$ cabal configure --enable-tests && cabal build && cabal test
By default, markdown-unlit extracts all code that is marked with haskell,
unless it is marked with ignore as well. You can customize this by passing
-optL <pattern> to GHC.
A simple pattern is just a class name, e.g.:
-optL foo
extracts all code that is marked with foo.
A class name can be negated by prepending it with a !, e.g.
-optL !foo
extracts all code, unless it is marked with foo.
You can use + to combine two patterns with AND, e.g.
-optL foo+bar
extracts all code that is marked with both foo and bar.
If -optL is given multiple times, the patterns are combined with OR, e.g.
-optL foo -optL bar
extracts all code that is either marked with foo or bar.