开源软件名称:Dogwei/Swifter.Json开源软件地址:开源编程语言:C# 100.0%开源软件介绍:Swifter.JsonA powerful, easy-to-use and fastest json serializer and deserializer on .Net platforms.Nuget.If you want to use Swifter.Json, please download or install the latest version onNuget 上下载或安装最新版本。如果您想使用 Swifter.Json,请在Easy to use 简单使用public class Demo
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Name { get; set; }
public static void Main()
var json = JsonFormatter.SerializeObject(new { Id = 123, Name = "Dogwei" });
var dic = JsonFormatter.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(json);
var obj = JsonFormatter.DeserializeObject<Demo>(json);
} Supported data structures and types 支持的数据类型和结构bool, byte, sbyte, short, ushort, char, int, uint, long, ulong, IntPtr, UIntPtr,
float, double, decimal, string, enum, DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeSpan, Guid,
BigInteger, Complex, DBNull, Nullable<T>, Tuple<...>, ValueTuple<...>, Version,
Uri, Assembly, Type, MemberInfo, MethodInfo, FieldInfo, PropertyInfo, ConstructorInfo,
EventInfo, Array, Multidimensional-Arrays, IList, IList<T>, ICollection, ICollection<T>,
IDictionary, IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>, DataSet, DataTable,
DataRow, DbRowObject, DbDataReader...
Other types are treated as object 其他类型当作对象处理 Supported platforms and runtimes 支持的平台和运行时
Supported features 支持的功能
Performance 性能ServiceStack.Json, Jil, LitJson, NetJson and etc libraries are not shown because there are too many errors; if necessary, you can clone the test program on GitHub and run. Most of the Json serialization libraries of .NET have been included.Demos 示例(1) Deserialize to dynamic 反序列化为 dynamic var list = new List<object>
{ new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Id", 1 }, { "Name", "Dogwei" } }},
{ new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Id", 2 }, { "Name", "sg" } }},
{ new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Id", 3 }, { "Name", "cxw" } }},
{ new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Id", 4 }, { "Name", "eway" } }},
new Dictionary<string, object>() {
{ "Id", 5 },
{ "Name", "Xinwei Chen" },
{ "Data", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Age", 21 }, { "Sex", "Male" } } }
var json = JsonFormatter.SerializeObject(list);
dynamic dym = JsonFormatter.DeserializeObject<JsonValue>(json);
Console.WriteLine(dym[0].Name); // Dogwei
Console.WriteLine(dym[1].Name); // sg
Console.WriteLine(dym[2].Id); // 3
Console.WriteLine(dym[3].Id); // 4
Console.WriteLine(dym[4].Data.Age); // 21 (2) Attributes 特性[RWObject(SkipDefaultValue = RWBoolean.Yes)]
public class Demo
public int Id;
public string Name;
private int age;
[RWField(SkipDefaultValue = RWBoolean.No)]
public int? Sex;
public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }
public static void Main()
var obj = new Demo { Name = "Dogwei", age = 24, Birthday = DateTime.Parse("1996-01-08") };
var json = JsonFormatter.SerializeObject(obj);
var dest = JsonFormatter.DeserializeObject<Demo>(json);
// {"Age":24,"Birthday":"1996-01-08","Name":"Dogwei","Sex":null}
} (3) Advanced 进阶用法 var datatable = ValueCopyer.ValueOf(new[] {
new { Id = 1, Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Dogwei" },
new { Id = 2, Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "cxw" },
new { Id = 3, Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "sg" },
new { Id = 4, Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "eway" },
var jsonFormatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatterOptions.Indented);
var json = jsonFormatter.Serialize(datatable);
var dest = JsonFormatter.DeserializeObject<DataTable>(json);
"Guid": "1615527f673c499fac8de16847ad8783",
"Id": 1,
"Name": "Dogwei"
*/ var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "Id", 123 },
{ "SystemNo", "9110" },
{ "IMEI", 31415926535897UL }
var jsonFormatter = new JsonFormatter();
jsonFormatter.SetValueInterface(new MyUInt64Interface());
var json = jsonFormatter.Serialize(dic);
var obj = new { Id = 0, SystemNo = "", IMEI = 0UL, SIMId = 999 };
jsonFormatter.DeserializeTo(json, RWHelper.CreateWriter(obj));
Console.WriteLine(json); // {"Id":123,"SystemNo":"9110","IMEI":"0x1C92972436D9"}
Console.WriteLine(obj.Id); // 123
Console.WriteLine(obj.IMEI); // 31415926535897
Console.WriteLine(obj.SIMId); // 999
public class MyUInt64Interface : IValueInterface<ulong>
public unsafe ulong ReadValue(IValueReader valueReader)
var str = valueReader.ReadString();
fixed (char* chars = str)
return NumberHelper.GetNumberInfo(chars, str.Length).ToUInt64(16);
public void WriteValue(IValueWriter valueWriter, ulong value)
} (4) Use Swifter.Json on AspNetCore. 在 AspNetCore 上使用 Swifter.JsonFirst, reference the latest version of Swifter.Extensions.AspNetCore package on Nuget. And configure as follows.
首先在 Nuget 上引用最新的 Swifter.Extensions.AspNetCore 包,并如下配置。
/** Configure */
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
In this way, when the client use the application/json header request,
it will use Swifter.Json serialize results and deserialize parameters.
Or you can use the JsonResult to explicitly return Json content.
这样配置后,当客户端使用 application/json 头请求时,就会使用 Swifter.Json 序列化返回值或反序列化参数。
或者您可以使用 JsonResult 显式的返回 Json 内容。 |