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villadora/express-http-proxy: Proxy middleware for express/connect

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: 网络 收藏 邀请






JavaScript 100.0%


express-http-proxy NPM version Build Status

Express middleware to proxy request to another host and pass response back to original caller.


$ npm install express-http-proxy --save


proxy(host, options);


To proxy URLS starting with '/proxy' to the host 'www.google.com':

var proxy = require('express-http-proxy');
var app = require('express')();

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com'));


Proxy requests and user responses are piped/streamed/chunked by default.

If you define a response modifier (userResDecorator, userResHeaderDecorator), or need to inspect the response before continuing (maybeSkipToNext), streaming is disabled, and the request and response are buffered. This can cause performance issues with large payloads.


Many function hooks support Promises. If any Promise is rejected, next(x) is called in the hosting application, where x is whatever you pass to Promise.reject;


  app.use(proxy('/reject-promise', {
    proxyReqOptDecorator: function() {
      return Promise.reject('An arbitrary rejection message.');

eventually calls

next('An arbitrary rejection messasage');


The first positional argument is for the proxy host; in many cases you will use a static string here, eg.

app.use('/', proxy('http://google.com'))

However, this argument can also be a function, and that function can be memoized or computed on each request, based on the setting of memoizeHost.

function selectProxyHost() {
  return (new Date() % 2) ? 'http://google.com' : 'http://altavista.com';

app.use('/', proxy(selectProxyHost));

Middleware mixing

If you use 'https://www.npmjs.com/package/body-parser' you should declare it AFTER the proxy configuration, otherwise original 'POST' body could be modified and not proxied correctly.

app.use('/proxy', 'http://foo.bar.com')

// Declare use of body-parser AFTER the use of proxy
app.use('/api', ...)


proxyReqPathResolver (supports Promises)

Note: In express-http-proxy, the path is considered the portion of the url after the host, and including all query params. E.g. for the URL http://smoogle.com/search/path?q=123; the path is /search/path?q=123. Authors using this resolver must also handle the query parameter portion of the path.

Provide a proxyReqPathResolver function if you'd like to operate on the path before issuing the proxy request. Use a Promise for async operations.

  app.use(proxy('localhost:12345', {
    proxyReqPathResolver: function (req) {
      var parts = req.url.split('?');
      var queryString = parts[1];
      var updatedPath = parts[0].replace(/test/, 'tent');
      return updatedPath + (queryString ? '?' + queryString : '');

Promise form

app.use('/proxy', proxy('localhost:12345', {
  proxyReqPathResolver: function(req) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      setTimeout(function () {   // simulate async
        var parts = req.url.split('?');
        var queryString = parts[1];
        var updatedPath = parts[0].replace(/test/, 'tent');
        var resolvedPathValue = updatedPath + (queryString ? '?' + queryString : '');
      }, 200);


DEPRECATED. See proxyReqPathResolver


DEPRECATED. See proxyReqPathResolver

filter (supports Promises)

The filter option can be used to limit what requests are proxied. Return true to continue to execute proxy; return false-y to skip proxy for this request.

For example, if you only want to proxy get request:

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com', {
  filter: function(req, res) {
     return req.method == 'GET';

Promise form:

  app.use(proxy('localhost:12346', {
    filter: function (req, res) { 
      return new Promise(function (resolve) { 
        resolve(req.method === 'GET');

Note that in the previous example, resolve(false) will execute the happy path for filter here (skipping the rest of the proxy, and calling next()). reject() will also skip the rest of proxy and call next().

userResDecorator (was: intercept) (supports Promise)

You can modify the proxy's response before sending it to the client.

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com', {
  userResDecorator: function(proxyRes, proxyResData, userReq, userRes) {
    data = JSON.parse(proxyResData.toString('utf8'));
    data.newProperty = 'exciting data';
    return JSON.stringify(data);
app.use(proxy('httpbin.org', {
  userResDecorator: function(proxyRes, proxyResData) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve) {
      proxyResData.funkyMessage = 'oi io oo ii';
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, 200);
304 - Not Modified

When your proxied service returns 304, not modified, this step will be skipped, since there is no body to decorate.

exploiting references

The intent is that this be used to modify the proxy response data only.

