开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):kubernetes-sigs/kustomize开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Go 52.4%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):kustomize
This tool is sponsored by sig-cli (KEP). kubectl integrationThe kustomize build flow at v2.0.3 was added to kubectl v1.14. The kustomize flow in kubectl remained frozen at v2.0.3 until kubectl v1.21, which updated it to v4.0.5. It will be updated on a regular basis going forward, and such updates will be reflected in the Kubernetes release notes.
For examples and guides for using the kubectl integration please see the kubernetes documentation. Usagekustomization file1) Make aIn some directory containing your YAML resource files (deployments, services, configmaps, etc.), create a kustomization file. This file should declare those resources, and any customization to apply to them, e.g. add a common label. File structure:
The resources in this directory could be a fork of someone else's configuration. If so, you can easily rebase from the source material to capture improvements, because you don't modify the resources directly. Generate customized YAML with:
The YAML can be directly applied to a cluster:
variants using overlays2) CreateManage traditional variants of a configuration - like development, staging and production - using overlays that modify a common base. File structure:
Take the work from step (1) above, move it into a
An overlay is just another kustomization, referring to the base, and referring to patches to apply to that base. This arrangement makes it easy to manage your
configuration with Generate YAML with kustomize build ~/someApp/overlays/production The YAML can be directly applied to a cluster:
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