-net=host: (optional) allows to connect to a local Kubernetes cluster.
--user $UID: (optional) by default runs as random UID 2342, this allows to access your existing ~/.kube if you have one. As you can note, you can run kubectl as any UID/GID.
-v XXX:/config: (optional) allows to store its configuration and possibly access existing configuration. Note that /config will always be the directory containing .kube (it's the forced HOME directory). Can be read-only. Alternatively you can mount a Kubernetes service account for example: -v /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount:/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount:ro.
Usage example 2
Here we use the service-account, so this should work from within a Pod on your cluster as long as you've docker installed (and may be DOCKER_HOST set up properly):
Note: Alternatively to using kube-dns, you can use environment variables set within Kubernetes containers: https://$KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST:$KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT.
You may setup an alias to run this is if you were running kubectl directly.
Here is a function POSIX-compatible that work for most shells: