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kbrew-dev/kbrew: kbrew is homebrew for Kubernetes

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kbrew is a CLI tool for Kubernetes which makes installing any complex stack easy in one step (And yes we are definitely inspired by Homebrew from MacOS)

Let's take the example of installing Kafka on a Kubernetes cluster. If you are a developer trying this on a non-prod environment, you want a quick and simple way to set it up. But a typical process looks like this:

  • You need a cert-manager, Zookeeper & kube-prometheus-stack for monitoring installed.
  • Zookeeper is an operator so you need to create a CR of the Zookeeper cluster after installation of the operator is done.
  • Then you have to install Kafka operator.
  • Finally, you have to create a CR of Kafka and wait for everything to stabilize.
  • And lastly, create a ServiceMonitor resource to enable Prometheus scraping.

With kbrew, all of this happens with a "one step":

kbrew install kafka-operator

Similarly when you install a Rook Ceph cluster - it makes it a one step easy:

Any engineering is not without tradeoffs and we are not claiming that this is a silver bullet. Please refer to the Goals and FAQ sections for details.

Table of Contents

Created by gh-md-toc


One step Easy for users

We are basically optimizing for one step install easy for developers. You end up installing applications in dev/tinkering environments multiple times and it should not be this hard. Also, you should not have to write glue code or shell scripts to make it work!

Fully Configured & functional

One step would not be true to its promise if you had to configure things such as StorageClass or verify the version of Kubernetes etc. It should work and be fully functional to use right after installation.

Recipe - abstracts complexity!

While we are making it easy for users to install any application in one step, we are pushing the complexity to the recipe. This means the recipe authors have to understand and write recipes that just work!


(Click to expand)

Install the pre-compiled binary

export BINDIR=/usr/local/bin
curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kbrew-dev/kbrew/main/install.sh | sh

Compiling from source

Step 1: Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/kbrew-dev/kbrew.git

Step 2: Build binary using make


CLI Usage

(Click to expand)
$ kbrew --help
A CLI tool for Kubernetes which makes installing any complex stack easy in one step.

  kbrew [command]

Available Commands:
  analytics   Manage analytics setting
  completion  Output shell completion code for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  info        Describe application
  install     Install application
  remove      Remove application
  search      Search application
  update      Update kbrew and recipe registries
  version     Print version information

  -c, --config string       config file (default is $HOME/.kbrew.yaml)
      --config-dir string   config dir (default is $HOME/.kbrew)
      --debug               enable debug logs
  -h, --help                help for kbrew
  -n, --namespace string    namespace

Use "kbrew [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Commonly used commands

kbrew search

Searches for a recipe for the given application. Lists all the available recipes if no application name is passed.

kbrew info

Prints applications details including registry and dependency information.

kbrew install

Installs a recipe in your cluster with all pre & posts steps and applications.

kbrew update

Checks for kbrew updates and upgrades automatically if a newer version is available. Fetches updates for all the kbrew recipe registries

kbrew remove

Uninstalls the application and its dependencies.


A kbrew recipe is a YAML file that declares the installation process of a Kubernetes app. It allows to brew Helm charts or vanilla Kubernetes manifests with scripts, also managing dependencies with other recipes.

Recipes can be grouped in a structured directory called Registry. kbrew uses the kbrew-registry by default.

Recipe structure

The process of how kbrew manages the installation of an app according to the recipe specification is depicted below. As can be seen, kbrew takes care of the order of pre/post actions.


Similarly, while removing an app, kbrew takes care of the order of removal of the dependent apps and the cleanup steps specified via pre/post_cleanup in the recipe.


A bare-bones structure of a recipe is a composition of pre-install steps, install and post-install steps. Each step could have another application being installed or a further set of steps.

apiVersion: v1
kind: kbrew
    url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/repo/manifest.yaml
    type: raw
    Deployment.nginx.spec.replicas: 4
  namespace: default
  version: v0.17.0
  - apps:
      - OtherApp
  - steps:
      - echo "installing app"
  - steps:
      - echo "done installing"
  - steps
      - echo "deleting prerequisite"
  - steps:
      - echo "app deleted"


  • app is the declaration of how a Kubernetes application - a Helm chart or a YAML manifest - will get installed.
    • repository: defines the source of the app
      • url: location of a Helm chart or a Kubernetes YAML manifest
      • type: can be helm or raw

For example for the Kafka recipe, we will use the Helm chart from Banzaicloud and point to the Helm repo where the chart is available.

    name: banzaicloud-stable
    url: https://kubernetes-charts.banzaicloud.com
    type: helm

kbrew allows you to modify the app via arguments that can modify the Helm chart values or manifest field values. kbrew supports passing arguments to recipes as Go templates.

