开源软件名称:heroku/heroku-buildpack-java开源软件地址:开源编程语言:Shell 85.5%开源软件介绍:Heroku buildpack for JavaThis is the official Heroku buildpack for Java apps. It uses Maven 3.6.2 to build your application and OpenJDK 8 to run it. However, the JDK version can be configured as described below. How it worksThe buildpack will detect your app as Java if it has a DocumentationFor more information about using Java and buildpacks on Heroku, see these Dev Center articles:
ExamplesConfigurationChoose a JDKCreate a Example:
Choose a Maven VersionYou can define a specific version of Maven for Heroku to use by adding the
Maven Wrapper to your project. When
this buildpack detects the presence of a If you need to override this, the
Customize MavenThere are three config variables that can be used to customize the Maven execution:
These variables can be set like this: $ heroku config:set MAVEN_CUSTOM_GOALS="clean package"
$ heroku config:set MAVEN_CUSTOM_OPTS="--update-snapshots -DskipTests=true"
$ heroku config:set MAVEN_JAVA_OPTS="-Xss2g" Other options are available for defining a custom DevelopmentTo make changes to this buildpack, fork it on Github. Push up changes to your fork, then create a new Heroku app to test it, or configure an existing app to use your buildpack:
For example if you want to have Maven available to use at runtime in your application, you can copy it from the cache directory to the build directory by adding the following lines to the compile script:
This will copy the local Maven repo and Maven binaries into your slug. Commit and push the changes to your buildpack to your GitHub fork, then push your sample app to Heroku to test. Once the push succeeds you should be able to run:
and then:
and you'll see the Run Tests LocallyTests can be run and debugged locally by using the Circle CI CLI. For example, to run Hatchet tests on
Available jobs are defined in .circleci/config.yml. CostsThis command uses the credentials from your local LicenseLicensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file. |