开源软件名称:bloominstituteoftechnology/Sprint-Challenge-Applied-Javascript开源软件地址:开源编程语言:CSS 74.2%开源软件介绍:Sprint-Challenge Applied Javascript - Lambda TimesThis challenge allows you to practice the concepts and techniques learned over the past week and apply them in a concrete project. This Sprint explored the DOM and the concept of components. During this Sprint, you studied the DOM, DOM Events, and Components, as well as HTTP GET requests, and the axios library. In your challenge this week, you will demonstrate proficiency by creating an online Lambda newspaper called "Lambda Times." InstructionsRead these instructions carefully. Understand exactly what is expected before starting this Sprint Challenge. This is an individual assessment. All work must be your own. Your challenge score is a measure of your ability to work independently using the material covered through this sprint. You need to demonstrate proficiency in the concepts and objectives introduced and practiced in preceding days. You are not allowed to collaborate during the Sprint Challenge. However, you are encouraged to follow the twenty-minute rule and seek support from your Tead Lead and Instructor in your cohort help channel on Slack. Your work reflects your proficiency in Applied JavaScript. You have three hours to complete this challenge. Plan your time accordingly. CommitsCommit your code regularly and meaningfully. This helps both you (in case you ever need to return to old code for any number of reasons) and your Team Lead. DescriptionYou are going to create a Lambda Newspaper. Your job is going to be to create the components that make up the newspaper's home page. You will do this at first with static data, then you will request data from a server to create dynamic components. In meeting the minimum viable product (MVP) specifications listed below, you should have a console full of correct responses to the problems given. Self-Study QuestionsDemonstrate your understanding of this week's concepts by answering the following free-form questions. Edit this document to include your answers after each question. Make sure to leave a blank line above and below your answer so it is clear and easy to read by your team lead.
Git Set up
Minimum Viable ProductYour finished project must include all of the following requirements:
Stretch ProblemsYour stretch challenge is to write the functionality of a