babel-cli |
Babel Command line interface |
babel-core |
Babel Core for transpiling the new JavaScript to old |
babel-loader |
Adds Babel support to Webpack |
babel-preset-latest |
Babel preset for running all the latest standardized JavaScript features |
babel-register |
Register Babel to transpile our Mocha tests |
chai |
Assertion library |
chalk |
Colored command line output |
cheerio |
Supports querying DOM with jQuery like syntax - Useful in testing and build process for HTML manipulation |
compression |
gzip http output |
cross-env |
Cross-environment friendly way to handle environment variables |
css-loader |
Add CSS support to Webpack |
eslint |
Lints JavaScript |
eslint-plugin-import |
Advanced linting of ES6 imports |
eslint-watch |
Add watch functionality to ESLint |
express |
Serves development and production builds |
extract-text-webpack-plugin |
Extracts CSS into separate file for production build |
html-webpack-plugin |
Generate HTML file programatically via Webpack |
jsdom |
In-memory DOM for testing |
json-schema-faker |
Declare a JSON schema for generating fake data |
json-server |
Serve a JSON API locally |
localtunnel |
Create a tunnel to your local machine |
mocha |
JavaScript testing library |
nock |
Mock HTTP requests via Node |
npm-run-all |
Display results of multiple commands on single command line |
numeral |
Library for working with numbers |
open |
Open app in default browser |
rimraf |
Delete files |
style-loader |
Add Style support to Webpack |
webpack |
Bundler with plugin system and integrated development server |
webpack-dev-middleware |
Adds middleware support to webpack |
webpack-hot-middleware |
Adds hot reloading to webpack |
webpack-md5-hash |
Used to hash files generated by Webpack using MD5 so that their names change when the content changes |