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gradle-fury/gradle-fury: An alternative Gradle helper to publish multi-flavored ...

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Java 86.9%

开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):


"Before I could pull the trigger, I was hit by lightning and bitten by a cobra. I blacked out, and saw images of ancient Shaolin temples and monks mastering the art of kung-fu. There was an ancient prophecy about a new form of kung-fu so powerful, only one man can master it: The Chosen One. When I woke up, I saw the kung-fu master running towards me. I could feel my body mutate, into some sort of kung-fu freak of nature." --Kung Fury


An alternative Gradle helper to publish multi-flavored Android artifacts to local and remote Maven repositories with pretty POM files using simple property configuration. It also provides a wide variety of things that Maven provides out of the box, in gradle, such as encrypted credentials and the maven site plugin.

Why use Gradle-Fury

Great question, with a sea of many maven publisher helpers (this alone should raise a red flag that something is wrong) what stands gradle-fury apart? Check out our Why would you want to use Gradle Fury? wiki page for the most update to date set of features which is always growing.

Build Status

Develop: Build Status Master: Build Status


Requirements for using Gradle-Fury

  • JDK 7 or JDK 8 (depending on what gradle version and android plugin you're using)
  • For Android support, gradle android plugin v1.3.0 or higher, we test using a variety of configurations. See the Travis build matrix
  • For digital signature support, GPG must be installed on your computer. We test with gnugpg.

Tested configurations for gradle and the android gradle build tools.

Gradle Android Build Tools JDK Test Result
4.1 3.0.0 8 FAIL publish fails due to pom not being generated, Gradle changed APIs which prevents dependencies from being declared in the pom.
4.0.1 2.3.3 8 FAIL Gradle changed APIs which prevents dependencies from being declared in the pom.
4.0 2.3.3 8 FAIL Gradle changed APIs which prevents dependencies from being declared in the pom.
3.5.1 2.3.3 8 FAIL Gradle changed APIs which prevents dependencies from being declared in the pom.
3.5 2.3.3 8 FAIL Gradle changed APIs which prevents dependencies from being declared in the pom.
3.4 2.3.3 8 FAIL Gradle changed APIs which prevents dependencies from being declared in the pom.
3.3 2.3.3 8 OK
3.3 2.3.2 8 OK
3.3 2.3.1 8 OK
3.3 2.3.0 8 OK
3.2.1 2.3.0-alpha2 8 it worked at one point but not anymore
3.1 2.2.2 8 OK
3.1 2.2.1 8 OK
3.1 2.2.0 8 OK
3.0 2.2.0 8 OK
2.14.1 2.1.3 7,8 OK
2.10 2.1.2 7,8 OK
2.14 2.1.0 7,8 OK
2.14 2.0.0 7,8 FAIL - Fails to generate poms for android projects, maven install local and publish to nexus
2.2.1 1.5.0 7,8 FAIL - Fails to generate poms for android projects, maven install local and publish to nexus
2.2.1 1.3.1 7,8 OK*
2.2.1 1.3.0 7,8 FAIL - Fails to generate poms for android projects, maven install local and publish to nexus

So as long as you're not using one of those 3 versions of the android plugin, you're good to go.

  • When using gradle 2.2.1 with the application or distribution and it's a Java project, there are some problems with hooking in the install task with distZip (the thing that makes the distribution). The fix is to include distZip with your command.
Gradle Build Command
version <= 2.2.1 gradlew clean distZip install
version > 2.2.1 gradlew clean install

Again, distZip this only applies if you're using gradle 2.2.1 AND you have a project module that uses the (distribution OR application plugin) AND it's a Java project. I tried to tie it in, but I can't make gold from lead - ao


Please refer to the dummy "Hello World" subprojects along with the provided root project build.gradle and gradle.properties files included with this project as a general usage guide:

1. Create or modify the root gradle.properties file in your project

This is the secret sauce. I crave simplicity, and I just adore the idea of being able to house simple project configuration in a singular, standard location in each of my projects, instead of littering it in several locations throughout the codebase.

There are a handful of key properties which the gradle-fury helper scripts use to make the magic happen, which are defined in the following sub-sections.

Maven Repository (e.g. Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager) Configuration Properties

Define the properties which are used by the maven-publish plugin for artifact publication:

  • The NEXUS_USERNAME and NEXUS_PASSWORD properties define the username/password credentials used to authenticate to the target repository. Though the properties are prefixed with NEXUS_, they could really apply to any Maven repository.

  • The RELEASE_REPOSITORY_URL and SNAPSHOT_REPOSITORY_URL properties define the repositories in the PublishingExtension.getRepositories() container.

