开源软件名称:gregsdennis/Manatee.Json开源软件地址:开源编程语言:C# 81.9%开源软件介绍:After careful consideration, I may be halting development for this library in favor of a new suite of libraries that provide the same functionality using the Thank you to all those who helped make this library better through code contributions, bug reports, and feature suggestions. If you are interested in taking over development of this library, please DM me on Slack (link below) to discuss options. Manatee.JsonDocumentation for this library can be found here. The primary goal of Manatee.Json is to make working with JSON simple and intuitive for the developer. This library recognizes that JSON is much more than just a mechanism for data transfer. Secondarily, Manatee.Json is intended to be strictly compliant with RFC-8259, which means that it purposefully does not support JSON variants, like single-quoted strings or BSON. Read from a file
The Object modelThese JSON types map to primitive .Net types:
These JSON types map to types defined in Manatee.Json:
All of these types are encapsulated in a container type, For the JSON Building JSON manuallyManatee.Json defines implicit conversions to
Because the collection types are derived from core .Net types, you also get all of the initialization capabilities.
SerializationConverting .Net objects to and from JSON is also simple:
There are many ways to customize serialization. See the wiki page for more details! But wait, there's more!Manatee.Json also:
Serialization features:
See the docs for more information on how to use this wonderful library! ContributingIf you have questions, experience problems, or feature ideas, please create an issue. If you'd like to help out with the code, please feel free to fork and create a pull request. Special thanks@sixlettervariables (Christopher Watford) for digging around the muck that was the serialization code and drastically improving performance. @Kimtho for finding and fixing some backwards logic in the JSON Patch @desmondgc (Desmond Cox) for improving the validation within schemas for The ProjectThis code uses C# 7 features, so a compiler/IDE that supports these features is required. The library consists of a single project that target .Net Standard 1.3. The test project targets .Net Framework 4.6. BuildingDuring development, building within Visual Studio should be fine. Code style and maintenanceI use Jetbrains Resharper in Visual Studio to maintain the code style (and for many of the other things that it does). The solution is set up with team style settings, so if you're using Resharper the settings should automatically load. Please follow the suggestions. AppreciationIf you've enjoyed using this library and you'd like to contribute financially, please use the button below. |