route (default:
In the TinyMCE init code, add the following line: file_browser_callback : 'elFinderBrowser' Then add the following function (change the function elFinderBrowser (field_name, url, type, win) {
var elfinder_url = '/elfinder/tinymce'; // use an absolute path!{
file: elfinder_url,
title: 'elFinder 2.0',
width: 900,
height: 450,
resizable: 'yes',
inline: 'yes', // This parameter only has an effect if you use the inlinepopups plugin!
popup_css: false, // Disable TinyMCE's default popup CSS
close_previous: 'no'
}, {
window: win,
input: field_name
return false;
} CKeditor 4.xYou can add CKeditor integration with the following route:
In the CKeditor config file: config.filebrowserBrowseUrl = '/elfinder/ckeditor'; Standalone Popup SelectorTo use elFinder by using a href, button or other element to trigger a popup window, you will need to do the following. Add support for a popup window, we have used Jacklmoore's jQuery colorbox, (Not included), but you could use any other, obviously adjusting the following instructions accordingly. Add required routesYou can add the popup with the following action:
Add the required resourcesBe Sure that you have published this packages public assets as described above. Then within the <head> section of your page include the required colorbox styles (we suggest example1' styles, but any will do) <link href="/assets/css/colorbox.css" rel="stylesheet"> Colorbox depends on jQuery, so ensure that you have it included within your page, then somewhere after your jQuery file has been included, add the script for jQuery Colorbox, such as... <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/js/jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script> Now add a link to the popup script, just before the close of your <body> tag. A non-minified version is also provided, for if you wish to modify the colorbox config. Simply copy to your assets location, and adjust/minify as desired. <script type="text/javascript" src="/packages/barryvdh/elfinder/js/standalonepopup.min.js"></script> UsageIn order to use the finder to populate an input, simply add your input that you wish to be populated, ensuring to use an ID (This will be used to update the value once a file/image has been selected)...... <label for="feature_image">Feature Image</label>
<input type="text" id="feature_image" name="feature_image" value=""> Now just add the element that you wish to use to trigger the popup, ensuring to add the class <a href="" class="popup_selector" data-inputid="feature_image">Select Image</a> You can have as many elements as you wish on the page, just be sure to provide each with a unique ID, and set the data-updateid attribute on the selector accordingly. |