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microsoft/AIforEarth-API-Development: This is an API Framework for AI models to ...

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Due to new featues that have since been added to Azure Machine Learning, this repository is now deprecated.

AI for Earth - Creating APIs

These images and examples are meant to illustrate how to build containers for use in the AI for Earth API system. The following images and tags (versions/images) are available on Dockerhub:

  • mcr.microsoft.com/aiforearth/base-py

    • Available Tags
    • The latest base-py images are available derived from several CUDA images:
      • 1.15 - nvidia/cuda:9.2-runtime-ubuntu16.04
      • 1.15-cuda-9.0 - nvidia/cuda:9.0-runtime-ubuntu16.04
      • 1.15-cuda-9.0-devel - nvidia/cuda:9.0-devel-ubuntu16.04
    • The base-py image can be built using any Ubuntu image of your choice by building with the optional BASE_IMAGE build argument.
      • Example of how to build with the CUDA 9.0 devel image (inside Containers):
        • docker build . -f base-py/Dockerfile -t base-py:1.13-cuda-9.0-devel --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=nvidia/cuda:9.0-devel-ubuntu16.04
  • mcr.microsoft.com/aiforearth/blob-py

    • Available Tags
    • The latest base-py images are available derived from several CUDA images:
      • 1.5 - nvidia/cuda:9.2-runtime-ubuntu16.04
  • mcr.microsoft.com/aiforearth/base-r

    • Available Tags
    • The latest base-r images are available derived from gdal:
      • 1.8 - osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-full-3.0.3
  • mcr.microsoft.com/aiforearth/blob-r

    • Available Tags
    • The latest base-r images are available derived from gdal:
      • 1.5 - osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-full-3.0.3


Additional to a running docker environment, GPU images require NVIDIA Docker package to support CUDA.

CUDA Toolkit

To view the license for the CUDA Toolkit included in the cuda base image, click here

CUDA Deep Neural Network library (cuDNN)

To view the license for cuDNN included in the cuda base image, click here


  1. Repo Layout
  2. Quickstart Tutorial
    1. Choose a base image or example
    2. Insert code to call your model
    3. Input handling
    4. Output handling
    5. Function decorator detail
    6. Create AppInsights instrumentation keys
    7. Install required packages
    8. Set environment variables
    9. Build and run your image
    10. Make requests
    11. Publish to Azure Container Registry
    12. Run your container in ACI
    13. FAQs
  3. Contributing

Repo Layout

  • Containers
    • base-py [Base AI for Earth Python image]
      • API hosting libraries
      • Azure Blob libraries
      • Monitoring libraries
    • base-r [Base AI for Earth R image]
      • API hosting libraries
      • Azure Blob libraries
      • Monitoring libraries
    • blob-py [Base AI for Earth Python image with Azure Blob mounting tools]
      • AI for Earth base-py base
      • AI for Earth Azure Blob mounting tools
    • blob-r [Base AI for Earth R image with Azure Blob mounting tools]
      • AI for Earth base-r base
      • AI for Earth Azure Blob mounting tools
  • Examples


  • Docker commands for the base and blob images must be run at the version level of the repo. Ex. docker build . -f base-py/Dockerfile. Example Docker commands can be run within the example codebase.

Quickstart Tutorial

This quickstart will walk you through turning a model into an API. Starting with a trained model, we will containerize it, deploy it on Azure, and expose an endpoint to call the API. We will leverage Docker containers, Azure Application Insights, Azure Container Registry, and Azure Container Instances.

We are assuming that you have a trained model that you want to expose as an API. To begin, download or clone this repository to your local machine.

Create an Azure Resource Group

Throughout this quickstart tutorial, we recommend that you put all Azure resources created into a single new Resource Group. This will organize these related resources together and make it easy to remove them as a single group.

From the Azure Portal, click Create a resource from the left menu. Search the Marketplace for "Resource Group", select the resource group option and click Create.

