开源软件名称:alephao/nftool开源软件地址:开源编程语言:Go 97.5%开源软件介绍:nftoolA suite of tools for NFT generative art. Features
InstallHomebrew on Macos
Using Go
Or clone the repository, change to the root folder and run ManuallyDownload the binary from the releases page and move it to your bin path like Getting StartedTo get started, install You can always use First generate the configuration file from the layers folders. mkdir -p out
nftool traits dump --layers ./layers --out ./out/config.yaml You can open Then generate a collection from the nftool traits make --amount 10 --config ./out/config.yaml --out ./out/collection.json Now we can use the collection.json to generate the images. Run the following commands: mkdir -p ./out/images
nftool img gen --width 300 --height 300 --collection ./out/collection.json --config ./out/config.yaml --out ./out/images We can also generate rarity reports for traits (which trait is more rare and how many times it shows up) and the collection rarity rank. # Generate traits rarity report
nftool rarity traits --collection ./out/collection.json --out ./out/traits_rarity.json
# Generate collection rarity rank report
nftool rarity collection --collection ./out/collection.json --out ./out/collection_rarity.json To generate the provenance for this collection it's easy: nftool provenance --images ./out/images --out ./out/provenance.json --startingIndex 2 Note: the startingIndex should be a number smaller than the total amount of items in the collection and it's usually generated on-chain. Now we need to generate the actual metadata that we'll upload to IPFS (or another storage service).
Note: if you want to generate the metadata following the erc-1155 convention for the id/file-name, add the flag --erc1155 Check out the output in DocumentationContributing
ReleasingTo release a new version
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