开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):splunk/splunk-connect-for-kubernetes开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):Python 75.8%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):What does Splunk Connect for Kubernetes do?Splunk Connect for Kubernetes provides a way to import and search your Kubernetes logging, object, and metrics data in your Splunk platform deployment. Splunk Connect for Kubernetes supports importing and searching your container logs on the following technologies:
Splunk Inc. is a proud contributor to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Splunk Connect for Kubernetes utilizes and supports multiple CNCF components in the development of these tools to get data into Splunk. Prerequisites
Before you beginSplunk Connect for Kubernetes supports installation using Helm. Read the Prerequisites and Installation and Deployment documentation before you start your deployment of Splunk Connect for Kubernetes. Perform the following steps before you install:
Deploy with HelmHelm, maintained by the CNCF, allows the Kubernetes administrator to install, upgrade, and manage the applications running in their Kubernetes clusters. For more information on how to use and configure Helm Charts, see the Helm site and repository for tutorials and product documentation. Helm is the only method that the Splunk software supports for installing Splunk Connect for Kubernetes. To install and configure defaults with Helm:
helm repo add splunk
Helm 2 helm inspect values splunk/splunk-connect-for-kubernetes > values.yaml Helm 3 helm show values splunk/splunk-connect-for-kubernetes > values.yaml
Helm 2 helm install --name my-splunk-connect -f values.yaml splunk/splunk-connect-for-kubernetes Helm 3 helm install my-splunk-connect -f values.yaml splunk/splunk-connect-for-kubernetes
To learn more about using and modifying charts, see:
Configuration variables for HelmTo learn more about using and modifying charts, see: Deploy using YAML (unsupported)
You can grab the manifest YAML files and use them to create the Kubernetes objects needed to deploy Splunk Connect for Kubernetes. Please note that installation and debugging for Splunk Connect for Kubernetes through YAML is community-supported only. When you use YAML to deploy Splunk Connect for Kubernetes, the installation does not create the default configuration that is created when you install using Helm. To deploy the connector using YAML, you must know how to configure your Kubernetes variables to work with the connector. If you are not familiar with this process, we recommend that you use the Helm installation method. To configure the Splunk Connector for Kubernetes using YAML files:
ArchitectureSplunk Connect for Kubernetes deploys a DaemonSet on each node. And in the DaemonSet, a Fluentd container runs and does the collecting job. Splunk Connector for Kubernetes collects three types of data:
To collect the data, Splunk leverages:
LogsSplunk Connect for Kubernetes uses the Kubernetes node logging agent to collect logs. Splunk deploys a DaemonSet on each of these nodes. Each DaemonSet holds a Fluentd container to collect the data. The following plugins are enabled in that Fluentd container:
Kubernetes ObjectsSplunk Connect for Kubernetes collects Kubernetes objects that can help users access cluster status. Splunk deploys code in the Kubernetes cluster that collects the object data. That deployment contains one pod that runs Fluentd which contains the following plugins to help push data to Splunk:
MetricsSplunk Connect for Kubernetes deploys daemonsets on the Kubernetes cluster. These daemonsets have exactly one pod, which runs one container:
Make sure your Splunk configuration has a metrics index that is able to receive the data. See Get started with metrics in the Splunk Enterprise documentation. If you want to learn more about how metrics are monitored in a Kubernetes cluster, see Tools for Monitoring Compute, Storage, and Network Resources. If you want to learn more about which metrics are collected and metric names used with Splunk Connect for Kubernetes, view the metrics schema. PerformanceSome parameters used with Splunk Connect for Kubernetes can have an impact on overall performance of log ingestion, objects, or metrics. In general, the more filters that are added to one of the streams, the greater the performance impact. Splunk Connect for Kubernetes can exceed the default throughput of HEC. To best address capacity needs, Splunk recommends that you monitor the HEC throughput and back pressure on Splunk Connect for Kubernetes deployments and be prepared to add additional nodes as needed. Processing multiline LogsOne possible filter option is to enable the processing of multiline events. This feature is currently experimental and considered to be community supported. Configuring multiline fluentd filters to line break multiline logsConfigure apache tomcat multiline logs using the following steps:
<filter tail.containers.var.log.containers.toolbox*toolbox*.log>
@type concat
key log
timeout_label @SPLUNK
stream_identity_key stream
multiline_start_regexp /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}|^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}|^\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}\s-\s-/
multiline_end_regexp /\\n$/
separator ""
flush_interval 5s
Managing SCK Log Ingestion by Using AnnotationsManage Splunk Connect for Kubernetes Logging with these supported annotations.
Regarding excluding container logs: If possible, it is more efficient to exclude it using Searching for SCK metadata in SplunkSplunk Connect for Kubernetes sends events to Splunk which can contain extra meta-data attached to each event. Metadata values such as "pod", "namespace", "container_name","container_id", "cluster_name" will appear as fields when viewing the event data inside Splunk. There are two solutions for running searches in Splunk on meta-data.
For more information on index time field extraction please view this guide. Sending logs to ingest APISplunk Connect for Kubernetes can be used to send events to Splunk Ingest API. In the ingest_api section of the yaml file you are using to deploy, the following configuration options have to be configured:
Maintenance And SupportSplunk Connect For Kubernetes is supported through Splunk Support assuming the customer has a current Splunk support entitlement (Splunk Support). For customers that do not have a current Splunk support entitlement, please search open and closed issues and create a new issue if not already there. The current maintainers of this project are the DataEdge team at Splunk. LicenseSee LICENSE. |