For example:


Android Configuration Properties

Define the general Android Build Configuration properties to apply to all Android Library and Application projects:


Define the Android versionCode property (per the Android Documentation, "an integer value that represents the version of the application code, relative to other versions"):


Define the app signing configuration for Release artifacts:

Maven POM Generation Properties

These properties map directly to the properties defined in the Maven POM Reference documentation:

pom.licenses.license.[n].name ***
pom.licenses.license.[n].url ***
pom.licenses.license.[n].distribution ***
pom.developers.developer.[n].id ***
pom.developers.developer.[n].name ***
pom.developers.developer.[n].email ***
pom.developers.developer.[n].organization ***
pom.developers.developer.[n].role.[n] ***

***NOTE: Multiple licenses, developers, and developer roles are supported by using a numeric suffix [n] as an identifier for each entry; for example:

pom.developers.developer.0.name=Kung Fury
pom.developers.developer.0.organization=Miami Police Department
pom.developers.developer.0.role.0=Police Officer
pom.developers.developer.0.role.1=Kung Fu Master

pom.developers.developer.1.organization=Hackerman Worldwide
pom.developers.developer.1.role.0=Computer Whiz

The included root gradle.properties file may be used as a template.

2. Modify the allprojects closure in your root project build.gradle

The required modifications consist of defining the default project.group and project.version properties, and applying the maven-support.gradle script in the allprojects closure, which will subsequently apply the configuration to all subprojects.

Please note that project.group and project.version must be defined before including maven-support.gradle since it uses these values. Also note that these property values may be overridden by individual subprojects.

allprojects  {
    // NOTE: project.group and project.version must be defined before including
    // maven-support.gradle since it uses these values...
    project.group = ( project.hasProperty('pom.groupId')
            ? project.property('pom.groupId') : "" )

    project.version =
            ( project.hasProperty('pom.version') ? project.property('pom.version') : "1.0" )

    apply from: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gradle-fury/gradle-fury/master/gradle/maven-support.gradle'



The included root build.gradle file may be used as a reference for usage.

3. Apply the android-support.gradle script to each Android subproject gradle.properties

Add the following to the build.gradle of each Android (Library or Application) subproject defined in your project:

apply from: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gradle-fury/gradle-fury/master/gradle/android-support.gradle'

ProTip: apply the apply line BEFORE the android { ] block. This will allow you to override any default values or values defined within your gradle.properties file.

See the build.gradle files defined in the hello-world-aar, hello-world-apk, hello-world-apk-overrides example projects for reference.

Please note that no similar inclusions are required for standard Java subprojects, as illustrated in the hello-world-lib example Java project.

4. Publish multi-flavored Android artifacts with pretty POM files!

Install Artifacts to a Local .m2 Repository
$ gradle clean build publishToMavenLocal


$ gradle clean build install

The Gradle pipeline has been hacked such that the install task invokes the publishToMavenLocal task, along with a friendly "warning". Why? Because the install task does not work with Android projects. See also the Impetus and Rage section below.

Also, please note that at the time this project was published the Gradle documentation for the really swell 'maven-plugin' indicated that its Maven publishing support was still in incubation, and that:

Eventually this new publishing support will replace publishing via the Upload task.

Don't hold your breath. Apparently "incubation" is perpetual with Gradle.

Publish Artifacts to a Remote Repository
$ gradle clean build publish


$ gradle clean build uploadArchives

Similar to the install task, the Gradle pipeline has been "hacked" such that the uploadArchives task simply invokes the publish task, along with a friendly "warning". So technically, you should be able to use uploadArchives in place of the publish task.

Bonus: Javadoc and Source jars

Gradle Fury supports build profiles (similar to how Maven does things). Here's the profiles that exist today and how to use them.

To generate Javadocs (Android projects included)

$ gradle install -Pprofile=javadoc

To generate Sources (Android projects included)

$ gradle install -Pprofile=sources

To generate Javadocs and Sources (Android projects included)

$ gradle install -Pprofile=sources,javadoc

"Well then. It's hacking time." --Kung Fury

Publishing to maven central with GPG signatures

Not tested yet, but there's a specific procedure in place. It's tempting to slam then all together into a single command, but unfortunately it won't work. Why? Because gradle.

Seriously why? Well gradle simply won't let us do what needs to be done. It's lifecycle taskgraph thing is strange and fires in all kinds of strange unintuitive ways. For instance, Android pom generation is out of our hands. We can alter it but not control when it's written to disk. That's a problem if you're trying to sign it. Unfortunately, we couldn't find a way to get the hooks in place at the right time in the cycle to both sign and not get cleaned and still be present in the right locations for the publish steps.

We're also not using the built in "publish" or "uploadArchive" task here because it does not publish pom signatures correctly. It also uploads an additional variant of android libraries and APKs for no apparent reason and we can't find a way to sign those before uploading.

$ ./gradlew clean
$ ./gradlew install -Pprofile=sources,javadoc
$ ./gradlew publishArtifacts -Pprofile=sources,javadoc

Publishing to Nexus like repos without GPG signatures

$ ./gradlew clean publishArtifacts -Pprofile=sources,javadoc -Pgpg.skip


We searched high and low for an encrypted password capable maven helper and we couldn't find one.

So thanks for that. I have no problem storing my password in clear text nor sending my private gpg keys to jcenter/bintray.

Wait a sec, that makes no sense at all.

