Clean Blog Jekyll is a stylish, responsive blog theme for Bootstrap created by Start Bootstrap. This theme features a blog homepage, about page, contact page, and an example post page along with a working contact form powered by Formspree.
This repository holds the official Jekyll version of the Clean Blog theme on Start Bootstrap!
When installing the theme using RubyGems, demo images, posts, and pages are not included. Follow the instructions below for complete setup.
(Optional) Create a new Jekyll site: jekyll new my-site
Replace the current theme in your Gemfile with gem "jekyll-theme-clean-blog".
Install the theme (run the command inside your site directory): bundle install
Replace the current theme in your _config.yml file with theme: jekyll-theme-clean-blog.
Build your site: bundle exec jekyll serve
Assuming there are no errors and the site is building properly, follow these steps next:
Create the following pages if they do not exist already (or change the extension of existing markdown files from .md to .html):
index.html - set to layout: home
about.html - set to layout: page
contact.html - set to layout: page
posts/index.html - set to layout: page (you will also need to create a posts directory)
Configure the index.html front matter. Example:
---layout: homebackground: '/PATH_TO_IMAGE'---
Configure the about.html, contact.html, and posts/index.html front matter. Example:
---layout: pagetitle: Page Titledescription: This is the page description.background: '/PATH_TO_IMAGE'---
For each post in the _posts directory, update the front matter. Example:
---layout: posttitle: "Post Title"subtitle: "This is the post subtitle."date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSbackground: '/PATH_TO_IMAGE'---
For reference, look at the demo repository to see how the files are set up.
Add the form to the contact.html page. Add the following code to your contact.html page:
<formname="sentMessage" id="contactForm" novalidate><divclass="control-group"><divclass="form-group floating-label-form-group controls"><label>Name</label><inputtype="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Name" id="name" requireddata-validation-required-message="Please enter your name."><pclass="help-block text-danger"></p></div></div><divclass="control-group"><divclass="form-group floating-label-form-group controls"><label>Email Address</label><inputtype="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Email Address" id="email" requireddata-validation-required-message="Please enter your email address."><pclass="help-block text-danger"></p></div></div><divclass="control-group"><divclass="form-group col-xs-12 floating-label-form-group controls"><label>Phone Number</label><inputtype="tel" class="form-control" placeholder="Phone Number" id="phone" requireddata-validation-required-message="Please enter your phone number."><pclass="help-block text-danger"></p></div></div><divclass="control-group"><divclass="form-group floating-label-form-group controls"><label>Message</label><textarearows="5" class="form-control" placeholder="Message" id="message" requireddata-validation-required-message="Please enter a message."></textarea><pclass="help-block text-danger"></p></div></div><br><divid="success"></div><divclass="form-group"><buttontype="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="sendMessageButton">Send</button></div></form>
Make sure you have the email setting in your _config.yml file set to a working email address! Once this is set, fill out the form and then check your email, verify the email address using the link sent to you by Formspree, and then the form will be working!
Build your site: bundle exec jekyll serve
Using Core Files
When using the core files, the demo images, posts, and pages are all included with the download. After following the instructions below, you can then go and change the content of the pages and posts.
Update the following configuration settings in your _config.yml file:
email (after setting this setting to a working email address, fill out the form on the contact page and send it - then check your email and verify the address and the form will send you messages when used)
twitter_username (Optional)
facebook_username (Optional)
github_username (Optional)
linkedin_username (Optional)
instagram_username (Optional)
Build your site: bundle exec jekyll serve
Bugs and Issues
Have a bug or an issue with this template? Open a new issue here on GitHub!
Start Bootstrap is an open source library of free Bootstrap templates and themes. All of the free templates and themes on Start Bootstrap are released under the MIT license, which means you can use them for any purpose, even for commercial projects.