A quality conscious and organic JavaScript quality guide
This style guide aims to provide the ground rules for an application's JavaScript code, such that it's highly readable and consistent across different developers on a team. The focus is put on quality and coherence across the different pieces of your application.
These suggestions aren't set in stone, they aim to provide a baseline you can use in order to write more consistent codebases. To maximize effectiveness, share the styleguide among your co-workers and attempt to enforce it. Don't become obsessed about code style, as it'd be fruitless and counterproductive. Try and find the sweet spot that makes everyone in the team comfortable developing for your codebase, while not feeling frustrated that their code always fails automated style checking because they added a single space where they weren't supposed to. It's a thin line, but since it's a very personal line I'll leave it to you to do the drawing.
This style guide assumes you're using a module system such as CommonJS, AMD, ES6 Modules, or any other kind of module system. Modules systems provide individual scoping, avoid leaks to the global object, and improve code base organization by automating dependency graph generation, instead of having to resort to manually creating multiple <script> tags.
Module systems also provide us with dependency injection patterns, which are crucial when it comes to testing individual components in isolation.
Strict Mode
Always put 'use strict'; at the top of your modules. Strict mode allows you to catch nonsensical behavior, discourages poor practices, and is faster because it allows compilers to make certain assumptions about your code.
Spacing must be consistent across every file in the application. To this end, using something like .editorconfig configuration files is highly encouraged. Here are the defaults I suggest to get started with JavaScript indentation.
Settling for either tabs or spaces is up to the particularities of a project, but I recommend using 2 spaces for indentation. The .editorconfig file can take care of that for us and everyone would be able to create the correct spacing by pressing the tab key.
Spacing doesn't just entail tabbing, but also the spaces before, after, and in between arguments of a function declaration. This kind of spacing is typically highly irrelevant to get right, and it'll be hard for most teams to even arrive at a scheme that will satisfy everyone.
Try to keep these differences to a minimum, but don't put much thought to it either.
Where possible, improve readability by keeping lines below the 80-character mark.
Regardless of your choice, a linter should be used to catch unnecessary or unintentional semicolons.
Style Checking
Don't. Seriously, this is super painful for everyone involved, and no observable gain is attained from enforcing such harsh policies.
On the other hand, linting is sometimes necessary. Again, don't use a linter that's super opinionated about how the code should be styled, like jslint is. Instead use something more lenient, like jshint or eslint.
A few tips when using JSHint.
Declare a .jshintignore file and include node_modules, bower_components, and the like
You can use a .jshintrc file like the one below to keep your rules together
By no means are these rules the ones you should stick to, but it's important to find the sweet spot between not linting at all and not being super obnoxious about coding style.
Strings should always be quoted using the same quotation mark. Use ' or " consistently throughout your codebase. Ensure the team is using the same quotation mark in every portion of JavaScript that's authored.
varmessage='oh hai '+name+"!";
varmessage='oh hai '+name+'!';
Usually you'll be a happier JavaScript developer if you hack together a parameter-replacing method like util.format in Node. That way it'll be far easier to format your strings, and the code looks a lot cleaner too.
varmessage=util.format('oh hai %s!',name);
You could implement something similar using the piece of code below.
To declare multi-line strings, particularly when talking about HTML snippets, it's sometimes best to use an array as a buffer and then join its parts. The string concatenating style may be faster but it's also much harder to keep track of.
With the array builder style, you can also push parts of the snippet and then join everything together at the end. This is in fact what some string templating engines like Jade prefer to do.
Variable Declaration
Always declare variables in a consistent manner, and at the top of their scope. Keeping variable declarations to one per line is encouraged. Comma-first, a single var statement, multiple var statements, it's all fine, just be consistent across the project, and ensure the team is on the same page.
Just because they're consistent with each other, not because of the style
Variable declarations that aren't immediately assigned a value are acceptable to share the same line of code.
Brackets are enforced. This, together with a reasonable spacing strategy will help you avoid mistakes such as Apple's SSL/TLS bug.
It's even better if you avoid keeping conditionals on a single line, for the sake of text comprehension.
Ternary operators are fine for clear-cut conditionals, but unacceptable for confusing choices. As a rule, if you can't eye-parse it as fast as your brain can interpret the text that declares the ternary operator, chances are it's probably too complicated for its own good.
That being said, there's nothing wrong with function expressions that are just currying another function.
Keep in mind that function declarations will be hoisted to the top of the scope so it doesn't matter the order they are declared in. That being said, you should always keep functions at the top level in a scope, and avoid placing them inside conditional statements.
If you need a "no-op" method you can use either Function.prototype, or function noop () {}. Ideally a single reference to noop is used throughout the application.
Whenever you have to manipulate an array-like object, cast it to an array.
However, be aware that there is a substantial performance hit in V8 environments when using this approach on arguments. If performance is a major concern, avoid casting arguments with slice and instead use a for loop.