The Eclipse JDT Language Server is a Java language specific implementation of the Language Server Protocol
and can be used with any editor that supports the protocol, to offer good support for the Java Language. The server is based on:
Eclipse LSP4J, the Java binding for the Language Server Protocol,
Eclipse JDT, which provides Java support (code completion, references, diagnostics...),
Under some Linux distributions you can use the package manager. Search the package repositories for jdtls or
Build it from source. Clone the repository via git clone and build the project via JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/11 ./mvnw clean verify. Optionally append -DskipTests=true to by-pass the tests. This command builds the server into the ./ folder.
Some editors or editor extensions bundle or contain logic to install it. If that is the case, you only need to install the editor extension. For example for Visual Studio Code you can install the Extension Pack for Java and it will take care of the rest.
Running from the command line
If you built from source, cd into ./ If you downloaded a milestone or snapshot build, extract the contents.
To start the server in the active terminal, adjust the following command as described further below and run it:
Choose a value for -configuration: this is the path to your platform's configuration directory. For Linux, use ./config_linux. For windows, use ./config_win. For mac/OS X, use ./config_mac.
Change the filename of the jar in -jar ./plugins/... to match the version you built or downloaded.
Choose a value for -data: An absolute path to your data directory. stores workspace specific information in it. This should be unique per workspace/project.
If you want to debug itself, add -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1044 right after java and ensure nothing else is running on port 1044. If you want to debug from the start of execution, change suspend=n to suspend=y so the JVM will wait for your debugger prior to starting the server.
Running from command line with wrapper script
There is also a Python wrapper script available that makes the start up of more convenient (no need to juggle with Java options etc.). A sample usage is described below. The script requires Python 3.9.
All shown Java options will be set by the wrapper script. Please, note that the -configuration options points to a user's folder to ensure that the configuration folder in* remains untouched.
The Java Language server supports sockets, named pipes, and standard streams of the server process
to communicate with the client. Client can communicate its preferred connection methods
by setting up environment variables or alternatively using system properties (e.g. -DCLIENT_PORT=...)
To use a plain socket, set the following environment variables or system properties before starting the server:
CLIENT_PORT: the port of the socket to connect to
CLIENT_HOST: the host name to connect to. If not set, defaults to localhost.
The connection will be used for in and output.
To use standard streams(stdin, stdout) of the server process do not set any
of the above environment variables and the server will fall back to standard streams.
For socket and named pipes, the client is expected to create the connections
and wait for the server to connect.