All the functions from the Sprig library and the lookup & include functions from Helm are supported.

Helm app: Arguments to a helm app can be the key-value pairs offered by the chart in its values.yaml file.

Raw app: These arguments patch the manifest of a raw app and can be specified in the format: <Kind>.<Name>.<FieldPath>: <value>. For example, to change spec.replicas of a Deployment named nginx, specify Deployment.nginx.spec.replicas

For example for Nginx Ingress recipe we configure an annotation if the application is being installed in AWS EKS or Digital Ocean.

    # annotation for EKS
    controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/aws-load-balancer-type": '{{ $providerID := (index (lookup "v1" "Node" "" "").items 0).spec.providerID }}{{ if hasPrefix "aws" $providerID }}nlb{{end}}'
    # annotations for Digital Ocean
    controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/do-loadbalancer-enable-proxy-protocol": '{{ $providerID := (index (lookup "v1" "Node" "" "").items 0).spec.providerID }}{{ if hasPrefix "digitalocean" $providerID }}true{{end}}'
  • namespace: Kubernetes namespace where the app should be installed. If not specified, default is used for installation.

Pre & Post Install

Pre and post-install sections allow the recipe author to do steps needed before or after the installation of the core application. This could be for example:

  • Checking for compatibility of cluster or the environment-specific things such as StorageClass.
  • Install another dependency application by using the recipe of that application.
  • After installation wait for setup to be ready and fully functional.
  • Create CRs of a specific application so that it is fully functional and ready to use.

Let's look at some examples. In the RookCeph recipe, we install the operator as a dependency application:

  - apps:
    - rook-ceph-operator

In the Minio recipe, we check the version of Kubernetes so that only compatible versions of Kubernetes are used for rest of the install

  - steps:
    - |
      # Prerequisites
      # https://github.com/minio/operator#prerequisites
      expected=$(echo $minK8sVersion |  sed 's/v//g' | sed 's/\.//g')
      k8sVersion=$(kubectl version --short=true --output json | jq -r ".serverVersion.gitVersion" | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/v//g' | sed 's/\.//g')
      if [ $expected -gt $k8sVersion ]
        echo "The cluster does not meet requirements."
        echo "Kubernetes version v1.19.0 or later required."
        exit 1

Or for example, in case of Minio, the StorageClass should have the value of volumeBindingMode as WaitForFirstConsumer - and is one of the prerequisites for the installation:

  - steps:
    - |
      # Prerequisites - The StorageClass must have volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
      # https://github.com/minio/operator#prerequisites
      scList=$(kubectl get storageclass -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.volumeBindingMode=="WaitForFirstConsumer")].metadata.name}')
      if [ -z "$scList" ]
        echo "The cluster does not meet requirements."
        echo "Atleast 1 StorageClass should have WaitForFirstConsumer volumeBindingMode."
        exit 1

Pre and Post Cleanup

The pre_cleanup and post_cleanup are very similar to the pre_install and post_install steps but are used in the uninstall lifecycle.


How is kbrew different than Helm or Kubernetes Operator?

kbrew uses Helm charts and operators both under the hood. kbrew acts as a glue code that makes combination of installing a Helm chart, creating a manifest CR etc. into a single command that also tries to make some decisions such as StorageClass configuration etc. It is great for developers who wants to just get something running fast and fully working!

Should I use kbrew for installing applications in a production environment?

At this point, kbrew is not meant to install applications in production. It makes installing applications easy for developers and anyone tinkering and installing frequently

How can I contribute recipes for a project/tool?

The recipes are maintained in kbrew registry, and if a recipe does not exist then please raise an issue and you can contribute to the registry.

How is analytics used?

The analytics is anonymized and used in aggregate to determine the failure/success rate of recipes and to improve user experience.

What data is collected for analytics?

Please check analytics for details.

Who is developing kbrew?

The team at InfraCloud is supporting kbrew's development with love! But we love contributions from the community.













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