Instructions how to deploy the full fake REST API json-server to various free hosting sites. Should only be used in development purpose but can act as a simpler database for smaller applications.
4 . Connect the Heroku CLI to your account by writing the following command in your terminal and follow the instructions on the command line:
heroku login
5 . Then create a remote heroku project, kinda like creating a git repository on GitHub. This will create a project on Heroku with a random name. If you want to name your app you have to supply your own name like heroku create project-name:
heroku create my-cool-project
6 . Push your app to Heroku (you will see a wall of code)
git push heroku master
7 . Visit your newly create app by opening it via heroku:
heroku open
8 . For debugging if something went wrong:
heroku logs --tail
How it works
Heroku will look for a startup-script, this is by default npm start so make sure you have that in your package.json (assuming your script is called server.js):
"scripts": {
"start" : "node server.js"
You also have to make changes to the port, you can't hardcode a dev-port. But you can reference herokus port. So the code will have the following:
Deploy to Glitch
Not tested 100%. Same as with Heroku, will sleep after a while.
Paste into the URL-input and click OK.
Wait for it to setup
Press Share-button to get your URL to live site. It should be something for example like: And your DB will be at
Deploy to Azure
You can also use Microsoft Azure to deploy a smaller app for free to the Azure platform. The service is not as easy as Heroku and you might go insane because the documentation is really really bad at some times and it's hard to troubleshoot.
The pros are that on Azure the app will not be forced to sleep. It will sleep automatically on inactivity but you can just visit it and it will start up.
2 . Create a resource group for your projects, replace the name to whatever you want just be sure to use the same group name in all commands to come. You only have to create the resource group and service plan once, then you can use the same group and plan for all other apps you create if you like.
az group create -n NameOfResourceGroup -l northeurope
3 . Create a service plan:
az appservice plan create -n NameOfServicePlan -g NameOfResourceGroup
4 . Create the actual app and supply the service plan and resource group
az webapp create -n NameOfApp -g NameOfResourceGroup --plan NameOfServicePlan
5 . Create deployment details. A git-repo is not created automatically so we have to create it with a command:
az webapp deployment source config-local-git -n NameOfApp -g NameOfResourceGroup
6 . From the command in step 5 you should get a url in return. Copy this url and add it as a remote to your local git project, for example:
You should be prompted to supply a password, this should be the pass to your account. If not, you can choose a different password at your Dashboard for Azure: