Run bundle to install the gems specified in your Gemfile.
Octopress reads its configurations from _config.yml. Here's what the configuration looks like by default.
# Default extension for new posts and pagespost_ext: markdownpage_ext: html# Default templates for posts and pages# Found in _templates/post_layout: postpage_layout: page# Format titles with titlecase?titlecase: true# Change default template file (in _templates/)post_template: postpage_template: pagedraft_template: draft
Octopress CLI Commands
Here are the subcommands for Octopress.
init <PATH> # Adds Octopress scaffolding to your site
new <PATH> # Like `jekyll new` + `octopress init`
new post <TITLE> # Add a new post to your site
new page <PATH> # Add a new page to your site
new draft <TITLE> # Add a new draft post to your site
publish <POST> # Publish a draft from _drafts to _posts
unpublish <POST> # Search for a post and convert it into a draft
isolate [POST] # Stash all posts but the one you're working on for a faster build
integrate # Restores all posts, doing the opposite of the isolate command
deploy # deploy your site via S3, Rsync, or to GitHub pages.
Run octopress --help to list sub commands and octopress <subcommand> --help to learn more about any subcommand and see its options.
$ octopress init <PATH> [options]
This will copy Octopress's scaffolding into the specified directory. Use the --force option to overwrite existing files. The scaffolding is pretty simple:
New Post
This automates the creation of a new post.
$ octopress new post "My Title"
This will create a new file at _posts/YYYY-MM-DD-my-title.markdown with the following YAML front-matter already added.
layout: post
title: "My Title"
date: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-00:00
Command options
--template PATH
Use a template from
--date DATE
The date for the post. Should be parseable by Time#parse
--slug SLUG
Slug for the new post.
--dir DIR
Create post at _posts/DIR/.
Overwrite existing file.
New Page
Creating a new page is easy, you can use the default file name extension (.html), pass a specific extension, or end with a / to create
an index.html document.
$ octopress new page some-page # ./some-page.html
$ octopress new page # ./
$ octopress new page docs/ # ./docs/index.html
If you are working with collections, you might add a page like this:
$ octopress new page _legal/terms # ./_legal/terms.html
After the page is created, Octopress will tell you how to configure this new collection.
Command options
--template PATH
Use a template from
--title TITLE
The title of the new page
--date DATE
The date for the page. Should be parseable by Time#parse
Overwrite existing file.
Note: The default page template doesn't expect a date. If you want to add dates
to your pages, consider adding date: {{ date }} to the default template
_templates/page, or create a new template to use for dated pages. Otherwise,
you will have the --date option to add a date to a page.
New Draft
This will create a new post in your _drafts directory.
$ octopress new draft "My Title"
--template PATH
Use a template from
--date DATE
The date for the draft. Should be parseable by Time#parse (defaults to
--slug SLUG
The slug for the new post.
Overwrite existing file.
Publish a draft
Use the publish command to publish a draft to the _posts folder. This will also rename the file with the proper date format.
In the first example, a draft is published using the path. The publish command can also search for a post by filename. The second command
would work the same as the first. If other drafts match your search, you will be prompted to select them from a menu. This is often much
faster than typing out the full path.
--date DATE
The date for the post. Should be parseable by Time#parse
--slug SLUG
Change the slug for the new post.
--dir DIR
Create post at _posts/DIR/.
Overwrite existing file.
When publishing a draft, the new post will use the draft's date. Pass the option --date now to the publish command to set the new post date from your system clock. As usual, you can pass any compatible date string as well.
Unpublish a post
Use the unpublish command to move a post to the _drafts directory, renaming the file according to the drafts convention.
$ octopress unpublish _posts/
$ octopress unpublish some post
Just like the publish command, you can either pass a path or a search string to match the file name. If more than one match is found, you
will be prompted to select from a menu of posts.
Templates for Posts and pages
Octopress post and page templates look like this.
layout: {{ layout }}
title: {{ title }}
Dates get automatically added to a template for posts, and for pages if a --date option is set.
You can add to the YAML front matter, add content below and even use liquid tags and filters from your site's plugins. There are
a handful of local variables you can use when working with templates.
The date (if set) or
The title of the page (if set)
The title in slug form
The date string, YYYY-MM-DD format
The date's year
The date's month, MM
The date's day, DD
By default Octopress has templates for pages, posts and drafts. You can change them or create new ones for different types of content.
To create linkposts template, add a file at _templates/linkpost, such as:
title: {{ title }}
external-url: {{ url }}
Then you can use it with a new post like this:
$ octopress new post "Some title" --template linkpost
$ octopress new post "Some title" -tm _templates/linkpost
In the second example, I'm passing the full template file path. This way I can use my shell's tab to auto-complete feature.
When creating templates, file name extensions are unnecessary since the files are just plain text anyway.
The isolate command will allow you to stash posts in _posts/_exile where they will be ignored by Jekyll during the build process.
Run octopress integrate to restore all exiled posts. This can be helpful if you have a very large site and you want to quickly preview a build
for a single post or page.
$ octopress isolate # Move all posts
$ octopress isolate _posts/ # Move post at path
$ octopress isolate kittens # Move post matching search
In the third example, if multiple posts match the search a prompt will ask you to select a post from a menu.
Deploying your site
The Octopress gem comes with octopress-deploy which allows you to easily deploy your site with Rsync, on S3 or Cloudfront, to GitHub pages, or other Git based deployment hosting platforms.
Once you've built your site (with jekyll build) you can deploy it like this:
$ octopress deploy
This reads a _deploy.yml configuration and deploys your site. Read below to learn how Octopress can generate a deployment configuration file for you.
Note: The _deploy.yml is processed through ERB, which makes it easy to load configurations from environment variables.
Deploy has a few commands you should know.
octopress deploy
Deploy your site (based on the _deploy.yml configuration)
octopress deploy init <METHOD> [options]
Generate a config file for the deployment method. (git, s3, rsync)
octopress deploy pull [DIR]
Pull down your site into a local directory.
octopress deploy add-bucket <NAME>
(S3 only) Add a bucket using your configured S3 credentials.
Generate Deployment configuration
Remember to add your configuration to .gitignore to be sure
you never commit sensitive information to your repository.
Octopress can generate a deployment configuration file for you using the octopress deploy init command.
This will generate a _deploy.yml file in your current directory which you can edit to add any necessary configuration.
If you like, you can pass configurations as command line options. To see specific options for any method, add the --help flag.
For example to see the options for configuring S3:
$ octopress deploy init s3 --help
If you want to publish your site to a staging server, you can create a second configuration. For example, to setup rsync for a staging site, you'd do this.
If you choose a bucket which doesn't yet exist, Octopress Deploy will offer to create it for you, and offer to configure it as a static website.
If you configure Octopress to delete files, all files found in the remote_path on S3 bucket will be removed unless they match local site files.
If remote_path is a subdirectory, only files in that subdirectory will be evaluated for deletion.
You can also set up your configuration to read your AWS credentials from your environment variables using ERB like this: