Serialization and deserialization results in the same JSON structure!
Automatically detects date/datetime parts and maps them to TDate/TDateTime (as long as dates are ISO8601 compliant);
Maps all numbers to Double;
Maps true/false values to Boolean;
Allows you to change property names (keys);
Allows you to change the names of the stub classes;
Supports JSON pretty print to format the input string;
Simple and responsive GUI;
*** Automatic check for update, based on ITask (Parallel Programming Library)!
It's open source! You can find the source code and binary releases on GitHub.
The program uses MadExcept to report unhanded exceptions;
If the JSON array is empty the contained type is unknown. Unit generation works only with known and supported types.
** This is because serialization of TList adds "noise" i.e. includes internal properties that did not exist in the original JSON string.
*** The releases of JsonToDelphiClass (source and binaries) are public and reside on GitHub. The update unit uses GitHub's REST API to enumerate tags/releases.
Report any problems/suggestions using GitHub's facilities.