// badvarerrorMessage='This is a super long error that was thrown because of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do with this, you would get nowhere fast.';// badvarerrorMessage='This is a super long error that \was thrown because of Batman. \When you stop to think about \how Batman had anything to do \with this, you would get nowhere \fast.';// goodvarerrorMessage='This is a super long error that '+'was thrown because of Batman.'+'When you stop to think about '+'how Batman had anything to do '+'with this, you would get nowhere '+'fast.';
varitems,messages,length,i;messages=[{state: 'success',message: 'This one worked.'},{state: 'success',message: 'This one worked as well.'},{state: 'error',message: 'This one did not work.'}];length=messages.length;// badfunctioninbox(messages){items='<ul>';for(i=0;i<length;i++){items+='<li>'+messages[i].message+'</li>';}returnitems+'</ul>';}// goodfunctioninbox(messages){items=[];for(i=0;i<length;i++){items[i]=messages[i].message;}return'<ul><li>'+items.join('</li><li>')+'</li></ul>';}
// 匿名函数表达式varanonymous=function(){returntrue;};// 有名函数表达式varnamed=functionnamed(){returntrue;};// 立即调用函数表达式(function(){console.log('Welcome to the Internet. Please follow me.');})();
// bad// make() returns a new element// based on the passed in tag name//// @param <String> tag// @return <Element> elementfunctionmake(tag){// ...stuff...returnelement;}// good/** * make() returns a new element * based on the passed in tag name * * @param <String> tag * @return <Element> element */functionmake(tag){// ...stuff...returnelement;}
使用 // 进行单行注释,在评论对象的上面进行单行注释,注释前放一个空行.
// badvaractive=true;// is current tab// good// is current tabvaractive=true;// badfunctiongetType(){console.log('fetching type...');// set the default type to 'no type'vartype=this._type||'no type';returntype;}// goodfunctiongetType(){console.log('fetching type...');// set the default type to 'no type'vartype=this._type||'no type';returntype;}
如果你有一个问题需要重新来看一下或如果你建议一个需要被实现的解决方法的话需要在你的注释前面加上 FIXME 或 TODO 帮助其他人迅速理解
functionCalculator(){// FIXME: shouldn't use a global heretotal=0;returnthis;}
functionCalculator(){// TODO: total should be configurable by an options paramthis.total=0;returnthis;}