开源软件名称:EsotericSoftware/kryo开源软件地址:开源编程语言:HTML 71.9%开源软件介绍:Kryo is a fast and efficient binary object graph serialization framework for Java. The goals of the project are high speed, low size, and an easy to use API. The project is useful any time objects need to be persisted, whether to a file, database, or over the network. Kryo can also perform automatic deep and shallow copying/cloning. This is direct copying from object to object, not object to bytes to object. This documentation is for Kryo version 5.x. See the Wiki for version 4.x. Contact / Mailing listPlease use the Kryo mailing list for questions, discussions, and support. Please limit use of the Kryo issue tracker to bugs and enhancements, not questions, discussions, or support. Table of contents
Recent releases
InstallationKryo publishes two kinds of artifacts/jars:
Kryo JARs are available on the releases page and at Maven Central. The latest snapshots of Kryo, including snapshot builds of master, are in the Sonatype Repository. With MavenTo use the latest Kryo release in your application, use this dependency entry in your <dependency>
</dependency> To use the latest Kryo release in a library you want to publish, use this dependency entry in your <dependency>
</dependency> To use the latest Kryo snapshot, use: <repository>
<name>sonatype snapshots repo</name>
<!-- for usage in an application: -->
<!-- for usage in a library that should be published: -->
</dependency> Without MavenNot everyone is a Maven fan. Using Kryo without Maven requires placing the Kryo JAR on your classpath along with the dependency JARs found in lib. Building from sourceBuilding Kryo from source requires JDK11+ and Maven. To build all artifacts, run:
QuickstartJumping ahead to show how the library can be used: import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo;
public class HelloKryo {
static public void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
Kryo kryo = new Kryo();
SomeClass object = new SomeClass();
object.value = "Hello Kryo!";
Output output = new Output(new FileOutputStream("file.bin"));
kryo.writeObject(output, object);
Input input = new Input(new FileInputStream("file.bin"));
SomeClass object2 = kryo.readObject(input, SomeClass.class);
static public class SomeClass {
String value;
} The Kryo class performs the serialization automatically. The Output and Input classes handle buffering bytes and optionally flushing to a stream. The rest of this document details how this works and advanced usage of the library. IOGetting data in and out of Kryo is done using the Input and Output classes. These classes are not thread safe. OutputThe Output class is an OutputStream that writes data to a byte array buffer. This buffer can be obtained and used directly, if a byte array is desired. If the Output is given an OutputStream, it will flush the bytes to the stream when the buffer becomes full, otherwise Output can grow its buffer automatically. Output has many methods for efficiently writing primitives and strings to bytes. It provides functionality similar to DataOutputStream, BufferedOutputStream, FilterOutputStream, and ByteArrayOutputStream, all in one class.
Output buffers the bytes when writing to an OutputStream, so
The zero argument Output constructor creates an uninitialized Output. Output InputThe Input class is an InputStream that reads data from a byte array buffer. This buffer can be set directly, if reading from a byte array is desired. If the Input is given an InputStream, it will fill the buffer from the stream when all the data in the buffer has been read. Input has many methods for efficiently reading primitives and strings from bytes. It provides functionality similar to DataInputStream, BufferedInputStream, FilterInputStream, and ByteArrayInputStream, all in one class.
If the Input The zero argument Input constructor creates an uninitialized Input. Input ByteBuffersThe ByteBufferOutput and ByteBufferInput classes work exactly like Output and Input, except they use a ByteBuffer rather than a byte array. Unsafe buffersThe UnsafeOutput, UnsafeInput, UnsafeByteBufferOutput, and UnsafeByteBufferInput classes work exactly like their non-unsafe counterparts, except they use sun.misc.Unsafe for higher performance in many cases. To use these classes The downside to using unsafe buffers is that the native endianness and representation of numeric types of the system performing the serialization affects the serialized data. For example, deserialization will fail if the data is written on X86 and read on SPARC. Also, if data is written with an unsafe buffer, it must be read with an unsafe buffer. The biggest performance difference with unsafe buffers is with large primitive arrays when variable length encoding is not used. Variable length encoding can be disabled for the unsafe buffers or only for specific fields (when using FieldSerializer). Variable length encodingThe IO classes provide methods to read and write variable length int (varint) and long (varlong) values. This is done by using the 8th bit of each byte to indicate if more bytes follow, which means a varint uses 1-5 bytes and a varlong uses 1-9 bytes. Using variable length encoding is more expensive but makes the serialized data much smaller. When writing a variable length value, the value can be optimized either for positive values or for both negative and positive values. For example, when optimized for positive values, 0 to 127 is written in one byte, 128 to 16383 in two bytes, etc. However, small negative numbers are the worst case at 5 bytes. When not optimized for positive, these ranges are shifted down by half. For example, -64 to 63 is written in one byte, 64 to 8191 and -65 to -8192 in two bytes, etc. Input and Output buffers provides methods to read and write fixed sized or variable length values. There are also methods to allow the buffer to decide whether a fixed size or variable length value is written. This allows serialization code to ensure variable length encoding is used for very common values that would bloat the output if a fixed size were used, while still allowing the buffer configuration to decide for all other values.
To disable variable length encoding for all values, the Chunked encodingIt can be useful to write the length of some data, then the data. When the length of the data is not known ahead of time, all the data needs to be buffered to determine its length, then the length can be written, then the data. using a single, large buffer for this would prevent streaming and may require an unreasonably large buffer, which is not ideal. Chunked encoding solves this problem by using a small buffer. When the buffer is full, its length is written, then the data. This is one chunk of data. The buffer is cleared and this continues until there is no more data to write. A chunk with a length of zero denotes the end of the chunks. Kryo provides classes to maked chunked encoding. OutputChunked is used to write chunked data. It extends Output, so has all the convenient methods to write data. When the OutputChunked buffer is full, it flushes the chunk to another OutputStream. The OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("file.bin");
OutputChunked output = new OutputChunked(outputStream, 1024);
// Write data to output...
// Write more data to output...
// Write even more data to output...
output.close(); To read the chunked data, InputChunked is used. It extends Input, so has all the convenient methods to read data. When reading, InputChunked will appear to hit the end of the data when it reaches the end of a set of chunks. The InputStream outputStream = new FileInputStream("file.bin");
InputChunked input = new InputChunked(inputStream, 1024);
// Read data from first set of chunks...
// Read data from second set of chunks...
// Read data from third set of chunks...
input.close(); Buffer performanceGenerally Output and Input provide good performance. Unsafe buffers perform as well or better, especially for primitive arrays, if their crossplatform incompatibilities are acceptable. ByteBufferOutput and ByteBufferInput provide slightly worse performance, but this may be acceptable if the final destination of the bytes must be a ByteBuffer. Variable length encoding is slower than fixed values, especially when there is a lot of data using it. Chunked encoding uses an intermediary buffer so it adds one additional copy of all the bytes. This alone may be acceptable, however when used in a reentrant serializer, the serializer must create an OutputChunked or InputChunked for each object. Allocating and garbage collecting those buffers during serialization can have a negative impact on performance. Reading and writing objectsKryo has three sets of methods for reading and writing objects. If the concrete class of the object is not known and the object could be null: kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, object);
Object object = kryo.readClassAndObject(input);
if (object instanceof SomeClass) {
// ...
} If the class is known and the object could be null: kryo.writeObjectOrNull(output, object);
SomeClass object = kryo.readObjectOrNull(input, SomeClass.class); If the class is known and the object cannot be null: kryo.writeObject(output, object);
SomeClass object = kryo.readObject(input, SomeClass.class); All of these methods first find the appropriate serializer to use, then use that to serialize or deserialize the object. Serializers can call these methods for recursive serialization. Multiple references to the same object and circular references are handled by Kryo automatically. Besides methods to read and write objects, the Kryo class provides a way to register serializers, reads and writes class identifiers efficiently, handles null objects for serializers that can't accept nulls, and handles reading and writing object references (if enabled). This allows serializers to focus on their serialization tasks. Round tripWhile testing and exploring Kryo APIs, it can be useful to write an object to bytes, then read those bytes back to an object. Kryo kryo = new Kryo();
// Register all classes to be serialized.
SomeClass object1 = new SomeClass();
Output output = new Output(1024, -1);
kryo.writeObject(output, object1);
Input input = new Input(output.getBuffer(), 0, output.position());
SomeClass object2 = kryo.readObject(input, SomeClass.class); In this example the Output starts with a buffer that has a capacity of 1024 bytes. If more bytes are written to the Output, the buffer will grow in size without limit. The Output does not need to be closed because it has not been given an OutputStream. The Input reads directly from the Output's Deep and shallow copiesKryo supports making deep and shallow copies of objects using direct assignment from one object to another. This is more efficient than serializing to bytes and back to objects. Kryo kryo = new Kryo();
SomeClass object = ...
SomeClass copy1 = kryo.copy(object);
SomeClass copy2 = kryo.copyShallow(object); All the serializers being used need to support copying. All serializers provided with Kryo support copying. Like with serialization, when copying, multiple references to the same object and circular references are handled by Kryo automatically if references are enabled. If using Kryo only for copying, registration can be safely disabled. Kryo ReferencesBy default references are not enabled. This means if an object appears in an object graph multiple times, it will be written multiple times and will be deserialized as multiple, different objects. When references are disabled, circular references will cause serialization to fail. References are enabled or disabled with Kryo When references are enabled, a varint is written before each object the first time it appears in the object graph. For subsequent appearances of that class within the same object graph, only a varint is written. After deserialization the object references are restored, including any circular references. The serializers in use must support references by calling Kryo Enabling references impacts performance because every object that is read or written needs to be tracked. ReferenceResolverUnder the covers, a ReferenceResolver handles tracking objects that have been read or written and provides int reference IDs. Multiple implementations are provided:
ReferenceResolver public boolean useReferences (Class type) {
return !Util.isWrapperClass(type) && !Util.isEnum(type) && type != String.class;
} Reference limitsThe reference resolver determines the maximum number of references in a single object graph. Java array indices are limited to ContextKryo Kryo ResetBy default, Kryo Serializer frameworkKryo is a framework to facilitate serialization. The framework itself doesn't enforce a schema or care what or how data is written or read. Serializers are pluggable and make the decisions about what to read and write. Many serializers are provided out of the box to read and write data in various ways. While the provided serializers can read and write most objects, they can easily be replaced partially or completely with your own serializers. RegistrationWhen Kryo goes to write an instance of an object, first it may need to write something that identifies the object's class. By default, all classes that Kryo will read or write must be registered beforehand. Registration provides an int class ID, the serializer to use for the class, and the object instantiator used to create instances of the class. Kryo kryo = new Kryo();
Output output = ...
SomeClass object = ...
kryo.writeObject(output, object); During deserialization, the regi |