Note: The other arguments (proxyRes, userReq, userRes) are passed by reference, so you can currently exploit this to modify either response's headers, for instance, but this is not a reliable interface. I expect to close this exploit in a future release, while providing an additional hook for mutating the userRes before sending.

gzip responses

If your proxy response is gzipped, this program will automatically unzip it before passing to your function, then zip it back up before piping it to the user response. There is currently no way to short-circuit this behavior.


This sets the body size limit (default: 1mb). If the body size is larger than the specified (or default) limit, a 413 Request Entity Too Large error will be returned. See bytes.js for a list of supported formats.

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com', {
  limit: '5mb'


Defaults to true.

When true, the host argument will be parsed on first request, and memoized for subsequent requests.

When false, host argument will be parsed on each request.


  function coinToss() { return Math.random() > .5 }
  function getHost() { return coinToss() ? 'http://yahoo.com' : 'http://google.com' }

  app.use(proxy(getHost, {
    memoizeHost: false

In this example, when memoizeHost:false, the coinToss occurs on each request, and each request could get either value.

Conversely, When memoizeHost:true, the coinToss would occur on the first request, and all additional requests would return the value resolved on the first request.


When a userResHeaderDecorator is defined, the return of this method will replace (rather than be merged on to) the headers for userRes.

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com', {
  userResHeaderDecorator(headers, userReq, userRes, proxyReq, proxyRes) {
    // recieves an Object of headers, returns an Object of headers.
    return headers;


REMOVED: See proxyReqOptDecorator and proxyReqBodyDecorator.

skipToNextHandlerFilter(supports Promise form)

(experimental: this interface may change in upcoming versions)

Allows you to inspect the proxy response, and decide if you want to continue processing (via express-http-proxy) or call next() to return control to express.

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com', {
  skipToNextHandlerFilter: function(proxyRes) {
    return proxyRes.statusCode === 404;


By default, express-http-proxy will pass any errors except ECONNRESET to next, so that your application can handle or react to them, or just drop through to your default error handling. ECONNRESET errors are immediately returned to the user for historical reasons.

If you would like to modify this behavior, you can provide your own proxyErrorHandler.

// Example of skipping all error handling.

app.use(proxy('localhost:12346', {
  proxyErrorHandler: function(err, res, next) {

// Example of rolling your own

app.use(proxy('localhost:12346', {
  proxyErrorHandler: function(err, res, next) {
    switch (err && err.code) {
      case 'ECONNRESET':    { return res.status(405).send('504 became 405'); }
      case 'ECONNREFUSED':  { return res.status(200).send('gotcher back'); }
      default:              { next(err); }

proxyReqOptDecorator (supports Promise form)

You can override most request options before issuing the proxyRequest. proxyReqOpt represents the options argument passed to the (http|https).request module.

NOTE: req.path cannot be changed via this method; use proxyReqPathResolver instead. (see #243)

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com', {
  proxyReqOptDecorator: function(proxyReqOpts, srcReq) {
    // you can update headers
    proxyReqOpts.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html';
    // you can change the method
    proxyReqOpts.method = 'GET';
    return proxyReqOpts;

You can use a Promise for async style.

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com', {
  proxyReqOptDecorator: function(proxyReqOpts, srcReq) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      proxyReqOpts.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html';

proxyReqBodyDecorator (supports Promise form)

You can mutate the body content before sending the proxyRequest.

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com', {
  proxyReqBodyDecorator: function(bodyContent, srcReq) {
    return bodyContent.split('').reverse().join('');

You can use a Promise for async style.

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com', {
  proxyReqBodyDecorator: function(proxyReq, srcReq) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      http.get('http://dev/null', function (err, res) {
        if (err) { reject(err); }


Normally, your proxy request will be made on the same protocol as the host parameter. If you'd like to force the proxy request to be https, use this option.

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com', {
  https: true


You can copy the host HTTP header to the proxied express server using the preserveHostHdr option.

app.use('/proxy', proxy('www.google.com', {
  preserveHostHdr: true


The parseReqBody option allows you to control parsing the request body. For example, disabling body parsing is useful for large uploads where it would be inefficient to hold the data in memory.








igrigorik/em-http-request: Asynchronous HTTP Client (EventMachine + Ruby)发布时间:2022-06-17
pm936/httpcatcher: 网球规则发布时间:2022-06-17





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