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classmethod/gradle-aws-plugin: Gradle plugin to manage Amazon Web Services

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Java 97.8%

开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):

Gradle AWS Plugin

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/gradle-aws-plugin/Lobby

Gradle plugin to manage AWS resources.

Current Features / Supported AWS Products

  • S3
    • Create bucket
    • Delete bucket
    • Upload object(s)
    • Delete object(s)
    • File sync
    • Set bucket policy
    • Set website configuration
  • EC2
    • Run instance
    • Start instance
    • Stop instance
    • Terminate instance
    • Import key
    • Create security group
    • Delete security group
    • Authorize security group ingress permissions
    • Authorize security group egress permissions
    • Revoke security group ingress permissions
    • Revoke security group egress permissions
    • Wait for specific status on instance
  • RDS
    • Create DB instance
    • Delete DB instance
    • Modify DB instance
    • Migrate (create or modify) DB instance
    • Reboot DB instance
    • Wait for specific status on DB instance
  • Route53
    • Create hosted zone
    • Delete hosted zone
    • Change record set
  • Elastic Beanstalk
    • Create or delete applications
    • Create or terminate environments
    • Create or delete configuration templates
    • Create or delete application versions
    • Wait for specific status on environment
  • CloudFormation
    • Migrate (create or update) stack
    • Delete stack
    • Wait for specific status on stack
  • Lambda
    • Create function
    • Update function code
    • Update function configuration
    • Migrate (create or update) function
    • Invoke function
    • Delete function
    • Publish function version
    • Create alias
    • Update alias
  • IAM
    • Create role
    • Attach role policy
  • ELB
    • (TBD)
  • SQS
    • Send messages
    • Delete messages
    • Read messages
  • SNS
    • Publish message
  • SSM
    • Put parameters


  • Java 8+
  • Gradle 2.4+


Add this to your build.gradle:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/" }
  dependencies {
    classpath "jp.classmethod.aws:gradle-aws-plugin:0.30"

apply plugin: 'jp.classmethod.aws'

aws {
  profileName = 'credentials-profile-name-in-your-profile-configuration-file (~/.aws/credentials)'
  region = 'ap-northeast-1'

These credentials are used to make API accesses by default. The format of the credentials file is described in the Amazon AWS Docs.

S3 Create bucket

apply plugin: 'jp.classmethod.aws.s3'

task createBucket(type: CreateBucketTask) {
	bucketName myBucketName

	// one of http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#s3_region values, us-east-1 by default
	region regionName
	// create bucket only if it does not exist, otherwise skip
	ifNotExists true

Look at S3 example 1 for more information.

S3 files tasks

apply plugin: 'jp.classmethod.aws.s3'

task syncObjects(type: jp.classmethod.aws.gradle.s3.SyncTask) {
  bucketName 'foobar.example.com'
  source file('path/to/objects')

Look at S3 example 1 and S3 example 2 for more information.

EC2 instance tasks

apply plugin: 'jp.classmethod.aws.ec2'

// You can overwrite default credentials and region settings like this:
// ec2 {
//   profileName 'another-credentials-profile-name' // optional
//   region = 'us-east-1'
// }

task stopBastion(type: jp.classmethod.aws.gradle.ec2.AmazonEC2StopInstanceTask) {
  instanceIds += 'i-12345678'

task startBastion(type: jp.classmethod.aws.gradle.ec2.AmazonEC2StartInstanceTask) {
  instanceIds += 'i-12345678'

Look at EC2 example for more information.

RDS DB instance tasks

apply plugin: "jp.classmethod.aws.rds"

// You can overwrite default credentials and region settings like this:
// rds {
//   profileName 'another-credentials-profile-name' // optional
//   region = 'us-east-1'
// }

task migrateDBInstance(type: AmazonRDSMigrateDBInstanceTask) {
	dbInstanceIdentifier = "foobar"
	allocatedStorage = 5
	dbInstanceClass = "db.t2.micro"
	engine = "MySQL"
	masterUsername = "root"
	masterUserPassword = "passW0rd"
	vpcSecurityGroupIds = [ "sg-d3958fbf" ]
	dbSubnetGroupName = "default"
	multiAZ = false
	publiclyAccessible = true

task rebootDBInstance(type: AmazonRDSRebootDBInstanceTask) {
	dbInstanceIdentifier = "foobar"

task deleteDBInstance(type: AmazonRDSDeleteDBInstanceTask) {
	dbInstanceIdentifier = "foobar"
	skipFinalSnapshot = true

Look at RDS example for more information.

Route 53 hosted zone tasks

apply plugin: 'jp.classmethod.aws.route53'

task createHostedZone(type: jp.classmethod.aws.gradle.route53.CreateHostedZoneTask) {
	hostedZoneName "foobar.example.com"
	callerReference '0BF44985-9D79-BF3B-A9B0-5AE24D6E86E1'

task deleteHostedZone(type: jp.classmethod.aws.gradle.route53.DeleteHostedZoneTask) {
	hostedZoneId "XXXX"

Look at Route 53 example for more information.

