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mattn/go-gtk: Go binding for GTK

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: 网络 收藏 邀请






Go 92.1%



Build Status Codecov


Go bindings for GTK




You can experiment with go-gtk by running the various example programs:

git clone https://github.com/mattn/go-gtk
cd go-gtk
go get ...
make example


go get github.com/mattn/go-gtk/gtk

Don't forget, that you need the GTK-Development-Packages.

If you use linux, you should install libgtk+-2.0 and packages that depend on gtk.

On Debian and Debian derived distributions you can run (as root):

apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libglib2.0-dev libgtksourceview2.0-dev

If you use windows, find gtk binary packages from here:


It is possible to embed a pixbuf image with:

$ go run tools/make_inline_pixbuf/make_inline_pixbuf.go logoPNG data/go-gtk-logo.png > logo.gen.go

And then load it with:

  pb := gdkpixbuf.NewPixbufFromData(logoPNG)


The library is available under the same terms and conditions as the Go, the BSD style license, and the LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License). The idea is that if you can use Go (and Gtk) in a project, you should also be able to use go-gtk.


  • Yasuhiro Matsumoto


  • David Roundy
  • Mark Andrew Gerads
  • Tobias Kortkamp
  • Mikhail Trushnikov
  • Federico Sogaro
  • Crazy2be
  • Daniël de Kok
  • Erik Lissel
  • Jeffrey Bolle
  • Leonhard Küper
  • Matt Joiner
  • SQP
  • Steven T
  • Taru Karttunen
  • Utkan Güngördü
  • matiaslina
  • Dag Robøle
  • Denis Dyakov
  • Giuseppe Mazzotta


Hopefully support following widgets and methods enough to run general application.

(output of tools/gogtkinfo)

