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C++ QgsPoint函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了C++中QgsPoint函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ QgsPoint函数的具体用法?C++ QgsPoint怎么用?C++ QgsPoint使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: QgsPoint

int QgsGml::pointsFromCoordinateString( QList<QgsPoint>& points, const QString& coordString ) const
  //tuples are separated by space, x/y by ','
  QStringList tuples = coordString.split( mTupleSeparator, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
  QStringList tuples_coordinates;
  double x, y;
  bool conversionSuccess;

  QStringList::const_iterator tupleIterator;
  for ( tupleIterator = tuples.constBegin(); tupleIterator != tuples.constEnd(); ++tupleIterator )
    tuples_coordinates = tupleIterator->split( mCoordinateSeparator, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
    if ( tuples_coordinates.size() < 2 )
    x = tuples_coordinates.at( 0 ).toDouble( &conversionSuccess );
    if ( !conversionSuccess )
    y = tuples_coordinates.at( 1 ).toDouble( &conversionSuccess );
    if ( !conversionSuccess )
    points.push_back( QgsPoint( x, y ) );
  return 0;

示例2: QgsVertexMarker

void QgsMapToolCapture::canvasMapMoveEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent * e )
  bool snapped = e->isSnapped();
  QgsPoint point = e->mapPoint();

  if ( !snapped )
    delete mSnappingMarker;
    mSnappingMarker = 0;
    if ( !mSnappingMarker )
      mSnappingMarker = new QgsVertexMarker( mCanvas );
      mSnappingMarker->setIconType( QgsVertexMarker::ICON_CROSS );
      mSnappingMarker->setColor( Qt::magenta );
      mSnappingMarker->setPenWidth( 3 );
    mSnappingMarker->setCenter( point );

  if ( !mTempRubberBand && mCaptureCurve.numPoints() > 0 )
    mTempRubberBand = createRubberBand( mCaptureMode == CapturePolygon ? QGis::Polygon : QGis::Line, true );
    QgsPointV2 pt = mCaptureCurve.endPoint();
    mTempRubberBand->addPoint( QgsPoint( pt.x(), pt.y() ) );
    mTempRubberBand->addPoint( point );

  if ( mCaptureMode != CapturePoint && mTempRubberBand && mCapturing )
    mTempRubberBand->movePoint( point );
} // mouseMoveEvent

示例3: QgsDebugMsg

int QgsGml::pointsFromPosListString( QList<QgsPoint>& points, const QString& coordString, int dimension ) const
    // coordinates separated by spaces
    QStringList coordinates = coordString.split( ' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts );

    if ( coordinates.size() % dimension != 0 )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Wrong number of coordinates" );

    int ncoor = coordinates.size() / dimension;
    for ( int i = 0; i < ncoor; i++ )
        bool conversionSuccess;
        double x = coordinates.value( i * dimension ).toDouble( &conversionSuccess );
        if ( !conversionSuccess )
        double y = coordinates.value( i * dimension + 1 ).toDouble( &conversionSuccess );
        if ( !conversionSuccess )
        points.append( QgsPoint( x, y ) );
    return 0;

示例4: sqrt

double QgsComposerScaleBar::mapDiagonal() const
  if ( !mComposerMap )
    return 0.0;

  QgsRectangle composerMapRect = mComposerMap->extent();
  if ( mUnits == MapUnits )
    return sqrt( composerMapRect.width() * composerMapRect.width() + composerMapRect.height() * composerMapRect.height() );
    QgsDistanceArea da;
    da.setProjectionsEnabled( true );
    da.setSourceCrs( mComposerMap->mapRenderer()->destinationCrs().srsid() );
    QSettings s;
    da.setEllipsoid( s.value( "/qgis/measure/ellipsoid", "WGS84" ).toString() );
    double measure = da.measureLine( QgsPoint( composerMapRect.xMinimum(), composerMapRect.yMaximum() ), QgsPoint( composerMapRect.xMaximum(), composerMapRect.yMinimum() ) );
    if ( mUnits == Feet )
      measure /= 0.3048;
    return measure;

示例5: QString

void RgShortestPathWidget::setFrontPoint( const QgsPoint& pt )
  mPlugin->iface()->mapCanvas()->unsetMapTool( mFrontPointMapTool );
  mFrontPointLineEdit->setText( QString( "(" ) + QString().setNum( pt.x() ) + QString( "," ) +
                                QString().setNum( pt.y() ) + QString( ")" ) );
  mFrontPoint = pt;

  double mupp = mPlugin->iface()->mapCanvas()->getCoordinateTransform()->mapUnitsPerPixel() * 2;

  mrbFrontPoint->reset( QGis::Polygon );
  mrbFrontPoint->addPoint( QgsPoint( pt.x() - mupp, pt.y() - mupp ), false );
  mrbFrontPoint->addPoint( QgsPoint( pt.x() + mupp, pt.y() - mupp ), false );
  mrbFrontPoint->addPoint( QgsPoint( pt.x() + mupp, pt.y() + mupp ), false );
  mrbFrontPoint->addPoint( QgsPoint( pt.x() - mupp, pt.y() + mupp ), true );
} //RgShortestPathWidget::setFrontPoint( const QgsPoint& pt )

