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gradle-dependency-analyze/gradle-dependency-analyze: Dependency analysis plugin ...

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Dependency analysis plugin for gradle.

This plugin is based on the work in a gist at https://gist.github.com/kellyrob99/4334483. This plugin is possible thanks to this work by Kelly Robinson; thank you.

This plugin attempts to replicate the functionality of the maven dependency plugin's analyze goals which fail the build if dependencies are declared but not used or used but not declared.

The plugin is available from the gradle plugin repository, so it can be added to your build with the following:

Using the plugin DSL:

plugins {
  id "ca.cutterslade.analyze" version "1.9.0"

Using legacy plugin application:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
  dependencies {
    classpath "ca.cutterslade.gradle:gradle-dependency-analyze:1.9.0"

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'ca.cutterslade.analyze'

When applying this plugin to a multi-project build, it should be applied the root project as well as all sub-projects for which dependency analysis is needed. A common pattern is to apply this plugin to all projects and the java plugin to only the sub-projects:

allprojects {
  apply plugin: 'ca.cutterslade.analyze'
subprojects {
  apply plugin: 'java'


The plugin is build with JDK 1.8 and is tested against Gradle 5.0 up to Gradle 7.1.

Plugin version Gradle version
<= 1.4.0 < 5.0
>= 1.4.1 >= 5.0

Sample Output

If the dependency analysis finds issues, it will normally cause the build to fail, and print a list of the issues that were found, similar to the following:

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':analyzeClassesDependencies'.
> Dependency analysis found issues.
   - ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.2.3@jar
   - com.google.guava:guava:25.1-jre@jar
   - commons-io:commons-io:2.5@jar
   - commons-lang:commons-lang:2.4@jar
   - net.sf.json-lib:json-lib:2.3:jdk15@jar


This plugin can not properly detect the following use cases and will issue a warning about a problematic dependency declaration.

  1. When a constant is used inside the code that is located in a dependency, and it is the only usage of anything from that dependency the plugin might report a problem about an unused dependency
  2. When a constant is used as a value in an annotation is located in a dependency, and it is the only usage of anything from that dependency the plugin is not able to detect that usage as in that case all references to the constant are erased by the java compiler
  3. When a class hierarchy is in place across multiple gradle subprojects or different dependencies the plugin is not able to detect this kind of hierarchies as the byte code only contains references to "direct" classes that are used
  4. When an exception is part of a method signature and this exception is in a dependency and this is the only used class from that dependency the class invoking this method and not using this exception but throwing a more general one the exception usage will not be detected as it is not part of the byte code
  5. Annotations with @Retention(SOURCE) are not part of the byte code, so these usages will not be detected the plugin (e.g. @Generated from jakarta-annotation-api or javax.annotation-api)

In these situations a permit*UnusedDeclared must be added to not trigger a build failure or warning by this plugin


This plugin will add the following tasks to your project: analyzeClassesDependencies, analyzeTestClassesDependencies , and analyzeDependencies.


This task depends on the classes task and analyzes the dependencies of the main source set's output directory. This ensures that all dependencies of the classes are declared in the compile, api, implementation, or compileOnly configuration. It also ensures the inverse, that all the dependencies of these configurations are used by classes; use of the permitUnusedDeclared configuration allows for exceptions to this restriction.


This task depends on the testClasses task and analyzes the dependencies of the test source set's output directory. This ensures that all dependencies of the classes are declared in the testCompile, testApi, testImplementation or testCompileOnly configuration. It also ensures the inverse, that all the dependencies of these configurations are used by classes; use of the permitTestUnusedDeclared configuration allows for exceptions to this restriction.


This task depends on the analyzeClassesDependencies and analyzeTestClassesDependencies tasks, and does nothing on its own. A dependency on this task is added to the check task.

Additionally, the plugin will add analyze action for every custom sourceSet defined:


This task depends on the *sourceSet*Classes task and analyzes the dependencies of the sourceSet's output directory. This ensures that all dependencies of the classes are declared in the *sourceSet*Compile, *sourceSet*api , *sourceSet*implementation, or *sourceSet*CompileOnly configuration. It also ensures the inverse, that all the dependencies of these configurations are used by classes; use of the permit*SourceSet*UnusedDeclared configuration allows for exceptions to this restriction.


This plugin adds the following configurations which may be used to define dependencies which should be handled in a special way. These configurations have no impact on the build outside this plugin.

  • permitUnusedDeclared
  • permitTestUnusedDeclared
  • permitUsedUndeclared
  • permitTestUsedUndeclared
  • permit*SourceSet*UnusedDeclared
  • permit*SourceSet*UsedUndeclared

Adding dependencies to permitUnusedDeclared causes the dependency analyzer to ignore cases where the dependencies are declared but not used. Adding dependencies to permitUsedUndeclared causes the dependency analyzer to ignore cases where the dependencies used but not declared.


Using these configurations to allow exceptions to the rules is as simple as adding a dependency to your project. The snippet below will provide a compile-time dependency on the JSP API, but the plugin will not complain if it is not used.

dependencies {
  compile 'javax.servlet:jsp-api:2.0'
  permitUnusedDeclared 'javax.servlet:jsp-api:2.0'

Task Configuration

The plugin is not especially configurable, but each task can be configured to log a warning about dependency issues rather than breaking the build. Each task can also be configured to log informational output into a file instead of the Gradle console, this can be helpful for large projects where printing all the dependencies can cause high memory usage. Informational messages are logged to $builddir/reports/dependency-analyze/.

tasks.named('analyzeClassesDependencies').configure {
  warnUsedUndeclared = true
  warnUnusedDeclared = true
  logDependencyInformationToFiles = true

tasks.named('analyzeTestClassesDependencies').configure {
  warnUsedUndeclared = true
  warnUnusedDeclared = true
  logDependencyInformationToFiles = true
  • warnUsedUndeclared - only warn if used undeclared dependencies are found, default: false
  • warnUnusedDeclared - only warn if unused declared dependencies are found, default: false
  • logDependencyInformationToFiles - logs dependency violations to log file, default: false

Note: Starting with version 1.8.0 justWarn is deprecated in favor of much more fine-grained warnUsedUndeclared and warnUnusedDeclared options. Setting justWarn=true is equivalent to setting both warnUsedUndeclared=true and warnUnusedDeclared=true. This option will be removed in the future

Disabling/enabling the plugin

In addition to using the justWarn-property, many cases want the build to fail only under given conditions (i.e. nightly builds or integration builds). This can be achieved by disabling and enabling dependency analyzing in the following manner.

if (!project.hasProperty('analyzeDependencies')) {
  tasks.named('analyzeClassesDependencies').configure {
    enabled = false
  tasks.named('analyzeTestClassesDependencies').configure {
    enabled = false
  tasks.named('analyzeDependencies').configure {
    enabled = false

compileOnly dependencies

Starting with version 1.9.0 compileOnly dependencies will be excluded from the unusedDeclaredDependencies. Additionally, a new flag named warnCompileOnly has been introduced to list all compileOnly dependencies that are declared and not needed in runtime. If a compileOnly dependency is declared and needed based on the analysis in runtime it will fail the build, in that case a permitUsedUndeclared must be added if this is not correct (mainly when developing libraries which are performing safety checks to not access a class that is not in the classpath, e.g. spring-boot-starter-* projects).

To enable the logging for compileOnly dependencies the following needs to be added to the plugin configuration block in build.gradle.

tasks.named('analyzeClassesDependencies').configure {
    warnCompileOnly = true

(Experimental) Aggregator projects

With version 1.6.0 a new feature has been added that allows the use of aggregator projects without the need to add many permit* dependencies. This makes the life easier when for example a project heavily uses spring-boot-starters. Normally you do not want to add all dependencies manually to one gradle project instead you want to dependent on the starter and trust the dependencies declared in that place. As this might be against the intention of this plugin we still think it might be a good addition. As a benefit to still have a clean and small classpath the plugin tries to optimize the aggregator usage by picking the one with the smallest overhead (less transitive dependencies).

Example how to use:

dependencies {


With that configuration the plugin will not "complain" about unused declared dependencies for spring-boot-starter and also not about used undeclared dependencies for example when the code uses a class from spring-core which is a dependency of the starter.

Example for the optimization when a smaller aggregator is a better fit:

dependencies {


When the code in that gradle project now only use classes from spring-core and two permitAggregatorUse dependencies have been declared the plugin will inform about the change that should be done to use spring-boot-starter instead of spring-boot-starter-web. This optimization will only work when multiple permitAggregatorUse dependencies are declared for one gradle project.

Example how to use with platform plugin:

As this feature makes the most sense when used together with the platform-plugin the following example shows haw this can be achieved:

plugins {
  id 'groovy'
  id 'ca.cutterslade.analyze'
  id 'java-library'

repositories {

dependencies {


configurations {
    myPlatform {
        canBeResolved = false
        canBeConsumed = false

configurations.all {
    if (canBeResolved) {
dependencies {
    myPlatform platform(project(':platform'))

Custom task instances

Applying the plugin creates and configures two instances of the AnalyzeDependenciesPlugin task. These two instances, analyzeClassesDependencies and analyzeTestClassesDependencies, are configured to verify the main and test source set dependencies respectively. Additional instances of this task type can be created and configured in addition to, or instead of, the instances created by the plugin. This may be appropriate when setting up more complex project configurations, or using other plugins which introduce their own configurations.


tasks.register('analyzeCustomClassesDependencies', AnalyzeDependenciesTask) {
  dependsOn customClasses

  // Set to true to print a warning rather than fail the build if the dependency analysis fails
  justWarn = false

