开源软件名称:jprichardson/string.js开源软件地址:开源编程语言:JavaScript 100.0%开源软件介绍:string.js
Why?Personally, I prefer the cleanliness of the way code looks when it appears to be native methods. i.e. when you modify native JavaScript prototypes. However, if any app dependency required Here's a list of alternative frameworks:
Why wasn't I happy with any of them? They are all static methods that don't seem to support chaining in a clean way 'OR' they have an odd dependency. Sugar is the notable exception. Installation
Experiment with String.js NowAssuming you're on, just simply open up the Webkit inspector in either Chrome or Safari, or the web console in Firefox and you'll notice that UsageNode.jsvar S = require('string'); Originally, I was using RailsCheckout this gem to easily use string.js on the asset pipeline: Browsers<!-- HTML5 -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Note that in the mime type for Javascript is now officially 'application/javascript'. If you
set the type to application/javascript in IE browsers, your Javacript will fail. Just don't set a
type via the script tag and set the mime type from your server. Most browsers look at the server mime
type anyway -->
<!-- For HTML4/IE -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> A global variable AMD SupportIt now has AMD support. See require.js on how to use with AMD modules. Bothvar doesIt = S('my cool string').left(2).endsWith('y'); //true Access the wrapped string using var name = S('Your name is JP').right(2).s; //'JP' is the same as… var name = S('Your name is JP').right(2).toString(); //'JP' Still like the clean look of calling these methods directly on native Strings? No problem. Call S.extendPrototype();
var name = 'Your name is JP'.right(2); //'JP'
S.restorePrototype(); //be a good citizen and clean up Browser Compatibility
Extending string.jsSee: #57 Native JavaScript Methods
All of the native methods support chaining with the Example: var S = require('string');
var phrase = S('JavaScript is the best scripting language ever!');
var sub = 'best scripting';
var pos = phrase.indexOf(sub);
console.log(phrase.substr(pos, sub.length).truncate(8)); //best... MethodsSee test file for more details. I use the same nomenclature as Objective-C regarding methods. + means - constructor(nativeJsString)This creates a new Example: S('hello').s //"hello"
S(['a,b']).s //"a,b"
S({hi: 'jp'}).s //"[object Object]"" - between(left, right)Extracts a string between Example: S('<a>foo</a>').between('<a>', '</a>').s // => 'foo'
S('<a>foo</a></a>').between('<a>', '</a>').s // => 'foo'
S('<a><a>foo</a></a>').between('<a>', '</a>').s // => '<a>foo'
S('<a>foo').between('<a>', '</a>').s // => ''
S('Some strings } are very {weird}, dont you think?').between('{', '}').s // => 'weird'
S('This is a test string').between('test').s // => ' string'
S('This is a test string').between('', 'test').s // => 'This is a ' - camelize()Remove any underscores or dashes and convert a string into camel casing. Example: S('data_rate').camelize().s; //'dataRate'
S('background-color').camelize().s; //'backgroundColor'
S('-moz-something').camelize().s; //'MozSomething'
S('_car_speed_').camelize().s; //'CarSpeed'
S('yes_we_can').camelize().s; //'yesWeCan' - capitalize()Capitalizes the first character of a string. Example: S('jon').capitalize().s; //'Jon'
S('JP').capitalize().s; //'Jp' - chompLeft(prefix)Removes Example: S('foobar').chompLeft('foo').s; //'bar'
S('foobar').chompLeft('bar').s; //'foobar' - chompRight(suffix)Removes Example: S('foobar').chompRight('bar').s; //'foo'
S('foobar').chompRight('foo').s; //'foobar' - collapseWhitespace()Converts all adjacent whitespace characters to a single space. Example: var str = S(' String \t libraries are \n\n\t fun\n! ').collapseWhitespace().s; //'String libraries are fun !' - contains(ss)Returns true if the string contains Alias: Example: S('JavaScript is one of the best languages!').contains('one'); //true - count(substring)Returns the count of the number of occurrences of the substring. Example: S('JP likes to program. JP does not play in the NBA.').count("JP")// 2
S('Does not exist.').count("Flying Spaghetti Monster") //0
S('Does not exist.').count("Bigfoot") //0
S('JavaScript is fun, therefore Node.js is fun').count("fun") //2
S('funfunfun').count("fun") //3 - dasherize()Returns a converted camel cased string into a string delimited by dashes. Examples: S('dataRate').dasherize().s; //'data-rate'
S('CarSpeed').dasherize().s; //'-car-speed'
S('yesWeCan').dasherize().s; //'yes-we-can'
S('backgroundColor').dasherize().s; //'background-color' - decodeHTMLEntities()Decodes HTML entities into their string representation. S('Ken Thompson & Dennis Ritchie').decodeHTMLEntities().s; //'Ken Thompson & Dennis Ritchie'
S('3 < 4').decodeHTMLEntities().s; //'3 < 4' - endsWith(ss)Returns true if the string ends with Example: S("hello jon").endsWith('jon'); //true - escapeHTML()Escapes the html. Example: S('<div>hi</div>').escapeHTML().s; //<div>hi</div> + extendPrototype()Modifies Example: S.extendPrototype(); - ensureLeft(prefix)Ensures string starts with Example: S('subdir').ensureLeft('/').s; //'/subdir'
S('/subdir').ensureLeft('/').s; //'/subdir' - ensureRight(suffix)Ensures string ends with Example: S('dir').ensureRight('/').s; //'dir/'
S('dir/').ensureRight('/').s; //'dir/' - humanize()Transforms the input into a human friendly form. Example: S('the_humanize_string_method').humanize().s //'The humanize string method'
S('ThehumanizeStringMethod').humanize().s //'Thehumanize string method'
S('the humanize string method').humanize().s //'The humanize string method'
S('the humanize_id string method_id').humanize().s //'The humanize id string method'
S('the humanize string method ').humanize().s //'The humanize string method'
S(' capitalize dash-CamelCase_underscore trim ').humanize().s //'Capitalize dash camel case underscore trim' - include(ss)Returns true if the string contains the Alias: Example: S('JavaScript is one of the best languages!').include('one'); //true - isAlpha()Return true if the string contains only letters. Example: S("afaf").isAlpha(); //true
S('fdafaf3').isAlpha(); //false
S('dfdf--dfd').isAlpha(); //false - isAlphaNumeric()Return true if the string contains only letters and numbers Example: S("afaf35353afaf").isAlphaNumeric(); //true
S("FFFF99fff").isAlphaNumeric(); //true