开源软件名称:ironhack-labs/lab-javascript-basic-algorithms开源软件地址:开源编程语言:JavaScript 100.0%开源软件介绍:LAB | JS Basic AlgorithmsWelcome to your first bootcamp exercise at Ironhack! The goal of this exercise is to get you familiarized with the primitive data structures in JavaScript, which we just covered in the class. Feel free to reference lesson materials and don't limit yourself but be curious and use Google to explore multiple solutions. Ready? IntroductionFor this pair-programming activity we are going to have both people in the pair work in their own repos. At the end of the exercise, both students should have identical code in their respective repos. Ready to start? Requirements
SubmissionUpon completion, run the following commands: $ git add .
$ git commit -m "done"
$ git push origin master Create Pull Request so your TAs can check up your work. You should make a PR (stands for Pull Request) as soon as you make any significant change. You shouldn't have to wait until you're completely done with this or any other exercise to make the PR. After you do the first PR, any other time you push the changes (following the previous three steps), your change will appear automatically on the PR and your TAs will be able to check it. InstructionsIteration 1: Names and Input1.1 Create a variable Iteration 2: Conditionals2.1. Depending on which name is longer, print:
Iteration 3: Loops3.1 Print all the characters of the driver's name, separated by a space and in capitals
i.e. 3.2 Print all the characters of the navigator's name, in reverse order.
i.e. 3.3 Depending on the lexicographic order of the strings, print: Bonus Time!Bonus 1:Go to lorem ipsum generator and:
Bonus 2:Create a new variable
Hint: If you use Google to help you to find solution to this iteration, you might run into some solutions that use advanced string or array methods (such as join(), reverse(), etc.). However, try to apply the knowledge you currently have since you can build pretty nice solution with just using |