Search for Resource Group

Use a descriptive resource group name, such as "ai4e_yourname_app_rg". Then click Create.

Resource Group

Machine Setup

You will need an active Azure subscription as well as the following software installed.

Choose a base image or example

AI for Earth APIs are all built from an AI for Earth base image. You may use a base image directly or start with an example. The following sections will help you decide.

Base images

  • base-py
  • base-r
  • blob-py
  • blob-r


  • Basic Python API (Sync and Async)
  • Basic R API (Sync and Async)
  • Blob Python API
  • Synchronous PyTorch API
  • Asynchronous Tensorflow API

In general, if you're using Python, you will want to use an image or example with the base-py or blob-py images. If you are using R, you will want to use an image or example with the base-r or blob-r images. The difference between them: the blob-* image contains everything that the cooresponding base-* image contains, plus additional support for mounting Azure blob storage. This may be useful if you need to process (for example) a batch of images all at once; you can upload them all to Azure blob storage, the container in which your model is running can mount that storage, and access it like it is local storage.

Asynchronous (async) vs. Synchronous (sync) Endpoint

In addition to your language choice, think about whether your API call should be synchronous or asynchronous.

  • A synchronous API call will invoke your model, get results, and return immediately. This is a good paradigm to use if you want to perform classification with your model on a single image, for example.
  • An asynchronous API call should be used for long-running tasks, like processing a whole folder of images using your model and storing the results, or constructing a forecasting model from historical data that the user provides.

Asynchronous Implementation Examples

The following examples demonstrate async endpoints:

Synchronous Implementation Examples

The following examples demonstrate sync endpoints:

Input/Output Patterns

While input patterns can be used for sync or async designs, your output design is dependent on your sync/async choice, therefore, we have identified recommended approaches for each.

Input Recommendations


JSON is the recommended approach for data ingestion.

Binary Input

Many applications of AI apply models to image/binary inputs. Here are some approaches:

  • Send the image directly via request data. See the tensorflow example to see how it is accomplished.
  • Upload your binary input to an Azure Blob, create a SAS key, and add a JSON field for it.
  • If you would like users to use your own Azure blob storage, we provide tools to mount blobs as local drives within your service. You may then use this virtual file system, locally.
  • Serializing your payload is a very efficient method for transmission. BSON is an open standard, bin­ary-en­coded serialization for such purposes.

Asynchronous Pattern

The preferred way of handling asynchronous API calls is to provide a task status endpoint to your users. When a request is submitted, a new taskId is immediately returned to the caller to track the status of their request as it is processed.

We have several tools to help with task tracking that you can use for local development and testing. These tools create a database within the service instance and are not recommended for production use.

Once a task is completed, the user needs to retrieve the result of their service call. This can be accomplished in several ways:

  • Return a SAS-keyed URL to an Azure Blob Container via a call to the task endpoint.
  • Request that a writable SAS-keyed URL is provided as input to your API call. Indicate completion via the task interface and write the output to that URL.
  • If you would like users to use your own Azure blob storage, you can write directly to a virtually-mounted drive.


We have provided several examples that leverage these base images to make it easier for you to get started.

  • base-py: Start with this example if you are using Python and don't need Azure blob storage integration, and none of the below more specific examples are a good fit. It contains both synchronous and asynchronous endpoints. It is a great example to use for asynchronous, long-running API calls.
  • base-r: Start with this example if you are using R.
  • blob-mount-py: Start with this example if you are using Python and you need Azure blob storage integration.
  • pytorch: This example is a modification of the base-py example, using a synchronous API call to call a PyTorch model. It is a great example to use if you are using PyTorch or if you are making a synchronous API call.
  • tensorflow: This example is a modification of the base-py example, using an asynchronous API call to call a TensorFlow model. It is a great example to use if you are using TensorFlow or if you are making an asynchronous API call.

After you've chosen the example that best fits your scenario, make a copy of that directory, which you can use as your working directory in which you apply your changes.

Insert code to call your model

Next, in your new working directory, we need to update the example that you chose with code to call your specific model. This should be done in the runserver.py file (if you are using a Python example) or the api_example.R file (if you are using an R example) in the my_api (or similarly named) subfolder.

Input handling

Your model has inputs and outputs. For example, let's consider a classification model that takes an image and classifies its contents as one of multiple species of animal. The input that you need to provide to this model is an image, and the output that you provide may be JSON-formatted text of the classifications and their confidence.

Some examples of how to send parameters as inputs into your APIs follow.

GET URL parameters

For GET operations, best practice dictates that a noun is used in the URL in the segment before the related parameter. An echo example is as follows.

Python and Flask
@ai4e_service.api_sync_func(api_path = '/echo/<string:text>', methods = ['GET'], maximum_concurrent_requests = 1000, trace_name = 'get:echo', kwargs = {'text'})
def echo(*args, **kwargs):
    return 'Echo: ' + kwargs['text']
R and Plumber
#* @param text The text to echo back
#* @get /echo/<text>

POST body

For non-trivial parameters, retrieve parameters from the body sent as part of the request. JSON is the preferred standard for API transmission. The following gives an example of sample input, followed by Python and R usage.

Sample Input
    "container_uri": "https://myblobacct.blob.core.windows.net/user?st=2018-08-02T12%3A01%3A00Z&se=5200-08-03T12%3A01%3A00Z&sp=rwl&sv=2017-04-17&sr=c&sig=xxx",
    "run_id": "myrunid"
Python and Flask
from flask import Flask, request
import json

post_body = request.get_json()

R and Plumber

#* @post /process-data
ProcessDataAPI<-function(req, res){
  post_body <- req$postBody
  input_data <- fromJSON(post_body, simplifyDataFrame=TRUE)


Output handling

Then, you need to send back your model's results as output. Two return types are important when dealing with hosted ML APIs: non-binary and binary.

Non-binary data

You may need to return non-binary data, like simple strings or numbers. The preferred method to return non-binary data is to use JSON.

Python and Flask
import json
def post(self):
    ret = {}
    ret['run_id'] = myrunid   
    ret['container_uri'] = 'https://myblobacct.blob.core.windows.net/user?st=2018-08-02T12%3A01%3A00Z&se=5200-08-03T12%3A01%3A00Z&sp=rwl&sv=2017-04-17&sr=c&sig=xxx'

    return json.dumps(ret)   
R and Plumber
ProcessDataAPI<-function(req, res){
  post_body <- req$postBody
  input_data <- fromJSON(post_body, simplifyDataFrame=TRUE)

  # Return JSON containing run_id and container_uri
  data.frame(input_data$run_id, input_data$container_uri)

Binary data

You may also need to return binary data, like images.

Python and Flask
from io import BytesIO
import tifffile
from flask import send_file

ACCEPTED_CONTENT_TYPES = ['image/tiff', 'application/octet-stream']

if request.headers.get("Content-Type") in ACCEPTED_CONTENT_TYPES:
    tiff_file = tifffile.imread(BytesIO(request.data))
    # Do something with the tiff_file...
    prediction_stream = BytesIO()
    # Create your image to return...
    return send_file(prediction_stream)

Function decorator detail

We use function decorators to create APIs out of your functions, such as those that execute a model. Here, we will detail the two decorators and their parameters.

There are two decorators:

  • @ai4e_service.api_async_func, which wraps the function as an async/long-running API.
  • @ai4e_service.api_sync_func, which wraps the function as a sync API that returns right away.

Each decorator contains the following parameters:

  • api_path = '/': Specifies the endpoint of the API. This comes after the API_PREFIX value in the Dockerfile. For example, if the Dockerfile entry is ENV API_PREFIX=/v1/my_api/tasker and the api_path is as it is specified here, the complete endpoint of your API will be http://localhost:80/v1/my_api/tasker/
  • methods = ['POST']: Specifies the methods accepted by the API.
  • request_processing_function = process_request_data: Specifies the function to call before your endpoint function is called. This function will pre-process the request data and is located in your code. To work with request data, you must assign and return the request data as part of a dictionary that will be extracted later in your model function.
  • maximum_concurrent_requests = 5: If the number of requests exceed this limit, a 503 is returned to the caller.
  • content_types = ['application/json']: An array of accepted content types. If the requested type is not found in the array, a 503 will be returned.
  • content_max_length = 1000: The maximum length of the request data (in bytes) permitted. If the length of the data exceeds this setting, a 503 will be returned.
  • trace_name = 'post:my_long_running_funct': A trace name to associate with this function. This allows you to search logs and metrics for this particular function.

Create AppInsights instrumentation keys

Application Insights is an Azure service for application performance management. We have integrated with Application Insights to provide advanced monitoring capabilities. You will need to generate both an Instrumentation key and an API key to use in your application.

The instrumentation key is for general logging and tracing. This is found under the "Properties" section for your Application Insights instance in the Azure portal.

Search for App Insights

Click Create, then choose a name for your Application Insight resource. For Application Type, choose General from the drop-down menu. For Resource Group, select "Use existing" and choose the resource group that you created earlier.

Create App Insights

Once your AppInsights resource has successfully deployed, navigate to the resource from your home screen, and locate the Instrumentation Key.

Get Instrumentation Key

Next, create a Live Metrics API key. Scroll down in the left menu to find API Access within Application Insights, and click Create API key. When creating the key, be sure to select "Authenticate SDK control channel".

Get API Key

Get API Key

Copy and store both of these keys in a safe place.

Install required packages

Now, let's look at the Dockerfile in your code. Update the Dockerfile to install any required packages. There are several ways to install packages. We cover popular ones here:

  • pip
RUN /usr/local/envs/ai4e_py_api/bin/pip install grpcio opencensus
  • apt-get
RUN apt-get install gfortran -y
  • R packages
RUN R -e 'install.packages("rgeos"); library(rgeos)'

Set environment variables

The Dockerfile also contains several environment variables that should be set for proper logging. You will need to add your two Application Insights keys here as well. Follow the instructions within the file.

# Application Insights keys and trace configuration
ENV APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY=your_instrumentation_key_goes_here \
    LOCALAPPDATA=/app_insights_data \

# The following variables will allow you to filter logs in AppInsights
    SERVICE_CLUSTER=Local\ Docker \
    SERVICE_MODEL_NAME=base-py example \

# The API_PREFIX is the URL path that will occur after your domain and before your endpoints
ENV API_PREFIX=/v1/my_api/tasker

You may modify other environment variables as well. In particular, you may want to change the environment variable API_PREFIX. We recommend using the format "/<version-number>/<api-name>/<function>" such as "/v1/my_api/tasker".

(Optional) Set up Azure blob storage

You will want to follow these steps if you are working from the blob-mount-py example. If you do not plan to use Azure blob storage in your app, skip ahead to Build and run your image.
First you will need create a new Azure Blob Container with a file named config.csv. We also recommend using Azure Storage Explorer to aid in storage upload/download.

Create an Azure storage account by selecting "Storage Accounts" from the left menu and clicking the Add button. Make sure to select the resource group you previously created, and use a descriptive name for your storage account (must be lowercase letters or numbers). You may configure advanced options for your account here, or simply click "Review + create".

Create Storage Account

Click "Create" on the validation screen that appears. Once the storage account is deployed, click "Go to resource". You still need to create a container within your storage account. To do this, scroll down on the left menu of your storage account to click on "Blobs". Click the plus sign in the top left to create a new container.

Create Storage Account

Use a text editor to create an empty file named config.csv on your local machine. You can now navigate to your empty Azure container and upload the file as a blob.

Upload config.csv













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