开源软件名称:watson-developer-cloud/speech-javascript-sdk开源软件地址:开源编程语言:JavaScript 97.5%开源软件介绍:IBM Watson Speech Services for Web Browsers Allows you to easily add voice recognition and synthesis to any web app with minimal code. Built for BrowsersThis library is primarily intended for use in web browsers. Check out ibm-watson to use Watson services (speech and others) from Node.js. However, a server-side component is required to generate auth tokens. The Installation - standalonePre-compiled bundles are available from on GitHub Releases - just download the file and drop it into your website: Installation - bowerbower install --save watson-speech Installation - npm with Browserify or WebpackThis library can be bundled with browserify or Webpack and easy included in larger projects:
This method enables a smaller bundle by only including the desired components, for example: var recognizeMic = require('watson-speech/speech-to-text/recognize-microphone'); Using with IAMThis SDK CAN be used in the browser with services that use IAM for authentication. This does require a server-side component - an endpoint used to retrieve the token. An example can be found here. In a local environment you should set only the Once that is set up, the token can be used in your SDK request with the parameter Using with AngularMake sure (window as any).global = window;
(window as any).process = require('process/browser');
import 'zone.js/dist/zone'; // Included with Angular CLI.
global.Buffer = global.Buffer || require('buffer').Buffer; ChangesSee for a complete list of changes. DevelopmentGlobal Transaction IDUnfortunately, there is no way to set or get the global transaction id provided by the initial websocket handshake with the Speech service. This is due to limitations from the W3C Websocket API for browser. It is possible; however, to grab the Use examples for developmentThe provided examples can be used to test developmental code in action:
This will build the local code, move the new bundle into the Note: This requires valid service credentials. TestingThe test suite is broken up into offline unit tests and integration tests that test against actual service instances.
To run the integration tests, service credentials are required. Make sure you have a valid |