示例6: testSnapModeAll

    void testSnapModeAll()
      QgsMapSettings mapSettings;
      mapSettings.setOutputSize( QSize( 100, 100 ) );
      mapSettings.setExtent( QgsRectangle( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) );
      QVERIFY( mapSettings.hasValidSettings() );

      QgsSnappingUtils u;
      QgsSnappingConfig snappingConfig = u.config();
      u.setMapSettings( mapSettings );
      snappingConfig.setMode( QgsSnappingConfig::AllLayers );
      u.setConfig( snappingConfig );

      // right now there are no layers in map settings - snapping will fail

      QgsPointLocator::Match m = u.snapToMap( QPoint( 100, 100 ) );
      QVERIFY( !m.isValid() );

      // now check with our layer
      mapSettings.setLayers( QStringList() << mVL->id() );
      u.setMapSettings( mapSettings );

      QgsPointLocator::Match m2 = u.snapToMap( QPoint( 100, 100 ) );
      QVERIFY( m2.isValid() );
      QCOMPARE( m2.point(), QgsPoint( 1, 0 ) );

示例7: QgsDebugMsg

unsigned char* QgsDistanceArea::measureLine( unsigned char* feature, double* area, bool hasZptr )
  unsigned char *ptr = feature + 5;
  unsigned int nPoints = *(( int* )ptr );
  ptr = feature + 9;

  QList<QgsPoint> points;
  double x, y;

  QgsDebugMsg( "This feature WKB has " + QString::number( nPoints ) + " points" );
  // Extract the points from the WKB format into the vector
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i )
    x = *(( double * ) ptr );
    ptr += sizeof( double );
    y = *(( double * ) ptr );
    ptr += sizeof( double );
    if ( hasZptr )
      // totally ignore Z value
      ptr += sizeof( double );

    points.append( QgsPoint( x, y ) );

  *area = measureLine( points );
  return ptr;

示例8: pt2

static QgsCurve *_transform_ring_to_new_base( const QgsCurve &curve, const QgsPoint &pt0, const QMatrix4x4 *toNewBase )
  int count = curve.numPoints();
  QVector<QgsPoint> pts;
  pts.reserve( count );
  QgsVertexId::VertexType vt;
  for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
    QgsPoint pt;
    curve.pointAt( i, pt, vt );
    QgsPoint pt2( QgsWkbTypes::PointZ, pt.x() - pt0.x(), pt.y() - pt0.y(), std::isnan( pt.z() ) ? 0 : pt.z() - pt0.z() );
    QVector4D v( pt2.x(), pt2.y(), pt2.z(), 0 );
    if ( toNewBase )
      v = toNewBase->map( v );

    // we also round coordinates before passing them to poly2tri triangulation in order to fix possible numerical
    // stability issues. We had crashes with nearly collinear points where one of the points was off by a tiny bit (e.g. by 1e-20).
    // See TestQgsTessellator::testIssue17745().
    // A hint for a similar issue: https://github.com/greenm01/poly2tri/issues/99
    //    The collinear tests uses epsilon 1e-12. Seems rounding to 12 places you still
    //    can get problems with this test when points are pretty much on a straight line.
    //    I suggest you round to 10 decimals for stability and you can live with that
    //    precision.

    pts << QgsPoint( QgsWkbTypes::PointZ, _round_coord( v.x() ), _round_coord( v.y() ), _round_coord( v.z() ) );
  return new QgsLineString( pts );

示例9: eval_geometry_data

    void eval_geometry_data()
      QTest::addColumn<QString>( "string" );
      QTest::addColumn<void*>( "geomptr" );
      QTest::addColumn<bool>( "evalError" );
      QTest::addColumn<double>( "result" );

      QgsPoint point( 123, 456 );
      QgsPolyline line;
      line << QgsPoint( 1, 1 ) << QgsPoint( 4, 2 ) << QgsPoint( 3, 1 );