  // List of configurations which the analyzed output is required to use
  require = [ configurations.customCompile, configuration.customCompileOnly ]

  // List of configurations which the analyzed output may use but is not required to
  allowedToUse = [ configurations.compile, configurations.provided ]

  // List of configurations which the analyzed output is not required to use, even if dependencies are present in the
  // 'require' list above
  allowedToDeclare = [ configurations.permitCustomUnusedDeclared ]

  // Location of class output directories to analyze
  classesDirs = sourceSets.custom.output.classesDirs

// Add the new task as a dependency of the main analyzeDependencies task
tasks.named('analyzeDependencies').configure {
  dependsOn analyzeCustomClassesDependencies

Users of the java-library plugin no longer need to configure custom tasks, and should upgrade to version 1.4.0 as soon as practical.


Version 1.9.0

Version 1.9.0 adds support for excluding and warning about the usage of compileOnly dependencies. see compileOnly

Version 1.8.0

Version 1.8.0 adds support for different handling when a dependency issue is found. This means if the plugin finds an unusedDeclared dependency can can now fail while at the same time when it finds an usedUndeclared one it will only print a warning. So the justWarn is now deprecated in favor of the more specific configuration options.

Version 1.7.0

Version 1.7.0 adds support for writing all logging information (used artifacts/classes/dependencies) to a folder located in build/reports/dependency-analyze.

Version 1.6.0

Version 1.6.0 of this plugin adds support for aggregator projects. This feature is an experimental feature that needs to be tested by more users to see if it works as expected. see aggregator usage

Version 1.5.0

Version 1.5.0 of this plugin adds built-in support for the java-test-fixtures plugin. Additionally, the plugin was extended to automatically detect custom source sets and provides dedicated tasks for each of them.

Version 1.4.0

Version 1.4.0 of this plugin adds built-in support for the java-library plugin, which has been the recommended default for quite a while. Previously tasks had to be customised to analyze the correct configurations.

Version 1.3.0

Version 1.3.0 of this plugin introduces only minor functional changes, but adds support for Java version 9, 10, and 11, while dropping support for Java versions 6 and 7.

The dependency analyzer has been upgraded to version 1.10, this new version adds detection of inlined dependencies, which can cause some false positives (the lack of this detection used to cause false negatives). In order to assist in working around these false positives, two new configurations have been added to the plugin:

  • permitUsedUndeclared
  • permitTestUsedUndeclared

These configurations are described above.

Version 1.2.0

Version 1.2.0 of this plugin introduces a couple significant changes.

  • For multi project builds, the plugin must now be applied to the root project. If it has not been applied to the root project, the build will fail with the message Dependency analysis plugin must also be applied to the root project.
  • The plugin will no longer fail to apply if the java plugin has not been applied. Applying this plugin to a project without the java plugin will have no effect.
  • The plugin no longer caches dependency information in a static cache which would persist across executions when the gradle daemon was in use. It now caches dependency information in the root project. This represents a small performance penalty but avoids a potential issue if a dependency file is modified, and a potential memory leak if the path of dependency files changes regularly.
  • The tasks now produce output files at $buildDir/dependency-analyse/$taskName. This contains the exception message if the task causes the build to fail, or is empty if the task does not cause the build to fail.
  • The tasks now specify inputs and outputs allowing gradle to consider a task up-to-date if nothing has changed.
  • The tasks allows caching of outputs on gradle versions which support the task output cache. This allows the task work to be skipped even on clean builds if an appropriate cached result exists.
  • Tasks will now appear in the listing produced by gradle tasks under the Verification group.

Migration from 1.1.0

Migrating from version 1.1.0 to version 1.2.0 of the plugin should be very simple. Most users will not have to make any changes, users with multi-project builds will have to ensure that the plugin is applied to the root project. This can be accomplished by applying the plugin in the allprojects {} block.

Version 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0 of this plugin introduced a couple significant changes.

  • The plugin now supports the compileOnly and testCompileOnly configurations introduced by gradle in version 2.12. This feature was discussed in detail in a posting on the gradle blog. These configurations should generally be used where provided would have been used.
  • The permitUnusedDeclared and permitTestUnusedDeclared configurations were introduced to allow for specific exceptions to the restriction which requires all declared dependencies to be used.
  • If the project makes use of the provided configuration, these dependencies are now treated the same as the compile configuration; specifically, dependencies of the provided configuration must be used by compiled class files. Previously, the provided configuration was an exception to that rule, allowing for the type of exception now supported by the permitUnusedDeclared configuration.

Migration from 1.0.0

If you previously made use of the provided configuration, upgrading to version 1.1 of this plugin may cause dependency analysis failures, since the provided configuration is now treated in the same way as the compile configuration. After investigating these failures to ensure that they do not represent a misconfiguration of the project dependencies, the offending dependencies can be added to the permitUnusedDeclared configuration to suppress the failure.













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