Make a master key

./gradlew generateMasterKey

The key is stored in USER_HOME/.gradle/fury.properties. Nuke that if there's an unexpected knock on the door.

Encrypt a password

./gradlew encryptPassword -PstoreField=xyz

Where 'xyz' is one of the supported password Java properties keys that we use. They are (subject to change)

  • signing.passPhrase
  • android.signingConfigs.release.storePassword
  • android.signingConfigs.release.keyPassword

The encrypted password is then merged and written to 'local.properties' and picked up later in the build process.

You can also run the following...

Encrypt without user interaction

./gradlew encryptPassword -PstoreField=NEXUS_PASSWORD -Ppassword=secret

Just GPG sign the artifacts

./gradlew signArtifacts -Pprofile=javadoc,sources

DIY approach

./gradlew encryptPassword

Then you'll have to manually edit local.properties to insert your cipher text.

Gradle to Maven Scope Mappings

Gradle qualifier Maven Scope
compile compile
releaseCompile compile
debugCompile NOT MAPPED*
runtime runtime
testCompile test
androidTestCompile test
provided provided
  • Items marked as not mapped are not referenced in the pom. Pom's are generally used for releases, such as, items specific to a scope, such as 'debugCompile' aren't useful since it won't be in the release version.

Quality Plugin

Runs findbugs, checkstyle, and pmd on all your projects (android and java). Based off the work done here.

To apply to your project, apply this file under 'allprojects' then copy the files from gradle-fury/config and place it in your project

allprojects {
        apply from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gradle-fury/gradle-fury/master/gradle/quality.gradle'

then execute with gradelw build

Since the checks can add a lot of time to your build, you probably want to make it optional...

 allprojects {
     if (project.hasProperty('profile') && project.profile.split(',').contains("ci")) {
        apply from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gradle-fury/gradle-fury/master/gradle/quality.gradle'     }

Then execute with gradelw build -Pprofile=ci

Maven Site Plugin

Here's what it looks like

Well it's not exactly the Maven Site Plugin, but it's our version of it. It's pretty darn close. It uses theming inspired by Apache Fluido and is loosely based on the work Paul Speed-2 @ filament did over here.

Instead of the APT based sites, we opted for a simpler solution, a singular page template which is then merged with generated content and your content using Markdown and the Common Mark renderer. We also looked at Pegdown but ran into performance issues. Asciidoc/docbook

Make the site

Before making the site, you should run all your tests and any gradle tasks that generate reports. If they were't created first, they won't be included with site generation.

Also before making, you need to make some directories and files.

mkdir src
mkdir src/site/

Next, you'll want to grab all the files from gradle-fury's src/site/. Put those files in your src/site/ folder.

Next, create or edit index.md. This will be come your site's index.html, the first page people will look at it.

Note: if you're looking for gradle-fury's index.md page, you won't find it. Instead, we copy this readme.md to the right place and rename it.

Most Github flavored markdown tags are supported. You can also any files put in src/site/ will be included in the site. Any html or pdf files in the root src/site/ will be auto-linked on the left hand site navigation menu.

Finally, put this in your root build.gradle file. Do not place it within allprojects.

apply from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gradle-fury/gradle-fury/master/gradle/site.gradle'

We also took some liberties from the maven-site-plugin. Many of the pages it generates can be reduced to just a link. For instance, the location of the source (do we really need an entire web page that only shows the link to the source code?). Same goes for CI, distro management and issue tracking.

./gradlew install -Pprofile=javadoc,sources
# if needed, for distribution projects
./gradlew distZip -Pprofile=javadoc,sources
# if needed, for on device android test and reports
./gradlew cC
# if needed, for findbugs
./gradlew check
# if needed, for jacoco
./gradlew jacocoTestReport

# finally, generate the site
./gradlew site

The output goes to rootDir/build/site/ and can be overridden with ext.buildWebsiteDir = rootDir.absolutePath + "/docs/"

In the future, we may add some extra tasks for zipping up the site, deploying to an ftp or something else.

What is generated by the site plugin?

Here's a quick list

  • Project Summary, all of the artifacts of your project, derived from the project itself and gradle.properties
  • Project Team, from gradle.properties
  • Links to the source, issue tracker, CI and distribution pages
  • All javadocs are included and linked
  • Project repository list, from gradle.properties
  • Dependency report - for all the artifacts of your project, derived from the project itself
  • Project reports - for all artifacts of the project, any and all things from the build/reports folder is included and linked (see the quality plugin). Includes test reports, connectedCheck, Findbugs, PMD, etc
  • Converts and themes all your .md and .asciidoc files from the root/src/site and links them in


I absolutely want to extend a very sincere thanks to Chris Banes, whose work served as the foundation and inspiration for this work. I would not be anywhere had it not been for his outstanding efforts to overcome several of the glaring deficiencies within Gradle's "support" of basic development lifecycle operations -- you know, like simple artifact publishing.

I have quoted it before, and here I am quoting it again:

"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants." --Isaac Newton

Impetus and Rage

Don't get me started.

"Knock...kles" --Kung Fury


Code is under the Apache Licence v2.








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