      QTest::newRow( "geom x" ) << "$x" << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromPoint( point ) << false << 123.;
      QTest::newRow( "geom y" ) << "$y" << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromPoint( point ) << false << 456.;
      QTest::newRow( "geom xat" ) << "xat(-1)" << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( line ) << false << 3.;
      QTest::newRow( "geom yat" ) << "yat(1)" << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( line ) << false << 2.;

示例10: QStringLiteral

void RgShortestPathWidget::setFrontPoint( const QgsPoint& pt )
  mPlugin->iface()->mapCanvas()->unsetMapTool( mFrontPointMapTool );
  mFrontPointLineEdit->setText( QStringLiteral( "(%1, %2)" ).arg( QString::number( pt.x(), 'f' ),
                                QString::number( pt.y(), 'f' ) ) );
  mFrontPoint = pt;

  double mupp = mPlugin->iface()->mapCanvas()->getCoordinateTransform()->mapUnitsPerPixel() * 2;

  mrbFrontPoint->reset( QgsWkbTypes::PolygonGeometry );
  mrbFrontPoint->addPoint( QgsPoint( pt.x() - mupp, pt.y() - mupp ), false );
  mrbFrontPoint->addPoint( QgsPoint( pt.x() + mupp, pt.y() - mupp ), false );
  mrbFrontPoint->addPoint( QgsPoint( pt.x() + mupp, pt.y() + mupp ), false );
  mrbFrontPoint->addPoint( QgsPoint( pt.x() - mupp, pt.y() + mupp ), true );
} //RgShortestPathWidget::setFrontPoint( const QgsPoint& pt )

示例11: QgsPoint

double QgsComposerScaleBar::mapWidth() const
  if ( !mComposerMap )
    return 0.0;

  QgsRectangle composerMapRect = mComposerMap->extent();
  if ( mUnits == MapUnits )
    return composerMapRect.width();
    QgsDistanceArea da;
    da.setEllipsoidalMode( mComposerMap->mapRenderer()->hasCrsTransformEnabled() );
    da.setSourceCrs( mComposerMap->mapRenderer()->destinationCrs().srsid() );
    da.setEllipsoid( QgsProject::instance()->readEntry( "Measure", "/Ellipsoid", "WGS84" ) );

    double measure = da.measureLine( QgsPoint( composerMapRect.xMinimum(), composerMapRect.yMinimum() ), QgsPoint( composerMapRect.xMaximum(), composerMapRect.yMinimum() ) );
    if ( mUnits == Feet )
      measure /= 0.3048;
    return measure;

示例12: wkbPtr

const unsigned char* QgsDistanceArea::measureLine( const unsigned char* feature, double* area, bool hasZptr )
  QgsConstWkbPtr wkbPtr( feature + 1 + sizeof( int ) );
  int nPoints;
  wkbPtr >> nPoints;

  QList<QgsPoint> points;
  double x, y;

  QgsDebugMsg( "This feature WKB has " + QString::number( nPoints ) + " points" );
  // Extract the points from the WKB format into the vector
  for ( int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i )
    wkbPtr >> x >> y;
    if ( hasZptr )
      // totally ignore Z value
      wkbPtr += sizeof( double );

    points.append( QgsPoint( x, y ) );

  *area = measureLine( points );
  return wkbPtr;

示例13: QgsRubberBand

void QgsMapToolPinLabels::highlightLabel( const QgsLabelPosition& labelpos,
    const QString& id,
    const QColor& color )
  QgsRectangle rect = labelpos.labelRect;
  QgsRubberBand *rb = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas, QGis::Polygon );
  rb->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );
  rb->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMaximum() ) );
  rb->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMaximum() ) );
  rb->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );
  rb->addPoint( QgsPoint( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum() ) );
  rb->setColor( color );
  rb->setWidth( 0 );

  mHighlights.insert( id, rb );

示例14: reset

void QgsRubberBand::setToCanvasRectangle( const QRect& rect )
  if ( !mMapCanvas )

  const QgsMapToPixel* transform = mMapCanvas->getCoordinateTransform();
  QgsPoint ll = transform->toMapCoordinates( rect.left(), rect.bottom() );
  QgsPoint ur = transform->toMapCoordinates( rect.right(), rect.top() );

  reset( QGis::Polygon );
  addPoint( ll, false );
  addPoint( QgsPoint( ur.x(), ll.y() ), false );
  addPoint( ur, false );
  addPoint( QgsPoint( ll.x(), ur.y() ), true );

示例15: QgsPoint

QgsPoint QgsLineString::startPoint() const
  if ( numPoints() < 1 )
    return QgsPoint();
  return pointN( 0 );

示例16: QgsPoint

 * Check to see if the point is within the selection rectangle
bool QgsDelimitedTextProvider::boundsCheck( double x, double y )
  // no selection rectangle or geometry => always in the bounds
  if ( mSelectionRectangle.isEmpty() || !mFetchGeom )
    return true;

  return mSelectionRectangle.contains( QgsPoint( x, y ) );

示例17: testNearestEdge

 void testNearestEdge()
   QgsPointLocator loc( mVL );
   QgsPoint pt( 1.1, 0.5 );
   QgsPointLocator::Match m = loc.nearestEdge( pt, 999 );
   QVERIFY( m.isValid() );
   QVERIFY( m.hasEdge() );
   QCOMPARE( m.layer(), mVL );
   QCOMPARE( m.featureId(), ( QgsFeatureId )1 );
   QCOMPARE( m.point(), QgsPoint( 1, 0.5 ) );
   QCOMPARE( m.distance(), 0.1 );
   QCOMPARE( m.vertexIndex(), 1 );
   QgsPoint pt1, pt2;
   m.edgePoints( pt1, pt2 );
   QCOMPARE( pt1, QgsPoint( 1, 0 ) );
   QCOMPARE( pt2, QgsPoint( 1, 1 ) );

示例18: QgsMapToolAddCircularString

QgsMapToolCircularStringRadius::QgsMapToolCircularStringRadius( QgsMapToolCapture *parentTool, QgsMapCanvas *canvas, CaptureMode mode )
  : QgsMapToolAddCircularString( parentTool, canvas, mode )
  , mTemporaryEndPoint( QgsPoint() )
  , mRadius( 0.0 )



示例19: QgsPoint

QgsPoint QgsCompoundCurve::endPoint() const
  if ( mCurves.empty() )
    return QgsPoint();
  return mCurves.at( mCurves.size() - 1 )->endPoint();

示例20: eval_geometry_method_data

    void eval_geometry_method_data()
      QTest::addColumn<QString>( "string" );
      QTest::addColumn<void*>( "geomptr" );
      QTest::addColumn<bool>( "evalError" );
      QTest::addColumn<bool>( "needGeom" );
      QTest::addColumn<void*>( "resultptr" );

      QgsPolyline polygon_ring;
      polygon_ring << QgsPoint( 0, 0 ) << QgsPoint( 10, 10 ) << QgsPoint( 10, 0 ) << QgsPoint( 0, 0 );
      QgsPolygon polygon;
      polygon << polygon_ring;

      QgsGeometry* geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );

      QTest::newRow( "buffer" ) << "buffer( $geometry, 1.0, 3)" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) geom->buffer( 1.0, 3 );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "buffer" ) << "buffer( $geometry, 2.0)" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) geom->buffer( 2.0, 8 );

      QgsPoint point1( 10, 20 );
      QgsPoint point2( 30, 20 );
      QgsGeometry* pnt1 = QgsGeometry::fromPoint( point1 );
      QgsGeometry* pnt2 = QgsGeometry::fromPoint( point2 );
      QTest::newRow( "union" ) << "union( $geometry, geomFromWKT('" + pnt2->exportToWkt() + "') )" << ( void* ) pnt1 << false << true << ( void* ) pnt1->combine( pnt2 );

      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "intersection" ) << "intersection( $geometry, geomFromWKT('POLYGON((0 0, 0 10, 10 0, 0 0))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "POLYGON ((0 0,5 5,10 0,0 0))" );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "difference" ) << "difference( $geometry, geomFromWKT('POLYGON((0 0, 0 10, 10 0, 0 0))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "POLYGON ((5 5,10 10,10 0,5 5))" );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "symDifference" ) << "symDifference( $geometry, geomFromWKT('POLYGON((0 0, 0 10, 10 0, 0 0))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "MULTIPOLYGON(((5 5,0 0,0 10,5 5)),((5 5,10 10,10 0,5 5)))" );

      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "centroid polygon" ) << "centroid( $geometry )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) geom->centroid();
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "centroid self intersecting polygon" ) << "centroid( geomFromWKT('POLYGON((0 0, 0 2, 2 -0.1, 2 2.1, 0 0))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << false << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "POINT (8.0 1.0)" );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "centroid multi polygon" ) << "centroid( geomFromWKT('MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0)),((2 0,2 1,3 1,3 0,2 0)))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << false << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "POINT (1.5 0.5)" );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "convexHull simple" ) << "convexHull( $geometry )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) geom->convexHull();
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "convexHull multi" ) << "convexHull( geomFromWKT('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(0 1), POINT(0 0), POINT(1 0), POINT(1 1))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << false << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "POLYGON ((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0))" );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "bounds" ) << "bounds( $geometry )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromRect( geom->boundingBox() );









C++ QgsPointV2函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-30
C++ QgsGeometry函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-30





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