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C++ G_ModelIndex函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了C++中G_ModelIndex函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ G_ModelIndex函数的具体用法?C++ G_ModelIndex怎么用?C++ G_ModelIndex使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: DropPortalSource

void DropPortalSource( gentity_t *player ) {
	gentity_t	*ent;
	gentity_t	*destination;
	vec3_t		snapped;

	// create the portal source
	ent = G_Spawn();
	ent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( "models/powerups/teleporter/tele_enter.md3" );

	VectorCopy( player->s.pos.trBase, snapped );
	SnapVector( snapped );
	G_SetOrigin( ent, snapped );
	VectorCopy( player->r.mins, ent->r.mins );
	VectorCopy( player->r.maxs, ent->r.maxs );

	ent->classname = "hi_portal source";
	ent->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;

	ent->takedamage = qtrue;
	ent->health = 200;
	ent->die = PortalDie;

	trap_LinkEntity( ent );

	ent->count = player->client->portalID;
	player->client->portalID = 0;

//	ent->spawnflags = player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM];

	ent->nextthink = level.time + 1000;
	ent->think = PortalEnable;

	// find the destination
	destination = NULL;
	while( (destination = G_Find(destination, FOFS(classname), "hi_portal destination")) != NULL ) {
		if( destination->count == ent->count ) {
			VectorCopy( destination->s.pos.trBase, ent->pos1 );


示例2: VectorSet

gentity_t *fire_fern( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, int lifespan )
    gentity_t *self;
    vec3_t normal, end;
    trace_t tr;

    if( lifespan < FERN_CLEAN_DELAY )
        lifespan = FERN_LIFE_SPAN;

    VectorSet( normal, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 );
    VectorMA( origin, 256.0, normal, end );
    trap_Trace( &tr, origin, NULL, NULL, end, -1, MASK_SOLID );
    if( !( tr.fraction < 1.0f ) )
        return NULL;

    self = G_Spawn( );
    self->classname = "fern";
    self->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;
    self->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( "models/mapobjects/plant_life/ferns.md3" );

    self->s.time = level.time;
    self->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
    self->s.pos.trTime = level.time;

    self->think = fern_grow;
    self->nextthink = level.time + FERN_GROW_SPEED;

    self->suicideTime = level.time + lifespan;

    VectorCopy( origin, self->s.origin );
    VectorCopy( origin, self->r.currentOrigin );

    VectorCopy( tr.endpos, self->pos1 );
    VectorCopy( self->pos1, self->s.pos.trBase );
    self->s.pos.trBase[ 2 ] -= FERN_GROW_HEIGHT;

    self->s.apos.trBase[ YAW ] = angles[ YAW ];

    trap_LinkEntity( self );

    return self;

示例3: is

/*QUAKED alarm_box (1 0 1) START_ON
You need to have an origin brush as part of this entity
current alarm box model is (8 x 16 x 28)
"health" defaults to 10

"noise" the sound to play over the system (this would be the siren sound)

START_ON means the button is pushed in, any dlights are cycling, and alarms are sounding

"team" key/value is valid for teamed alarm boxes
teamed alarm_boxes work in tandem (switches/lights syncronize)
target a box to dlights to have them activate/deactivate with the system (use a stylestring that matches the cycletime for the alarmbox sound)
alarm sound locations are also placed in the dlights, so wherever you place an attached dlight, you will hear the alarm
model: the model used is "models/mapobjects/electronics/alarmbox.md3"
place the origin at the center of your trigger box
void SP_alarm_box(gentity_t *ent)
	char *s;

	if (!ent->model) {
		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "alarm_box with NULL model\n" );

	// model
	trap_SetBrushModel( ent, ent->model );
	ent->s.modelindex2 = G_ModelIndex( "models/mapobjects/electronics/alarmbox.md3" );

	// sound
	if ( G_SpawnString( "noise", "0", &s ) ) {
		ent->soundLoop = G_SoundIndex( s );

	ent->soundPos3 = G_SoundIndex("sound/world/alarmswitch.wav");

	G_SetOrigin (ent, ent->s.origin); 
	G_SetAngle (ent, ent->s.angles);

	if (!ent->health)
		ent->health = 10;

	if(ent->spawnflags & 1)
		ent->s.frame = 1;
		ent->s.frame = 0;

	ent->active		= qtrue;
	ent->s.eType	= ET_ALARMBOX;
	ent->takedamage = qtrue;
	ent->die		= alarmbox_die;
	ent->use		= alarmbox_use;
	ent->think		= alarmbox_finishspawning;
	ent->nextthink	= level.time + FRAMETIME;

	trap_LinkEntity (ent);

示例4: SP_info_jedimaster_start

/*QUAKED info_jedimaster_start (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32)
"jedi master" saber spawn point
void SP_info_jedimaster_start(gentity_t *ent)
	if (g_gametype.integer != GT_JEDIMASTER)
		gJMSaberEnt = NULL;

	ent->enemy = NULL;

	ent->s.eFlags = EF_BOUNCE_HALF;

	ent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex("models/weapons2/saber/saber_w.glm");
	ent->s.modelGhoul2 = 1;
	ent->s.g2radius = 20;
	//ent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;
	ent->s.eType = ET_MISSILE;
	ent->s.weapon = WP_SABER;
	ent->s.pos.trType = TR_GRAVITY;
	ent->s.pos.trTime = level.time;
	VectorSet( ent->r.maxs, 3, 3, 3 );
	VectorSet( ent->r.mins, -3, -3, -3 );
	ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_TRIGGER;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_SOLID;

	ent->isSaberEntity = qtrue;

	ent->bounceCount = -5;

	ent->physicsObject = qtrue;

	VectorCopy(ent->s.pos.trBase, ent->s.origin2); //remember the spawn spot

	ent->touch = JMSaberTouch;


	ent->think = JMSaberThink;
	ent->nextthink = level.time + 50;

示例5: SP_fx_explosion_trail

void SP_fx_explosion_trail( gentity_t *ent )
	// We have to be useable, otherwise we won't spawn in
	if ( !ent->targetname )
		gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: fx_explosion_trail at %s has no targetname specified\n", vtos( ent->s.origin ));
		G_FreeEntity( ent );

	// Get our defaults
	G_SpawnString( "fxFile", "env/exp_trail_comp", &ent->fxFile );
	G_SpawnInt( "damage", "128", &ent->damage );
	G_SpawnFloat( "radius", "128", &ent->radius );
	G_SpawnFloat( "speed", "350", &ent->speed );

	// Try and associate an effect file, unfortunately we won't know if this worked or not until the CGAME trys to register it...
	ent->fxID = G_EffectIndex( ent->fxFile );

	if ( ent->fullName )
		G_EffectIndex( ent->fullName );

	if ( ent->model )
		ent->s.modelindex2 = G_ModelIndex( ent->model );

	// Give us a bit of time to spawn in the other entities, since we may have to target one of 'em
	ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_fx_explosion_trail_link; 
	ent->nextthink = level.time + 500;

	// Save our position and link us up!
	G_SetOrigin( ent, ent->s.origin );

	VectorScale( ent->maxs, -1, ent->mins );

	gi.linkentity( ent );

示例6: SP_misc_anim_model


Spawn function for anim model
void SP_misc_anim_model(gentity_t *self) {
  self->s.powerups = (int) self->animation[ 0 ];
  self->s.weapon = (int) self->animation[ 1 ];
  self->s.torsoAnim = (int) self->animation[ 2 ];
  self->s.legsAnim = (int) self->animation[ 3 ];

  self->s.angles2[ 0 ] = self->pos2[ 0 ];

  //add the model to the client precache list
  self->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex(self->model);

  self->use = SP_use_anim_model;

  self->s.eType = ET_ANIMMAPOBJ;

  // spawn with animation stopped
  if (self->spawnflags & 2)
    self->s.eFlags |= EF_MOVER_STOP;


示例7: Spawn_Flag_Base

// Routine      : Spawn_Flag_Base
// Description  : Spawn a base to sit the flagpole on. We might not need this! May be useful for moveable bases on tanks/etc???
void Spawn_Flag_Base ( vec3_t origin )
{// Blue Flag...
	gentity_t* ent = G_Spawn();

	VectorCopy(origin, ent->s.origin);
	G_SetOrigin( ent, origin );

	ent->model = "models/map_objects/mp/flag_base.md3";
	ent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( ent->model );
	ent->targetname = NULL;
	ent->classname = "flag_base";
	ent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;
	ent->setTime = 0;
//	trap_R_ModelBounds(trap_R_RegisterModel( "models/map_objects/mp/flag_base.md3" ), ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs);

	VectorSet( ent->r.mins, -16, -16, 0 );
	VectorSet( ent->r.maxs, 16, 16, 16 );

	//Drop to floor
	if ( 1 )
		trace_t		tr;
		vec3_t		bottom, saveOrg;

		VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, saveOrg );
		VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, bottom );
		bottom[2] = MIN_WORLD_COORD;
		trap_Trace( &tr, ent->s.origin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, bottom, ent->s.number, MASK_NPCSOLID );
		if ( !tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid && tr.fraction < 1.0 )
			VectorCopy(tr.endpos, ent->s.origin);
			G_SetOrigin( ent, tr.endpos );


	trap_LinkEntity (ent);

示例8: CreateLaserTrap

void CreateLaserTrap( gentity_t *laserTrap, vec3_t start, gentity_t *owner )
	if ( !VALIDSTRING( laserTrap->classname ))
		// since we may be coming from a map placed trip mine, we don't want to override that class name....
		//	That would be bad because the player drop code tries to limit number of placed items...so it would have removed map placed ones as well.
		laserTrap->classname = "tripmine";

	laserTrap->splashDamage = weaponData[WP_TRIP_MINE].splashDamage;
	laserTrap->splashRadius = weaponData[WP_TRIP_MINE].splashRadius;
	laserTrap->damage = weaponData[WP_TRIP_MINE].damage;
	laserTrap->methodOfDeath = MOD_LASERTRIP;
	laserTrap->splashMethodOfDeath = MOD_LASERTRIP;//? SPLASH;

	laserTrap->s.eType = ET_MISSILE;
	laserTrap->svFlags = SVF_USE_CURRENT_ORIGIN;
	laserTrap->s.weapon = WP_TRIP_MINE;

	laserTrap->owner = owner;
//	VectorSet( laserTrap->mins, -LT_SIZE, -LT_SIZE, -LT_SIZE );
//	VectorSet( laserTrap->maxs, LT_SIZE, LT_SIZE, LT_SIZE );

	laserTrap->s.pos.trTime = level.time;		// move a bit on the very first frame
	VectorCopy( start, laserTrap->s.pos.trBase );
	VectorCopy( start, laserTrap->currentOrigin);

	VectorCopy( start, laserTrap->pos2 ); // ?? wtf ?

	laserTrap->fxID = G_EffectIndex( "tripMine/explosion" );

	laserTrap->e_TouchFunc = touchF_touchLaserTrap;

	laserTrap->s.radius = 60;
	VectorSet( laserTrap->s.modelScale, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
	gi.G2API_InitGhoul2Model( laserTrap->ghoul2, weaponData[WP_TRIP_MINE].missileMdl, G_ModelIndex( weaponData[WP_TRIP_MINE].missileMdl ), NULL_HANDLE, NULL_HANDLE, 0, 0);

示例9: JMSaberThink

void JMSaberThink(gentity_t *ent)
	gJMSaberEnt = ent;

	if (ent->enemy)
		if (!ent->enemy->client || !ent->enemy->inuse)
		{ //disconnected?
			VectorCopy(ent->enemy->s.pos.trBase, ent->s.pos.trBase);
			VectorCopy(ent->enemy->s.pos.trBase, ent->s.origin);
			VectorCopy(ent->enemy->s.pos.trBase, ent->r.currentOrigin);
			ent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex("models/weapons2/saber/saber_w.glm");
			ent->s.eFlags &= ~(EF_NODRAW);
			ent->s.modelGhoul2 = 1;
			ent->s.eType = ET_MISSILE;
			ent->enemy = NULL;

			ent->pos2[0] = 1;
			ent->pos2[1] = 0; //respawn next think
			ent->pos2[1] = level.time + JMSABER_RESPAWN_TIME;
	else if (ent->pos2[0] && ent->pos2[1] < level.time)
		VectorCopy(ent->s.origin2, ent->s.pos.trBase);
		VectorCopy(ent->s.origin2, ent->s.origin);
		VectorCopy(ent->s.origin2, ent->r.currentOrigin);
		ent->pos2[0] = 0;

	ent->nextthink = level.time + 50;

示例10: SP_misc_model_cargo_small

void SP_misc_model_cargo_small( gentity_t *ent )
	G_SpawnInt( "splashRadius", "96", &ent->splashRadius );
	G_SpawnInt( "splashDamage", "1", &ent->splashDamage );

	if (( ent->spawnflags & DROP_MEDPACK ))
		RegisterItem( FindItem( "item_medpak_instant" ));

	if (( ent->spawnflags & DROP_SHIELDS ))
		RegisterItem( FindItem( "item_shield_sm_instant" ));

	if (( ent->spawnflags & DROP_BACTA ))
//		RegisterItem( FindItem( "item_bacta" ));

	if (( ent->spawnflags & DROP_BATTERIES ))
		RegisterItem( FindItem( "item_battery" ));

	G_SpawnInt( "health", "25", &ent->health );

	ent->s.modelindex2 = G_ModelIndex("/models/map_objects/kejim/cargo_small.md3");	// Precache model

	// we only take damage from a heavy weapon class missile
	ent->flags |= FL_DMG_BY_HEAVY_WEAP_ONLY;

	ent->e_DieFunc = dieF_misc_model_cargo_die;

	ent->radius = 1.5f; // scale number of chunks spawned

示例11: DropPortalDestination

void DropPortalDestination(gentity_t * player)
	gentity_t      *ent;
	vec3_t          snapped;

	// create the portal destination
	ent = G_Spawn();
	ent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex("models/powerups/teleporter/tele_exit.md3");

	VectorCopy(player->s.pos.trBase, snapped);
	G_SetOrigin(ent, snapped);
	VectorCopy(player->r.mins, ent->r.mins);
	VectorCopy(player->r.maxs, ent->r.maxs);

	ent->classname = "hi_portal destination";
	ent->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;

	ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_CORPSE;
	ent->takedamage = qtrue;
	ent->health = 200;
	ent->die = PortalDie;

	VectorCopy(player->s.apos.trBase, ent->s.angles);

	ent->think = G_FreeEntity;
	ent->nextthink = level.time + 2 * 60 * 1000;


	player->client->portalID = ++level.portalSequence;
	ent->count = player->client->portalID;

	// give the item back so they can drop the source now
	player->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = BG_FindItem("Portal") - bg_itemlist;

示例12: SP_gfx_animated_model

void SP_gfx_animated_model( gentity_t *self )
	self->s.misc = ( int ) self->animation[ 0 ];
	self->s.weapon = ( int ) self->animation[ 1 ];
	self->s.torsoAnim = ( int ) self->animation[ 2 ];
	self->s.legsAnim = ( int ) self->animation[ 3 ];

	self->s.angles2[ 0 ] = self->activatedPosition[ 0 ];

	//add the model to the client precache list
	self->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( self->model );

	self->act = gfx_animated_model_act;

	self->s.eType = ET_ANIMMAPOBJ;

	// spawn with animation stopped
	if ( self->spawnflags & 2 )
		self->s.eFlags |= EF_MOVER_STOP;

	trap_LinkEntity( self );

示例13: InitMover


"pos1", "pos2", and "speed" should be set before calling,
so the movement delta can be calculated
void InitMover( gentity_t *ent ) {
	vec3_t		move;
	float		distance;
	float		light;
	vec3_t		color;
	qboolean	lightSet, colorSet;
	char		*sound;

	// if the "model2" key is set, use a seperate model
	// for drawing, but clip against the brushes
	if ( ent->model2 ) {
		ent->s.modelindex2 = G_ModelIndex( ent->model2 );

	// if the "loopsound" key is set, use a constant looping sound when moving
	if ( G_SpawnString( "noise", "100", &sound ) ) {
		ent->s.loopSound = G_SoundIndex( sound );

	// if the "color" or "light" keys are set, setup constantLight
	lightSet = G_SpawnFloat( "light", "100", &light );
	colorSet = G_SpawnVector( "color", "1 1 1", color );
	if ( lightSet || colorSet ) {
		int		r, g, b, i;

		r = color[0] * 255;
		if ( r > 255 ) {
			r = 255;
		g = color[1] * 255;
		if ( g > 255 ) {
			g = 255;
		b = color[2] * 255;
		if ( b > 255 ) {
			b = 255;
		i = light / 4;
		if ( i > 255 ) {
			i = 255;
		ent->s.constantLight = r | ( g << 8 ) | ( b << 16 ) | ( i << 24 );

	ent->use = Use_BinaryMover;
	ent->reached = Reached_BinaryMover;

	ent->moverState = MOVER_POS1;
	ent->r.svFlags = SVF_USE_CURRENT_ORIGIN;
	ent->s.eType = ET_MOVER;
	VectorCopy (ent->pos1, ent->r.currentOrigin);
	trap_LinkEntity (ent);

	ent->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
	VectorCopy( ent->pos1, ent->s.pos.trBase );

	// calculate time to reach second position from speed
	VectorSubtract( ent->pos2, ent->pos1, move );
	distance = VectorLength( move );
	if ( ! ent->speed ) {
		ent->speed = 100;
	VectorScale( move, ent->speed, ent->s.pos.trDelta );
	ent->s.pos.trDuration = distance * 1000 / ent->speed;
	if ( ent->s.pos.trDuration <= 0 ) {
		ent->s.pos.trDuration = 1;

示例14: G_InitGame


void G_InitGame( int levelTime, int randomSeed, int restart ) {
	int					i;

	G_Printf ("------- Game Initialization -------\n");
	G_Printf ("gamename: %s\n", GAMEVERSION);
	G_Printf ("gamedate: %s\n", __DATE__);

	srand( randomSeed );




	// set some level globals
	memset( &level, 0, sizeof( level ) );
	level.time = levelTime;
	level.startTime = levelTime;

	level.snd_fry = G_SoundIndex("sound/player/fry.wav");	// FIXME standing in lava / slime

	if ( g_gametype.integer != GT_SINGLE_PLAYER && g_logfile.string[0] ) {
		if ( g_logfileSync.integer ) {
			trap_FS_FOpenFile( g_logfile.string, &level.logFile, FS_APPEND_SYNC );
		} else {
			trap_FS_FOpenFile( g_logfile.string, &level.logFile, FS_APPEND );
		if ( !level.logFile ) {
			G_Printf( "WARNING: Couldn't open logfile: %s\n", g_logfile.string );
		} else {
			char	serverinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

			trap_GetServerinfo( serverinfo, sizeof( serverinfo ) );

			G_LogPrintf("------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
			G_LogPrintf("InitGame: %s\n", serverinfo );
	} else {
		G_Printf( "Not logging to disk.\n" );


	// initialize all entities for this game
	memset( g_entities, 0, MAX_GENTITIES * sizeof(g_entities[0]) );
	level.gentities = g_entities;

	// initialize all clients for this game
	level.maxclients = g_maxclients.integer;
	memset( g_clients, 0, MAX_CLIENTS * sizeof(g_clients[0]) );
	level.clients = g_clients;

	// set client fields on player ents
	for ( i=0 ; i<level.maxclients ; i++ ) {
		g_entities[i].client = level.clients + i;

	// always leave room for the max number of clients,
	// even if they aren't all used, so numbers inside that
	// range are NEVER anything but clients
	level.num_entities = MAX_CLIENTS;

	for ( i=0 ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++ ) {
		g_entities[i].classname = "clientslot";

	// let the server system know where the entites are
	trap_LocateGameData( level.gentities, level.num_entities, sizeof( gentity_t ), 
		&level.clients[0].ps, sizeof( level.clients[0] ) );

	// reserve some spots for dead player bodies


	// parse the key/value pairs and spawn gentities

	// general initialization

	// make sure we have flags for CTF, etc
	if( g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM ) {


	G_Printf ("-----------------------------------\n");

	if( g_gametype.integer == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER || trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_buildScript" ) ) {
		G_ModelIndex( SP_PODIUM_MODEL );

示例15: turret_base_spawn_top

qboolean turret_base_spawn_top( gentity_t *base )
	vec3_t		org;
	int			t;

	gentity_t *top = G_Spawn();
	if ( !top )
		return qfalse;

	top->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( "models/map_objects/hoth/turret_top_new.md3" );
	top->s.modelindex2 = G_ModelIndex( "models/map_objects/hoth/turret_top.md3" );
	G_SetAngles( top, base->s.angles );
	VectorCopy( base->s.origin, org );
	org[2] += 128;
	G_SetOrigin( top, org );

	base->r.ownerNum = top->s.number;
	top->r.ownerNum = base->s.number;

	if ( base->team && base->team[0] && //g_gametype.integer == GT_SIEGE &&
		base->teamnodmg = atoi(base->team);
	base->team = NULL;
	top->teamnodmg = base->teamnodmg;
	top->alliedTeam = base->alliedTeam;

	base->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;

	// Set up our explosion effect for the ExplodeDeath code....
	G_EffectIndex( "turret/explode" );
	G_EffectIndex( "sparks/spark_exp_nosnd" );
	G_EffectIndex( "turret/hoth_muzzle_flash" );

	// this is really the pitch angle.....
	top->speed = 0;

	// this is a random time offset for the no-enemy-search-around-mode
	top->count = random() * 9000;

	if ( !base->health )
		base->health = 3000;
	top->health = base->health;

	G_SpawnInt( "showhealth", "0", &t );

	if (t)
	{ //a non-0 maxhealth value will mean we want to show the health on the hud
		top->maxHealth = base->health; //acts as "maxhealth"

		base->maxHealth = base->health;

	base->takedamage = qtrue;
	base->pain = TurretBasePain;
	base->die = bottom_die;

	//design specified shot speed
	G_SpawnFloat( "shotspeed", "1100", &base->mass );
	top->mass = base->mass;

	//even if we don't want to show health, let's at least light the crosshair up properly over ourself
	if ( !top->s.teamowner )
		top->s.teamowner = top->alliedTeam;

	base->alliedTeam = top->alliedTeam;
	base->s.teamowner = top->s.teamowner;

	base->s.shouldtarget = qtrue;
	top->s.shouldtarget = qtrue;

	//link them to each other
	base->target_ent = top;
	top->target_ent = base;

	//top->s.owner = MAX_CLIENTS; //not owned by any client

	// search radius
	if ( !base->radius )
		base->radius = 1024;
	top->radius = base->radius;

	// How quickly to fire
	if ( !base->wait )
		base->wait = 300 + random() * 55;
	top->wait = base->wait;

示例16: Spawn_Scenario_Flag_Auto

void Spawn_Scenario_Flag_Auto ( vec3_t origin, int teamowner )
{// Red Flag...
	gentity_t* ent = G_Spawn();
	int radius = 0;//, teamowner = TEAM_NONE;
	int flagnum = 0;
	char *model, *model2, *fullname;

	G_SpawnString("model", "models/flags/r_flag.md3", &model); // Custom red model..
	G_SpawnString("model2", "models/flags/b_flag.md3", &model2); // Custom blue model..
	G_SpawnString("fullname", "models/flags/n_flag.md3", &fullname); // Custom neutral model.
	G_SpawnInt("radius", "500", &radius); // Point's capture radius..
	//G_SpawnInt("teamowner", "0", &teamowner); // Point's capture radius..
	G_SpawnInt("teamuser", "-1", &flagnum); // Map's flag number.. For linking things to this flag based on team...

	if (!radius)
	{// Default radius...
		ent->s.otherEntityNum2 = 500; // Set capture radius...
		ent->s.otherEntityNum2 = radius; // Set capture radius...

	if (flagnum < 0)
	{// We dont have a flag number.. Generate them for this map...
		flagnum = number_of_flags;

	ent->s.otherEntityNum = flagnum; // Flag number...

//	if (model != "")
//	{// Red flag model..
		ent->model = model;
		ent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( ent->model );
//	}
//	else
//		ent->s.modelindex = -1;

//	if (model2 != "")
//	{// Blue flag model..
		ent->model2 = model2;
		ent->s.modelindex2 = G_ModelIndex( ent->model2 );
//	}
//	else
//		ent->s.modelindex2 = -1;

//	if (fullname != "")
//	{// Neutral flag model..
		ent->fullName = fullname;
		ent->s.activeForcePass = G_ModelIndex( ent->fullName );
//	}
//	else
//		ent->s.activeForcePass = -1;

	VectorSet( ent->r.mins, -8, -8, 0 );
	VectorSet( ent->r.maxs, 8, 8, 96 );

	VectorCopy(origin, ent->s.origin);
	G_SetOrigin( ent, ent->s.origin );

	if (model == "models/flags/r_flag.md3")

	//Drop to floor
	if ( 1 )
		trace_t		tr;
		vec3_t		bottom, saveOrg;

		VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, saveOrg );
		VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, bottom );
		bottom[2] = MIN_WORLD_COORD;
		trap_Trace( &tr, ent->s.origin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, bottom, ent->s.number, MASK_NPCSOLID );
		if ( !tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid && tr.fraction < 1.0 )
			VectorCopy(tr.endpos, ent->s.origin);
			G_SetOrigin( ent, tr.endpos );

	ent->s.teamowner = teamowner;

	if (teamowner == TEAM_RED)
		ent->s.time2 = 100;
		G_Printf("^4*** ^5Flag at ^7%f %f %f^5 is ^1TEAM_RED^5! Radius is ^3%i^5.\n", ent->s.origin[0], ent->s.origin[1], ent->s.origin[2], radius);
	else if (teamowner == TEAM_BLUE)
		ent->s.time2 = 100;
		G_Printf("^4*** ^5Flag at ^7%f %f %f^5 is ^4TEAM_BLUE^5! Radius is ^3%i^5.\n", ent->s.origin[0], ent->s.origin[1], ent->s.origin[2], radius);
		ent->s.time2 = 0;

示例17: destroyed

SOLID - Movement is blocked by it, if not set, can still be broken by explosions and shots if it has health
AUTOANIMATE - Will cycle it's anim
DEADSOLID - Stay solid even when destroyed (in case damage model is rather large).
NO_DMODEL - Makes it NOT display a damage model when destroyed, even if one exists
USE_MODEL - When used, will toggle to it's usemodel (model name + "_u1.md3")... this obviously does nothing if USE_NOT_BREAK is not checked
USE_NOT_BREAK - Using it, doesn't make it break, still can be destroyed by damage
PLAYER_USE - Player can use it with the use button
NO_EXPLOSION - By default, will explode when it dies...this is your override.

"model"		arbitrary .md3 file to display
"health"	how much health to have - default is zero (not breakable)  If you don't set the SOLID flag, but give it health, it can be shot but will not block NPCs or players from moving
"targetname" when used, dies and displays damagemodel, if any (if not, removes itself)
"target" What to use when it dies
"target2" What to use when it's repaired
"target3" What to use when it's used while it's broken
"paintarget" target to fire when hit (but not destroyed)
"count"  the amount of armor/health/ammo given (default 50)
"gravity"	if set to 1, this will be affected by gravity
"radius"  Chunk code tries to pick a good volume of chunks, but you can alter this to scale the number of spawned chunks. (default 1)  (.5) is half as many chunks, (2) is twice as many chunks

Damage: default is none
"splashDamage" - damage to do (will make it explode on death)
"splashRadius" - radius for above damage

"team" - This cannot take damage from members of this team:

"material" - default is "8 - MAT_NONE" - choose from this list:
0 = MAT_METAL		(grey metal)
2 = MAT_ELECTRICAL	(sparks only)
3 = MAT_ELEC_METAL	(METAL chunks and sparks)
4 =	MAT_DRK_STONE	(brown stone chunks)
5 =	MAT_LT_STONE	(tan stone chunks)
6 =	MAT_GLASS_METAL (glass and METAL chunks)
7 = MAT_METAL2		(blue/grey metal)
8 = MAT_NONE		(no chunks-DEFAULT)
9 = MAT_GREY_STONE	(grey colored stone)
10 = MAT_METAL3		(METAL and METAL2 chunk combo)
11 = MAT_CRATE1		(yellow multi-colored crate chunks)
12 = MAT_GRATE1		(grate chunks--looks horrible right now)
13 = MAT_ROPE		(for yavin_trial, no chunks, just wispy bits )
14 = MAT_CRATE2		(red multi-colored crate chunks)
15 = MAT_WHITE_METAL (white angular chunks for Stu, NS_hideout )
set size better?
multiple damage models?
custom explosion effect/sound?
void SP_misc_model_breakable( gentity_t *ent ) 
	char	damageModel[MAX_QPATH];
	char	chunkModel[MAX_QPATH];
	char	useModel[MAX_QPATH];
	int		len;
	// Chris F. requested default for misc_model_breakable to be NONE...so don't arbitrarily change this.
	G_SpawnInt( "material", "8", (int*)&ent->material );
	G_SpawnFloat( "radius", "1", &ent->radius ); // used to scale chunk code if desired by a designer
	CacheChunkEffects( ent->material );

	misc_model_breakable_init( ent );

	len = strlen( ent->model ) - 4;
	strncpy( damageModel, ent->model, len );
	damageModel[len] = 0;	//chop extension
	strncpy( chunkModel, damageModel, sizeof(chunkModel));
	strncpy( useModel, damageModel, sizeof(useModel));
	if (ent->takedamage) {
		//Dead/damaged model
		if( !(ent->spawnflags & 8) ) {	//no dmodel
			strcat( damageModel, "_d1.md3" );
			ent->s.modelindex2 = G_ModelIndex( damageModel );
		//Chunk model
		strcat( chunkModel, "_c1.md3" );
		ent->s.modelindex3 = G_ModelIndex( chunkModel );

	//Use model
	if( ent->spawnflags & 32 ) {	//has umodel
		strcat( useModel, "_u1.md3" );
		ent->sound1to2 = G_ModelIndex( useModel );
	if ( !ent->mins[0] && !ent->mins[1] && !ent->mins[2] )
		VectorSet (ent->mins, -16, -16, -16);
	if ( !ent->maxs[0] && !ent->maxs[1] && !ent->maxs[2] )
		VectorSet (ent->maxs, 16, 16, 16);

	if ( ent->spawnflags & 2 )

示例18: destroyed

SOLID - Movement is blocked by it, if not set, can still be broken by explosions and shots if it has health
AUTOANIMATE - Will cycle it's anim
DEADSOLID - Stay solid even when destroyed (in case damage model is rather large).
NO_DMODEL - Makes it NOT display a damage model when destroyed, even if one exists
USE_MODEL - When used, will toggle to it's usemodel (model + "_u1.md3")... this obviously does nothing if USE_NOT_BREAK is not checked
USE_NOT_BREAK - Using it, doesn't make it break, still can be destroyed by damage
PLAYER_USE - Player can use it with the use button
NO_EXPLOSION - By default, will explode when it dies...this is your override.
START_OFF - Will start off and will not appear until used.

"model"		arbitrary .md3 file to display
"modelscale"	"x" uniform scale
"modelscale_vec" "x y z" scale model in each axis - height, width and length - bbox will scale with it
"health"	how much health to have - default is zero (not breakable)  If you don't set the SOLID flag, but give it health, it can be shot but will not block NPCs or players from moving
"targetname" when used, dies and displays damagemodel (model + "_d1.md3"), if any (if not, removes itself)
"target" What to use when it dies
"target2" What to use when it's repaired
"target3" What to use when it's used while it's broken
"paintarget" target to fire when hit (but not destroyed)
"count"  the amount of armor/health/ammo given (default 50)
"radius"  Chunk code tries to pick a good volume of chunks, but you can alter this to scale the number of spawned chunks. (default 1)  (.5) is half as many chunks, (2) is twice as many chunks
"NPC_targetname" - Only the NPC with this name can damage this
"forcevisible" - When you turn on force sight (any level), you can see these draw through the entire level...
"redCrosshair" - crosshair turns red when you look at this

"gravity"	if set to 1, this will be affected by gravity
"throwtarget" if set (along with gravity), this thing, when used, will throw itself at the entity whose targetname matches this string
"mass"		if gravity is on, this determines how much damage this thing does when it hits someone.  Default is the size of the object from one corner to the other, that works very well.  Only override if this is an object whose mass should be very high or low for it's size (density)

Damage: default is none
"splashDamage" - damage to do (will make it explode on death)
"splashRadius" - radius for above damage

"team" - This cannot take damage from members of this team:

"material" - default is "8 - MAT_NONE" - choose from this list:
0 = MAT_METAL		(grey metal)
2 = MAT_ELECTRICAL	(sparks only)
3 = MAT_ELEC_METAL	(METAL chunks and sparks)
4 =	MAT_DRK_STONE	(brown stone chunks)
5 =	MAT_LT_STONE	(tan stone chunks)
6 =	MAT_GLASS_METAL (glass and METAL chunks)
7 = MAT_METAL2		(blue/grey metal)
8 = MAT_NONE		(no chunks-DEFAULT)
9 = MAT_GREY_STONE	(grey colored stone)
10 = MAT_METAL3		(METAL and METAL2 chunk combo)
11 = MAT_CRATE1		(yellow multi-colored crate chunks)
12 = MAT_GRATE1		(grate chunks--looks horrible right now)
13 = MAT_ROPE		(for yavin_trial, no chunks, just wispy bits )
14 = MAT_CRATE2		(red multi-colored crate chunks)
15 = MAT_WHITE_METAL (white angular chunks for Stu, NS_hideout )
void SP_misc_model_breakable( gentity_t *ent ) 
	char	damageModel[MAX_QPATH];
	char	chunkModel[MAX_QPATH];
	char	useModel[MAX_QPATH];
	int		len;
	// Chris F. requested default for misc_model_breakable to be NONE...so don't arbitrarily change this.
	G_SpawnInt( "material", "8", (int*)&ent->material );
	G_SpawnFloat( "radius", "1", &ent->radius ); // used to scale chunk code if desired by a designer
	qboolean bHasScale = G_SpawnVector("modelscale_vec", "0 0 0", ent->s.modelScale);
	if (!bHasScale)
		float temp;
		G_SpawnFloat( "modelscale", "0", &temp);
		if (temp != 0.0f)
			ent->s.modelScale[ 0 ] = ent->s.modelScale[ 1 ] = ent->s.modelScale[ 2 ] = temp;
			bHasScale = qtrue;

	CacheChunkEffects( ent->material );
	misc_model_breakable_init( ent );

	len = strlen( ent->model ) - 4;
	assert(ent->model[len]=='.');//we're expecting ".md3"
	strncpy( damageModel, ent->model, sizeof(damageModel) );
	damageModel[len] = 0;	//chop extension
	strncpy( chunkModel, damageModel, sizeof(chunkModel));
	strncpy( useModel, damageModel, sizeof(useModel));
	if (ent->takedamage) {
		//Dead/damaged model
		if( !(ent->spawnflags & 8) ) {	//no dmodel
			strcat( damageModel, "_d1.md3" );
			ent->s.modelindex2 = G_ModelIndex( damageModel );
		//Chunk model
		strcat( chunkModel, "_c1.md3" );
		ent->s.modelindex3 = G_ModelIndex( chunkModel );

示例19: G_Script_ScriptParse

					token = COM_Parse(&pScript);
					if (token[0] != '{') {
						COM_ParseError("'{' expected, found: %s.\n", token);

					while ((token = COM_Parse(&pScript)) != NULL && (token[0] != '}')) {
						if (strlen(params)) {     // add a space between each param
							Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), " ");

						if (strrchr(token, ' ')) {    // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has more than one word
							Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), "\"");

						Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), token);

						if (strrchr(token, ' ')) {    // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has mor
							Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), "\"");
				} else
				// hackly precaching of custom characters
				if (!Q_stricmp(token, "spawnbot")) {
					// this is fairly indepth, so I'll move it to a separate function for readability
					G_Script_ParseSpawnbot(&pScript, params, MAX_INFO_STRING);
				} else {
					token = COM_ParseExt(&pScript, qfalse);
					for (i = 0; token[0]; ++i) {
						if (strlen(params)) {     // add a space between each param
							Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), " ");

						if (i == 0) {
							// Special case: playsound's need to be cached on startup to prevent in-game pauses
							if (!Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "playsound")) {
							} else if (!Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "changemodel")) {
							} else if (buildScript &&
							           (!Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "mu_start") ||
							            !Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "mu_play") ||
							            !Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "mu_queue") ||
							            !Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "startcam")) &&
							           strlen(token)) {
								trap_SendServerCommand(-1, va("addToBuild %s\n", token));

						if ((i == 0 || i == 1) && !Q_stricmp(action->actionString, "remapshader")) {

						if (strrchr(token, ' ')) {    // need to wrap this param in quotes since it has more than one word
							Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), "\"");

						Q_strcat(params, sizeof (params), token);

						if (strr 








C++ G_N_ELEMENTS函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-30
C++ G_MOUNT函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-30





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