Elastic Beanstalk environment tasks

apply plugin: 'jp.classmethod.aws.beanstalk'
beanstalk {
  String extension = project.war.archiveName.tokenize('.').last()
  String timestamp = new Date().format("yyyyMMdd'_'HHmmss", TimeZone.default)

  appName 'foobar'
  appDesc 'foobar demo application'
  version {
    label = "foobar-${project.war.version}-${timestamp}"
    description = "${artifactId} v${version}"
    bucket = 'sample-bucket'
    key = "eb-apps/foobar-${project.war.version}-${timestamp}.${extension}"
  configurationTemplates {
    production {
      optionSettings = file('src/main/config/production.json')
      solutionStackName = '64bit Amazon Linux 2013.09 running Tomcat 7 Java 7'
    development {
      optionSettings = file('src/main/config/development.json')
      solutionStackName = '64bit Amazon Linux 2013.09 running Tomcat 7 Java 7'
  environment {
    envName = 'foobar'
    envDesc = 'foobar demo application development environment'
    templateName = 'development'
    versionLabel = "foobar-${project.war.version}-${timestamp}"

// task awsEbMigrateEnvironment, awsEbDeleteApplication and so on are declared

Look Elastic Beanstalk example for more information.

CloudFormation stack tasks

apply plugin: 'jp.classmethod.aws.cloudformation'

cloudFormation {
  stackName 'foobar-stack'
    Foo: 'bar',
    Baz: 'qux'
    Bar: 'foo',
    Baz: 'fox'
  capabilityIam true
  templateFile project.file("foobar.template")
  templateBucket 'example-bucket'
  templateKeyPrefix 'foobar/'

// awsCfnMigrateStack and awsCfnDeleteStack task (and so on) are declared.

Look at CloudFormation example for more information.

Lambda function tasks

apply plugin: "base"
apply plugin: "jp.classmethod.aws.lambda"
aws {
	profileName = "default"
	region = "ap-northeast-1"

lambda {
	region = "us-east-1"

task zip(type: Zip) {
	from "function/"
	destinationDir file("build")

task migrateFunction(type: AWSLambdaMigrateFunctionTask, dependsOn: zip) {
	functionName = "foobar"
	role = "arn:aws:iam::${aws.accountId}:role/lambda-poweruser"
	zipFile = zip.archivePath
	handler = "DecodeBase64.handler"
	alias = 'DEV'
	environment = [
	    p1: "Value",
	    p2: "Value2"
	tags = [
	    p1: "Value",
	    p2: "Value2"    

task invokeFunction(type: AWSLambdaInvokeTask) {
	functionName = "foobar"
	invocationType = InvocationType.RequestResponse
	payload = file("sample-input/input.txt")
	doLast {
		println "Lambda function result: " + new String(invokeResult.payload.array(), "UTF-8")

task deleteFunction(type: AWSLambdaDeleteFunctionTask) {
	functionName = "foobar"

task publishVersionFunction(type: AWSLambdaPublishVersionTask, dependsOn: migrateFunction) {
	functionName = "foobar"

task createAlias(type: AWSLambdaCreateAliasTask, dependsOn: publishVersionFunction) {
	functionName = "foobar"
	aliasName = "alias"
	functionVersion = "1"

task updateAlias(type: AWSLambdaUpdateAliasTask, dependsOn: createAlias) {
	functionName = "foobar"
    aliasName = "alias"
	functionVersion = "1"
    routingConfig {
        additionalVersionWeight = 0.7
		useNextVersion = true

task updateLambdaFunctionCode(type: AWSLambdaUpdateFunctionCodeTask) {
    functionName = "fooBar"
    zipFile = zip.archivePath

Look at Lambda example for more information.

SQS tasks

apply plugin: "jp.classmethod.aws.sqs"

task sendMessages(type: AmazonSQSSendMessagesTask) {
	queueName 'gradle-aws-plugin-sample'
	messages Stream.of("Test 1", "Test 2")

task deleteMessages(type: AmazonSQSMessageConsumerTask) {
	queueName 'gradle-aws-plugin-sample'
	showMessages false

task viewMessages(type: AmazonSQSMessageConsumerTask) {
	queueName 'gradle-aws-plugin-sample'
	deleteMessages false
	maxNumberOfMessages 50

Look at SQS example for more information.

SNS tasks

apply plugin: "jp.classmethod.aws.sns"

task publishMessage(type: AmazonSNSPublishMessageTask) {
	topicArn 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:gradle-aws-plugin-sns-topic'
	message 'Test body'
	subject 'Optional test subject'

task publishJsonMessage(type: AmazonSNSPublishMessageTask) {
	topicArn 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:gradle-aws-plugin-sns-topic'
	message JsonOutput.toJson(['default': 'Default message body.',
							   'email'  : 'Email message body.',
							   'sms': 'SMS message body.'])
	messageStructure 'json'

Look at SNS example for more information.


Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Classmethod, Inc.

Distributed under the Apache License v2.0. See the file copyright/LICENSE.txt.

Development and Contribution

We are open to contributions.

To contribute to the plugin or make your own modifications, including the ability to publish your build artifacts to your own Maven repository see: development.













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