Run hlint on your code.
Make sure to require new changes to be hlint-clean.
You can use hlint --default to generate a settings file ignoring all the hints currently outstanding.
You can use pre-commit hooks to forbid committing non-hlint-clean changes.
Whenever you want to make an exception, and use a forbidden function anyway, use the ignore key to add an exception to the .hlint.yaml file.
It seems pretty silly that these functions still exist, and their dangers not well-documented.
Maybe, but I certainly didn't, until they caused real production issues.
WANTED: Evidence of the danger in these functions.
If you can showcase a public incident with real-world consequences that happened because of one of these functions, I would love to refer to it in this document!
If you know about another dangerous function that should be avoided, feel free to submit a PR!
Please include:
an hlint config to forbid the function in hlint.yaml.
a section in this document with:
Why the function is dangerous
A reproducible way of showing that it is dangerous.
An alternative to the dangerous function
It might be that the function you have in mind is not dangerous but still weird.
In that case you can add it to the Haskell WAT list.
TL;DR: Using forkIO is VERY hard to get right, use the async library instead.
The main issue is that when threads spawned using forkIO throw an exception, this exception is not rethrown in the thread that spawned that thread.
As an example, suppose we forkIO a server and something goes wrong.
The main thread will not notice that anything went wrong.
The only indication that an exception was thrown will be that something is printed on stderr.
$ cat test.hs
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-15.15 script
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
main =doputStrLn"Starting our 'server'."
forkIO $doputStrLn"Serving..."
threadDelay 1_000_000putStrLn"Oh no, about to crash!"
threadDelay 1_000_000putStrLn"Aaaargh"undefined
threadDelay 5_000_000putStrLn"Still running, eventhough we crashed"
threadDelay 5_000_000putStrLn"Ok that's enough of that, stopping here."
Which outputs:
$ ./test.hs
Starting our 'server'.
Oh no, about to crash!
test.hs: Prelude.undefined
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:80:14 in base:GHC.Err
undefined, called at /home/syd/test/test.hs:17:5 in main:Main
Still running, eventhough we crashed
Ok that's enough of that, stopping here.
$ cat test.hs
-- stack --resolver lts-15.15 script
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
main =doputStrLn"Starting our 'server'."let runServer =doputStrLn"Serving..."
threadDelay 1_000_000putStrLn"Oh no, about to crash!"
threadDelay 1_000_000putStrLn"Aaaargh"undefinedlet mainThread =do
threadDelay 5_000_000putStrLn"Still running, eventhough we crashed"
threadDelay 5_000_000putStrLn"Ok that's enough of that, stopping here."
concurrently_ runServer mainThread
to output:
$ ./test.hs
Starting our 'server'.
Oh no, about to crash!
test.hs: Prelude.undefined
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:80:14 in base:GHC.Err
undefined, called at /home/syd/test.hs:18:9 in main:Main
Throws an exception in pure code when the input is an empty list.
Prelude> init []
*** Exception: Prelude.init: empty list
Use a case-match on the reverse of the list instead, but keep in mind that it uses linear time in the length of the list.
Use a different data structure if that is an issue for you.
Throws an exception in pure code when the input is an empty list.
Prelude> last []
*** Exception: Prelude.last: empty list
Use a listToMaybe . reverse instead, but keep in mind that it uses linear time in the length of the list.
Use a different data structure if that is an issue for you.
Throws an exception in pure code when the index is out of bounds.
Prelude> [1, 2, 3] !! 3
*** Exception: Prelude.!!: index too large
It also allows negative indices, for which it also throws.
Prelude> [1,2,3] !! (-1)
*** Exception: Prelude.!!: negative index
The right way to index is to not use a list, because list indexing takes O(n) time, even if you find a safe way to do it.
If you really need to deal with list indexing (you don't), then you can use a combination of take and drop.
Throws an exception in pure code when the input is Nothing.
Prelude Data.Maybe> fromJust Nothing
*** Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at <interactive>:11:1 in interactive:Ghci1
There are multiple reasons not to use read.