Main Loop and Events          :  30% (  8/ 26)
GtkAccelGroup                 :  15% (  3/ 19)
GtkAccelMap                   :   0% (  0/ 14)
GtkClipboard                  :  29% (  9/ 31)
Drag and Drop                 :  11% (  4/ 35)
GtkIconTheme                  :   9% (  3/ 33)
GtkStockItem                  :  66% (  4/  6)
Themeable Stock Images        :   2% (  1/ 42)
Resource Files                :  14% (  4/ 28)
GtkSettings                   :  40% (  6/ 15)
GtkBinding                    :   0% (  0/ 14)
Graphics Contexts             :   0% (  0/  2)
GtkStyle                      :   9% (  6/ 64)
Selections                    :   8% (  4/ 47)
Version Information           :   0% (  0/  6)
Testing                       :   0% (  0/ 16)
Filesystem Utilities          :   0% (  0/  7)
GtkDialog                     :  63% ( 12/ 19)
GtkMessageDialog              :  62% (  5/  8)
GtkWindow                     :  53% ( 55/102)
GtkWindowGroup                :   0% (  0/  5)
GtkAboutDialog                :  90% ( 29/ 32)
GtkAssistant                  :  91% ( 21/ 23)
GtkOffscreenWindow            :   0% (  0/  3)
GtkAccelLabel                 :  83% (  5/  6)
GtkImage                      :  32% ( 10/ 31)
GtkLabel                      :  86% ( 39/ 45)
GtkProgressBar                : 100% ( 12/ 12)
GtkStatusbar                  :  77% (  7/  9)
GtkInfoBar                    : 100% ( 12/ 12)
GtkStatusIcon                 :  68% ( 26/ 38)
GtkSpinner                    : 100% (  3/  3)
GtkButton                     : 100% ( 28/ 28)
GtkCheckButton                : 100% (  3/  3)
GtkRadioButton                : 100% (  8/  8)
GtkToggleButton               : 100% (  9/  9)
GtkLinkButton                 :  75% (  6/  8)
GtkScaleButton                : 100% (  9/  9)
GtkVolumeButton               : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkEntry                      :  44% ( 28/ 63)
GtkEntryBuffer                :  72% (  8/ 11)
GtkEntryCompletion            :  96% ( 25/ 26)
GtkHScale                     : 100% (  2/  2)
GtkVScale                     : 100% (  2/  2)
GtkSpinButton                 : 100% ( 30/ 30)
GtkEditable                   : 100% ( 13/ 13)
GtkTextIter                   :  25% ( 23/ 91)
GtkTextMark                   :   0% (  0/  7)
GtkTextBuffer                 :  67% ( 52/ 77)
GtkTextTag                    :  83% (  5/  6)
GtkTextAttributes             : 100% (  5/  5)
GtkTextTagTable               :  83% (  5/  6)
GtkTextView                   :  29% ( 19/ 64)
GtkTreePath                   :  90% ( 18/ 20)
GtkTreeRowReference           :  60% (  6/ 10)
GtkTreeIter                   : 100% (  2/  2)
GtkTreeModel                  :  57% ( 15/ 26)
GtkTreeSelection              :  78% ( 18/ 23)
GtkTreeViewColumn             :  61% ( 34/ 55)
GtkTreeView                   :  19% ( 19/ 98)
GtkTreeView drag-and-drop     :   0% (  0/  7)
GtkCellView                   :   0% (  0/ 11)
GtkIconView                   :  17% ( 11/ 62)
GtkTreeSortable               :  87% (  7/  8)
GtkTreeModelSort              :   0% (  0/  9)
GtkTreeModelFilter            :   0% (  0/ 11)
GtkCellLayout                 :   0% (  0/  9)
GtkCellRenderer               : 100% (  2/  2)
GtkCellEditable               :   0% (  0/  3)
GtkCellRendererAccel          : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkCellRendererCombo          : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkCellRendererPixbuf         : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkCellRendererProgress       : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkCellRendererSpin           : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkCellRendererText           : 100% (  2/  2)
GtkCellRendererToggle         : 100% (  7/  7)
GtkCellRendererSpinner        : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkListStore                  :  84% ( 16/ 19)
GtkTreeStore                  :  80% ( 17/ 21)
GtkComboBox                   :  78% ( 30/ 38)
GtkComboBoxText               : 100% (  7/  7)
GtkComboBoxEntry              :  80% (  4/  5)
GtkMenu                       :  48% ( 13/ 27)
GtkMenuBar                    : 100% (  5/  5)
GtkMenuItem                   :  90% ( 18/ 20)
GtkImageMenuItem              :  54% (  6/ 11)
GtkRadioMenuItem              :  44% (  4/  9)
GtkCheckMenuItem              : 100% ( 10/ 10)
GtkSeparatorMenuItem          : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkTearoffMenuItem            : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkToolShell                  :   0% (  0/  9)
GtkToolbar                    :  63% ( 24/ 38)
GtkToolItem                   :  76% ( 19/ 25)
GtkToolPalette                :  59% ( 13/ 22)
