开源软件名称:ipfs/fs-repo-migrations开源软件地址:开源编程语言:Go 91.6%开源软件介绍:fs-repo-migrations
These are migrations for the filesystem repository of ipfs nodes. Each migration builds a separate binary that converts a repository to the next version. The Table of ContentsInstallmake install UsageWhen should I migrateWhen you want to upgrade go-ipfs to a new version, you may need to migrate. Here is the table showing which repo version corresponds to which go-ipfs version:
How to Run MigrationsPlease see the migration run guide here. Developing MigrationsMigrations are one of those things that can be extremely painful on users. At the end of the day, we want users never to have to think about it. The process should be:
Build and TestTo create a new migration, create a go module in a directory named If the migration directory contains a subdirectory named After the migration is merged into the main repo branch, create a version tag for it. This is necessary for versioning individual migrations within the repo. git tag <migration>/v<version>
git push origin <migration>/v<version> Example: git tag fs-repo-99-to-100/v1.0.1
git push origin fs-repo-99-to-100/v1.0.1 DependenciesDependencies must be vendored independently for each migration. Each migration is a separate go module with its own Migration with PluginsIf IPFS plugins were used to operate your IPFS datastore, such as the ipfs-ds-s3 plugin, then migration may require building a custom migration with the plugin built into it. There is a script to assist with the process: Build a Migration with a PluginThis requires that you have Go installed. First clone the git clone Then run the Run the Custom MigrationAfter the custom migration with plugin(s) has built successfully, change to the migration directory and run the migration binary. You can also copy the migration binary into your ContributeFeel free to join in. All welcome. Open an issue! This repository falls under the IPFS Code of Conduct. Want to hack on IPFS?LicenseMIT |