The most obvious one is that it is partial.
It throws an exception in pure code whenever the input cannot be parsed (and doesn't even give a helpful parse error):
Prelude> read "a" :: Int
*** Exception: no parse
You can use readMaybe to get around this issue, HOWEVER:
The second reason not to use read is that it operates on String.
If you are doing any parsing, you should be using a more appropriate data type to parse: (Text or ByteString)
The third reason is that read comes from the Read type class, which has no well-defined semantics.
In an ideal case, read and show would be inverses but this is just not the reality.
See UTCTime as an example.
These are partial, on purpose.
According to the docs:
The calls succ maxBound and pred minBound should result in a runtime error.
Prelude Data.Word> succ 255 :: Word8
*** Exception: Enum.succ{Word8}: tried to take `succ' of maxBound
Prelude Data.Word> pred 0 :: Word8
*** Exception: Enum.pred{Word8}: tried to take `pred' of minBound
Prelude> quot 1 0
*** Exception: divide by zero
Prelude> minBound `quot` (-1) :: Int
*** Exception: arithmetic overflow
Prelude> div 1 0
*** Exception: divide by zero
Prelude> minBound `div` (-1) :: Int
*** Exception: arithmetic overflow
Prelude> rem 1 0
*** Exception: divide by zero
Prelude> mod 1 0
*** Exception: divide by zero
Prelude> divMod 1 0
*** Exception: divide by zero
Prelude> quotRem 1 0
*** Exception: divide by zero
Whenever you consider using division, really ask yourself whether you need division.
For example, you can (almost always) replace a `div` 2 <= b by a <= 2 * b.
(If you're worried about overflow, then use a bigger type.)
If your use-case has a fixed (non-0) literal denominator, like a `div` 2, and you have already considered using something other than division, then your case constitutes an acceptable exception.
Note that integer division may not be what you want in the first place anyway:
Purposely fails, with a particularly unhelpful error message.
Prelude> undefined
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:80:14 in base:GHC.Err
undefined, called at <interactive>:1:1 in interactive:Ghci1
Purposely fails, with an only slightly less unhelpful error message than undefined.
Prelude> error "here be a problem"
*** Exception: here be a problem
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at <interactive>:4:1 in interactive:Ghci1
Deal with errors appropriately instead.
If you're really very extra sure that a certain case will never happen.
Bubble up the error to the IO part of your code and then use throwIO or die.
The % function is used to construct rational values:
dataRatioa= !a :% !a derivingEq
There are constraints on the two values in Rational values:
Recall (from the docs); "The numerator and denominator have no common factor and the denominator is positive."
When using fixed-size underlying types, you can end up with invalid Ratio values using Num functions:
Prelude Data.Int Data.Ratio> let r = 1 % 12 :: Ratio Int8
Prelude Data.Int Data.Ratio> r - r
0 % (-1)
Prelude Data.Int Data.Ratio> r + r
3 % (-14)
> r * r
1 % (-112)
When using arbitrarily-sized underlying types, you can end up with arbitrary runtime:
(1 % 100)^10^10^10 :: Rational -- Prepare a way to kill this before you try it out.
Ratio values create issues for any underlying type, so avoid them.
Consider whether you really need any rational values.
If you really do, and you have a clear maximum value, consider using fixed-point values.
If that does not fit your use-case, consider using Double with all its caveats.
fromIntegral has no constraints on the size of the output type, so that output type could be smaller than the input type.
In such a case, it performs silent truncation:
> fromIntegral (300 :: Word) :: Word8
fromIntegral has also had some very nasty bugs that involved the function behaving differently (even partially) depending on optimisation levels.
See GHC #20066 and GHC #19345.
Avoid general coercion functions but write specific ones instead, as long as the type of the result is bigger than the type of the input.
word32ToWord64 :: Word32 -> Word64
word32ToWord64 = fromIntegral -- Safe because Word64 is bigger than Word32
Prefer to use functions with non-parametric types and/or functions that fail loudly, like these: