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nebula-plugins/nebula-release-plugin: Release opinions based around gradle-git

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Groovy 99.1%



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This plugin provides opinions and tasks for the release process provided by gradle-git.

Optional Configuration

If you want the release plugin to trigger or finalize a publishing task you will need to configure it:

tasks.release.dependsOn tasks.<publish task name>


tasks.release.finalizedBy tasks.<publish task name>

This plugin also detects the presence of the nebula-bintray-plugin and wires itself to depend on the task types used by bintrayUpload and artifactoryUpload.


Project using this plugin will use semantic versions style strings. e.g. major.minor.patch-<prerelease>+<metadata>

All tasks default to bumping the minor version.

Extension Provided

nebulaRelease {
  Set<String> releaseBranchPatterns = [/master/, /HEAD/, /main/, /(release(-|\/))?\d+(\.\d+)?\.x/, /v?\d+\.\d+\.\d+/] as Set
  Set<String> excludeBranchPatterns = [] as Set
  String shortenedBranchPattern = /(?:(?:bugfix|feature|hotfix|release)(?:-|\/))?(.+)/

  void addReleaseBranchPattern(String pattern)
  void addExcludeBranchPattern(String pattern)
Property Type Default Description
releaseBranchPatterns Set<String> [master, HEAD, main, (release(-|\/))?\d+(\.\d+)?\.x, v?\d+\.\d+\.\d+] Branch patterns that are acceptable to release from. The default pattern will match things like master, 1.2.x, release-42.x, release/2.x, v1.2.3. If the set is empty releases will be possible from any branch that doesn't match excludeBranchPatterns.
excludeBranchPatterns Set<String> [] Branch patterns that you cannot release from. If a branch matches both releaseBranchPatterns and excludeBranchPatterns it will be excluded.
shortenedBranchPattern String (?:(?:bugfix|feature|hotfix|release)(?:-|\/))?(.+) Branch widget1 will append widget1 to snapshot version numbers, and branch (feature|bugfix|release|hotfix)/widget2 will append widget2 to snapshot version numbers. You may configure this field, the regex is expected to have exactly one capture group.
Method Arguments Description
addReleaseBranchPattern String pattern Calling this method will add a pattern to the set of releaseBranchPatterns, usage: nebulaRelease { addReleaseBranchPattern(/myregex/)
addExcludeBranchPattern String pattern Calling this method will add a pattern to the set of excludeBranchPatterns, usage: nebulaRelease { addExcludeBranchPattern(/myregex/)

Tasks Provided

All tasks will trigger gradle-git's release task which is configured to depend on the build task if the project produces JVM based jar or war artifacts.

  • final - Sets the version to the appropriate <major>.<minor>.<patch>, creates tag v<major>.<minor>.<patch>
  • candidate - Sets the version to the appropriate <major>.<minor>.<patch>-rc.#, creates tag v<major>.<minor>.<patch>-rc.# where # is the number of release candidates for this version produced so far. 1st 1.0.0 will be 1.0.0-rc.1, 2nd 1.0.0-rc.2 and so on.
  • devSnapshot - Sets the version to the appropriate <major>.<minor>.<patch>-dev.#+<hash>, does not create a tag. Where # is the number of commits since the last release and hash is the git hash of the current commit. If releasing a devSnapshot from a branch not listed in the releaseBranchPatterns and not excluded by excludeBranchPatterns the version will be <major>.<minor>.<patch>-dev.#+<branchname>.<hash>
    • You can use nebula.release.features.replaceDevWithImmutableSnapshot=true in your gradle.properties file to change pattern of version to <major>.<minor>.<patch>-snapshot.<timestamp>+<hash>. Where timestamp is UTC time in YYYYMMddHHmm format, ex. 201907052105 and hash is the git hash of the current commit. If releasing a immutableSnapshot from a branch not listed in the releaseBranchPatterns and not excluded by excludeBranchPatterns the version will be <major>.<minor>.<patch>-snapshot.<timestamp>+<branchname>.<hash>
  • snapshot - Sets the version to the appropriate <major>.<minor>.<patch>-SNAPSHOT, does not create a tag.

Use of devSnapshot vs snapshot is a project by project choice of whether you want maven style versioning (snapshot) or semantic versioned snapshots (devSnapshot).

Versioning Notes

We attempt to pick up on the fact that you're on certain release branches.


  • On release/1.x - The plugin will default to versioning you 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  • On 3.x - The plugin will default to versioning you 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  • On 4.2.x - The plugin will default to versioning you 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT

Releasing: Bumping major or patch versions

There are many cases where a project may want to bump a part of the version string besides the minor number.

  • bump the major number: ./gradlew <snapshot|devSnapshot|candidate|final> -Prelease.scope=major
  • bump the patch number: ./gradlew <snapshot|devSnapshot|candidate|final> -Prelease.scope=patch

Releasing: Using last tag

In the scenario, where the tag is already created but you want to go through the release process, you can use the "Last Tag Strategy". When enabled, the plugin will respect the last tag as the version. This works well in a CI environment where a user will tag the code, and CI is configured to do just the release upon finding a new tag. The tag names need to follow the versioning scheme, e.g. "v1.0.1". To enact, provide the release.useLastTag project property, e.g.

git tag v1.0.0
./gradlew -Prelease.useLastTag=true final

Overriding version from the command line

To set the version from the command line, set the release.version system property:

./gradlew -Prelease.version=1.2.3 final


First release with this plugin

If this is the first time releasing with this plugin and you've released in the past you may need to create a tag in your repository. You should find the hash of your latest release and create a tag of the format v<major>.<minor>.<patch> e.g. v1.4.2. For example, if the hash of your last release was da5d4f9:

git tag v1.4.2 da5d4f9
git push --tags
./gradlew final

Initial version not 0.1.0 or 1.0.0

This will create a tag v<string> where String is whatever you set on release.version. If you want the plugin to work from here on out you should choose a version that matches semantic versioning described above.

./gradlew -Prelease.version=42.5.0 final

Git root is in a different location from Gradle root

The plugin assumes Git root is in the same location as Gradle root. If this isn't the case, you may specify a different path for Git root via the git.root Gradle property. For example:

./gradlew -Pgit.root=<git root path> final

Sanitize versions

Historically, this plugin generated versions using build metadata which comes after the + sign. While we suggest using this approach to be semver compliant, some people has raised their need for removing the build medata and make it part of the pre-release string.

For this, starting on version 11.0.0 we have introduced a sanitizeVersion flag. Ex.

./gradlew -Prelease.sanitizeVersion=true devSnapshot

This will generate a version string similar to: 0.1.0-dev.2.e1c43c7

Please note that now the build metadata is part of the pre-release information and could affect how versions are handled by a SemVer library/tool.

Lifecycle Hooks

For devSnapshot

  • devSnapshotSetup - any kind of setup is good to live around here, e.g. setting status, various checks
  • release - probably have release dependOn any assemble and check tasks, dependsOn devSnapshotSetup
  • postRelease - any steps you want to happen after the repo tag, in our case this is where publishing happens since if the publish partially fails we don't want to fix the tags, dependsOn release
  • devSnapshot - command line task to kick off devSnapshot workflow, dependsOn postRelease

For snapshot

  • snapshotSetup - any kind of setup is good to live around here, e.g. setting status, various checks
  • release - probably have release dependOn any assemble and check tasks, dependsOn snapshotSetup
  • postRelease - any steps you want to happen after the repo tag, in our case this is where publishing happens since if the publish partially fails we don't want to fix the tags, dependsOn release
  • snapshot - command line task to kick off snapshot workflow, dependsOn postRelease

For candidate

  • candidateSetup - any kind of setup is good to live around here, e.g. setting status, various checks
  • release - this is where the tag is pushed to the repo, so probably have release dependOn any assemble and check tasks, dependsOn candidateSetup
  • postRelease - any steps you want to happen after the repo tag, in our case this is where publishing happens since if the publish partially fails we don't want to fix the tags, dependsOn release
  • candidate - command line task to kick off candidate workflow, dependsOn postRelease

For final

  • finalSetup - any kind of setup is good to live around here, e.g. setting status, various checks
  • release - this is where the tag is pushed to the repo, so probably have release dependOn any assemble and check tasks, dependsOn finalSetup
  • postRelease - any steps you want to happen after the repo tag, in our case this is where publishing happens since if the publish partially fails we don't want to fix the tags, dependsOn release
  • final - command line task to kick off final workflow, dependsOn postRelease

Gradle and Java Compatibility

Built with OpenJDK8 Tested with OpenJDK8

Gradle Version Works
5.0 yes
5.1 yes
5.2 yes
5.3 yes
5.4 yes
5.5 yes


Copyright 2014-2019 Netflix, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.













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