Every time you make a change and push to GitHub, this PR will automatically
update. No need to do it more than once.
Get latest workbook updates
To get the latest code/homework/test updates, be sure to have a "clean
working directory" by committing or removing all of your changes. You check for
a "clean working environment" by running git status and making sure no files
show up.
Run git pull upstream gh-pages
Running the apps
Simply run node path/to/file.js
example node 01week/rockPaperScissors.js
Running Tests
Tests are a great way to make sure you code works the way you planned it would,
and to make sure you don't break something in the future. We will be using them
to test our understanding of the lesson. It's also our main way to assign grades
for an assignment.
To run a the tests on a file run npm test path/to/file.js, etc.