GtkToolItemGroup              :  47% (  8/ 17)
GtkSeparatorToolItem          : 100% (  3/  3)
GtkToolButton                 : 100% ( 15/ 15)
GtkMenuToolButton             :  85% (  6/  7)
GtkToggleToolButton           : 100% (  5/  5)
GtkRadioToolButton            :  33% (  2/  6)
GtkUIManager                  :  29% (  5/ 17)
GtkActionGroup                :  55% ( 11/ 20)
GtkAction                     :  93% ( 44/ 47)
GtkToggleAction               : 100% (  6/  6)
GtkRadioAction                : 100% (  5/  5)
GtkRecentAction               :  75% (  3/  4)
GtkActivatable                :  66% (  4/  6)
GtkColorButton                : 100% ( 10/ 10)
GtkColorSelectionDialog       :   0% (  0/  2)
GtkColorSelection             :   0% (  0/ 21)
GtkHSV                        :   0% (  0/  8)
GtkFileChooser                :  27% ( 16/ 58)
GtkFileChooserButton          :  18% (  2/ 11)
GtkFileChooserDialog          : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkFileChooserWidget          :  50% (  1/  2)
GtkFileFilter                 :  55% (  5/  9)
GtkFontButton                 : 100% ( 14/ 14)
GtkFontSelection              :  28% (  4/ 14)
GtkFontSelectionDialog        : 100% (  8/  8)
GtkInputDialog                :   0% (  0/  1)
GtkAlignment                  : 100% (  4/  4)
GtkAspectFrame                :   0% (  0/  2)
GtkHBox                       : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkVBox                       : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkHButtonBox                 :   0% (  0/  5)
GtkVButtonBox                 :   0% (  0/  5)
GtkFixed                      : 100% (  5/  5)
GtkHPaned                     : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkVPaned                     : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkLayout                     : 100% ( 12/ 12)
GtkNotebook                   :  90% ( 50/ 55)
GtkTable                      :  93% ( 14/ 15)
GtkExpander                   :  87% ( 14/ 16)
GtkOrientable                 :   0% (  0/  2)
GtkFrame                      : 100% (  9/  9)
GtkHSeparator                 : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkVSeparator                 : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkScrollbar                  : 100% (  0/  0)
GtkHScrollbar                 : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkVScrollbar                 : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkScrolledWindow             :  86% ( 13/ 15)
GtkPrintOperation             :  13% (  5/ 36)
GtkPrintContext               :  18% (  2/ 11)
GtkPrintSettings              :   0% (  0/ 74)
GtkPageSetup                  :   0% (  0/ 25)
GtkPaperSize                  :   0% (  0/ 21)
GtkPrinter                    :   0% (  0/ 23)
GtkPrintJob                   :   0% (  0/ 10)
GtkPrintUnixDialog            :   0% (  0/ 18)
GtkPageSetupUnixDialog        :   0% (  0/  5)
GtkAdjustment                 :  83% ( 15/ 18)
GtkArrow                      : 100% (  2/  2)
GtkCalendar                   :   0% (  0/ 17)
GtkDrawingArea                : 100% (  2/  2)
GtkEventBox                   :  20% (  1/  5)
GtkHandleBox                  :   0% (  0/  8)
GtkIMContextSimple            :   0% (  0/  2)
GtkIMMulticontext             :   0% (  0/  4)
GtkSizeGroup                  : 100% (  8/  8)
GtkTooltip                    :  60% (  6/ 10)
GtkViewport                   : 100% (  9/  9)
GtkAccessible                 : 100% (  3/  3)
GtkBin                        : 100% (  1/  1)
GtkBox                        : 100% ( 11/ 11)
GtkButtonBox                  :   0% (  0/ 10)
GtkContainer                  :  48% ( 16/ 33)
GtkItem                       : 100% (  3/  3)
GtkMenuShell                  :  27% (  3/ 11)
GtkMisc                       : 100% (  4/  4)
GtkObject                     : 100% (  2/  2)
GtkPaned                      :  88% (  8/  9)
GtkRange                      :  53% ( 16/ 30)
GtkScale                      :  90% (  9/ 10)
GtkSeparator                  : 100% (  0/  0)
GtkWidget                     :  54% (101/187)
GtkIMContext                  :   0% (  0/ 11)
GtkPlug                       :   0% (  0/  7)
GtkSocket                     :   0% (  0/  5)
GtkRecentManager              :   0% (  0/ 37)
GtkRecentChooser              :   0% (  0/ 33)
GtkRecentChooserDialog        :   0% (  0/  2)
GtkRecentChooserMenu          :   0% (  0/  4)
GtkRecentChooserWidget        :   0% (  0/  2)
GtkRecentFilter               :   0% (  0/ 12)
GtkBuildable                  :   0% (  0/ 10)

Total progress :                 48% (1539/3177)













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