Send and recieve files securely through the IPFS network
Skyhook is a command-line tool that allows the user to securely share files over the IPFS network.
It features:
Seamless file encryption and decryption using AES-256
Local history of file names, hashes, keys and dates which can be both imported and exported easily
Ability to run off both local and remote IPFS nodes
Simply running Skyhook with no arguments gives the user a list of available commands:
skyhook clear history - Delete everything from history
skyhook list history - List all entries in history
skyhook search [file name/hash] - Search history for entries matching [file name/hash]
skyhook delete [file name/hash] - Delete entries specified by [file name/hash] from history
skyhook save [file name/hash] - Save history entries specified by [file name/hash] to the current directory to export.pod
skyhook add [name:hash:key] - Manually add an entry to history specified by colon-separated values of [name:hash:key]
skyhook import [path] - Import history from a location specified by [path]
skyhook export history - Export entire history to the current directory to export.pod
skyhook upload [file name] - Upload a file specified by [file name] from the current directory to the IPFS network
skyhook download [hash] - Download a file specified by [hash] from the IPFS network to the current directory
It is possible to specify multiple values in a form of a comma-separated list for search,delete,save,import,upload,download and add functions.
The only requirements for running Skyhook are the ipfshttpclient and skyhookfilecrypt modules for Python 3, which can be installed by running: