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C++ checkSlow函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了C++中checkSlow函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ checkSlow函数的具体用法?C++ checkSlow怎么用?C++ checkSlow使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: checkSlow

void UArrayProperty::SerializeItem( FArchive& Ar, void* Value, int32 MaxReadBytes, void const* Defaults ) const

	// Ensure that the Inner itself has been loaded before calling SerializeItem() on it

	FScriptArrayHelper ArrayHelper(this, Value);
	int32		n		= ArrayHelper.Num();
	Ar << n;
	if( Ar.IsLoading() )
	ArrayHelper.CountBytes( Ar );

	const int32 ArrayMaxReadBytes = MaxReadBytes > 0 ? ( MaxReadBytes - sizeof( n ) ) : 0;
	for( int32 i=0; i<n; i++ )
		const int32 ItemMaxReadBytes = ArrayMaxReadBytes > 0 ? ArrayMaxReadBytes / n: 0;
		Inner->SerializeItem( Ar, ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(i), ItemMaxReadBytes );

示例2: SetParameters

	void SetParameters(const FRenderingCompositePassContext& Context)
		const FPixelShaderRHIParamRef ShaderRHI = GetPixelShader();

		FGlobalShader::SetParameters(Context.RHICmdList, ShaderRHI, Context.View);
		DeferredParameters.Set(Context.RHICmdList, ShaderRHI, Context.View);
		PostprocessParameter.SetPS(ShaderRHI, Context, TStaticSamplerState<SF_Bilinear,AM_Clamp,AM_Clamp,AM_Clamp>::GetRHI());

		FSceneRenderTargets& SceneContext = FSceneRenderTargets::Get(Context.RHICmdList);
		FIntPoint OutScaledSize;
		float OutScale;
		SceneContext.GetSeparateTranslucencyDimensions(OutScaledSize, OutScale);

		SetShaderValue(Context.RHICmdList, ShaderRHI, SeparateTranslucencyResMultParam, FVector4(OutScale, OutScale, OutScale, OutScale));

			FVector4 DepthOfFieldParamValues[2];

			FRCPassPostProcessBokehDOF::ComputeDepthOfFieldParams(Context, DepthOfFieldParamValues);

			SetShaderValueArray(Context.RHICmdList, ShaderRHI, DepthOfFieldParams, DepthOfFieldParamValues, 2);

		if (UseNearestDepthNeighborUpsample())
			FTextureRHIParamRef LowResDepth = SceneContext.GetSeparateTranslucencyDepthSurface();
			SetTextureParameter(Context.RHICmdList, ShaderRHI, LowResDepthTexture, LowResDepth);

			const auto& BuiltinSamplersUBParameter = GetUniformBufferParameter<FBuiltinSamplersParameters>();
			SetUniformBufferParameter(Context.RHICmdList, ShaderRHI, BuiltinSamplersUBParameter, GBuiltinSamplersUniformBuffer.GetUniformBufferRHI());

示例3: ToMatrixWithScale

 * Set current transform and the relative to ParentTransform.
 * Equates to This = This->GetRelativeTransform(Parent), but saves the intermediate FTransform storage and copy.
void FTransform::SetToRelativeTransform(const FTransform& ParentTransform)
	// A * B(-1) = VQS(B)(-1) (VQS (A))
	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)
	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)
	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	// where A = this, B = Other
	FMatrix AM = ToMatrixWithScale();
	FMatrix BM = ParentTransform.ToMatrixWithScale();

	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)	
	VectorRegister VSafeScale3D	= VectorSet_W0(GetSafeScaleReciprocal(ParentTransform.Scale3D));
	Scale3D = VectorMultiply(Scale3D, VSafeScale3D);
	//VQTranslation = (  ( T(A).X - T(B).X ),  ( T(A).Y - T(B).Y ), ( T(A).Z - T(B).Z), 0.f );
	VectorRegister VQTranslation = VectorSet_W0(VectorSubtract(Translation, ParentTransform.Translation));

	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	VectorRegister VInverseParentRot = VectorQuaternionInverse(ParentTransform.Rotation);
	VectorRegister VQT = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VInverseParentRot, VQTranslation);
	VectorRegister VR = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VQT, ParentTransform.Rotation);
	Translation = VectorMultiply(VR, VSafeScale3D);

	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)	
	Rotation = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VInverseParentRot, Rotation );


	DebugEqualMatrix(AM *  BM.InverseFast());

示例4: checkSlow

void FPoseLinkMappingRecord::PatchLinkIndex(uint8* DestinationPtr, int32 LinkID, int32 SourceLinkID) const

	DestinationPtr = ChildProperty->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(DestinationPtr);
	if (ChildPropertyIndex != INDEX_NONE)
		UArrayProperty* ArrayProperty = CastChecked<UArrayProperty>(ChildProperty);

		FScriptArrayHelper ArrayHelper(ArrayProperty, DestinationPtr);

		DestinationPtr = ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(ChildPropertyIndex);

	// Check to guard against accidental infinite loops
	check((LinkID == INDEX_NONE) || (LinkID != SourceLinkID));

	// Patch the pose link
	FPoseLinkBase& PoseLink = *((FPoseLinkBase*)DestinationPtr);
	PoseLink.LinkID = LinkID;
	PoseLink.SourceLinkID = SourceLinkID;

示例5: ReferenceType

FTransaction::FObjectRecord::FPersistentObjectRef::FPersistentObjectRef(UObject* InObject)
	: ReferenceType(EReferenceType::Unknown)
	, Object(nullptr)
	UObject* Outermost = BuildSubobjectKey(InObject, SubObjectHierarchyID);

	if (SubObjectHierarchyID.Num()>0)
		//check(Outermost != GetTransientPackage());
		ReferenceType = EReferenceType::SubObject;
		Object = Outermost;
		ReferenceType = EReferenceType::RootObject;
		Object = InObject;

	// Make sure that when we look up the object we find the same thing:
	checkSlow(Get() == InObject);

示例6: MakeShareable

FSlateShaderResourceProxy* FSlateD3DTextureManager::CreateColorTexture( const FName TextureName, FColor InColor )
	FNewTextureInfo Info;

	TArray<uint8> RawData;
	RawData[0] = InColor.R;
	RawData[1] = InColor.G;
	RawData[2] = InColor.B;
	RawData[3] = InColor.A;
	Info.bShouldAtlas = false;
	uint32 Width = 1;
	uint32 Height = 1;
	uint32 Stride = 4;
	Info.TextureData = MakeShareable( new FSlateTextureData( Width, Height, Stride, RawData ) );

	FSlateShaderResourceProxy* NewTexture = GenerateTextureResource( Info );
	checkSlow( !ResourceMap.Contains( TextureName ) );
	ResourceMap.Add( TextureName, NewTexture );

	return NewTexture;

示例7: SpecificType

FShaderResource::FShaderResource(const FShaderCompilerOutput& Output, FShaderType* InSpecificType) 
	: SpecificType(InSpecificType)
	, NumInstructions(Output.NumInstructions)
	, NumTextureSamplers(Output.NumTextureSamplers)
	, NumRefs(0)
	, Canary(FShader::ShaderMagic_Initialized)
	Target = Output.Target;
	Code = Output.Code;
	check(Code.Num() > 0);

	OutputHash = Output.OutputHash;
	checkSlow(OutputHash != FSHAHash());

		FScopeLock ShaderResourceIdMapLock(&ShaderResourceIdMapCritical);
		ShaderResourceIdMap.Add(GetId(), this);
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY_FName(GetMemoryStatType((EShaderFrequency)Target.Frequency).GetName(), Code.Num());
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_ShaderResourceMemory, GetSizeBytes());
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_NumShaderResourcesLoaded, 1);

示例8: TEXT

 * Exports the property values for the specified object as text to the output device.
 * @param	Context			Context from which the set of 'inner' objects is extracted.  If NULL, an object iterator will be used.
 * @param	Out				the output device to send the exported text to
 * @param	ObjectClass		the class of the object to dump properties for
 * @param	Object			the address of the object to dump properties for
 * @param	Indent			number of spaces to prepend to each line of output
 * @param	DiffClass		the class to use for comparing property values when delta export is desired.
 * @param	Diff			the address of the object to use for determining whether a property value should be exported.  If the value in Object matches the corresponding
 *							value in Diff, it is not exported.  Specify NULL to export all properties.
 * @param	Parent			the UObject corresponding to Object
 * @param	PortFlags		flags used for modifying the output and/or behavior of the export
void ExportProperties
    const FExportObjectInnerContext* Context,
    FOutputDevice&	Out,
    UClass*			ObjectClass,
    uint8*			Object,
    int32				Indent,
    UClass*			DiffClass,
    uint8*			Diff,
    UObject*		Parent,
    uint32			PortFlags,
    UObject*		ExportRootScope
    FString ThisName = TEXT("(none)");
    check(ObjectClass != NULL);

    for( UProperty* Property = ObjectClass->PropertyLink; Property; Property = Property->PropertyLinkNext )
        if (!Property->ShouldPort(PortFlags))

        ThisName = Property->GetName();
        UArrayProperty* ArrayProperty = Cast<UArrayProperty>(Property);
        UObjectPropertyBase* ExportObjectProp = (Property->PropertyFlags & CPF_ExportObject) != 0 ? Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(Property) : NULL;
        const uint32 ExportFlags = PortFlags | PPF_Delimited;

        if ( ArrayProperty != NULL )
            // Export dynamic array.
            UProperty* InnerProp = ArrayProperty->Inner;
            ExportObjectProp = (Property->PropertyFlags & CPF_ExportObject) != 0 ? Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(InnerProp) : NULL;
            // This is used as the default value in the case of an array property that has
            // fewer elements than the exported object.
            uint8* StructDefaults = NULL;
            UStructProperty* StructProperty = Cast<UStructProperty>(InnerProp);
            if ( StructProperty != NULL )
                StructDefaults = (uint8*)FMemory::Malloc(StructProperty->Struct->GetStructureSize());

            for( int32 PropertyArrayIndex=0; PropertyArrayIndex<Property->ArrayDim; PropertyArrayIndex++ )
                void* Arr = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(Object, PropertyArrayIndex);
                FScriptArrayHelper ArrayHelper(ArrayProperty, Arr);

                void*	DiffArr = NULL;
                if( DiffClass )
                    DiffArr = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtrForDefaults<void>(DiffClass, Diff, PropertyArrayIndex);
                // we won't use this if DiffArr is NULL, but we have to set it up to something
                FScriptArrayHelper DiffArrayHelper(ArrayProperty, DiffArr);

                bool bAnyElementDiffered = false;
                for( int32 DynamicArrayIndex=0; DynamicArrayIndex<ArrayHelper.Num(); DynamicArrayIndex++ )
                    FString	Value;

                    // compare each element's value manually so that elements which match the NULL value for the array's inner property type
                    // but aren't in the diff array are still exported
                    uint8* SourceData = ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(DynamicArrayIndex);
                    uint8* DiffData = DiffArr && DynamicArrayIndex < DiffArrayHelper.Num()
                                      ? DiffArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(DynamicArrayIndex)
                                      : StructDefaults;

                    bool bExportItem = DiffData == NULL || (DiffData != SourceData && !InnerProp->Identical(SourceData, DiffData, ExportFlags));
                    if ( bExportItem )
                        bAnyElementDiffered = true;
                        InnerProp->ExportTextItem(Value, SourceData, DiffData, Parent, ExportFlags, ExportRootScope);
                            UObject* Obj = ExportObjectProp->GetObjectPropertyValue(ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(DynamicArrayIndex));
                            check(!Obj || Obj->IsValidLowLevel());
                            if( Obj && !Obj->HasAnyMarks(OBJECTMARK_TagImp) )
                                // only export the BEGIN OBJECT block for a component if Parent is the component's Outer....when importing subobject definitions,
                                // (i.e. BEGIN OBJECT), whichever BEGIN OBJECT block a component's BEGIN OBJECT block is located within is the object that will be
                                // used as the Outer to create the component

                                // Is this an array of components?
                                if ( InnerProp->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_InstancedReference) )

示例9: UniformConePDF

/** Calculates the PDF for a sample generated by UniformSampleCone */
float UniformConePDF(float CosMaxConeTheta)
	checkSlow(CosMaxConeTheta >= 0.0f && CosMaxConeTheta <= 1.0f);
	return 1.0f / (2.0f * (float)PI * (1.0f - CosMaxConeTheta));

示例10: Transaction

void UUnrealEdEngine::NoteActorMovement()
	if( !GUndo && !(GEditor->ClickFlags & CF_MOVE_ACTOR) )
		GEditor->ClickFlags |= CF_MOVE_ACTOR;

		const FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "ActorMovement", "Actor Movement") );
		AActor* SelectedActor = NULL;
		for ( FSelectionIterator It( GetSelectedActorIterator() ) ; It ; ++It )
			AActor* Actor = static_cast<AActor*>( *It );
			checkSlow( Actor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()) );

			SelectedActor = Actor;

		if( SelectedActor == NULL )
			USelection* SelectedActors = GetSelectedActors();
			SelectActor( GWorld->GetDefaultBrush(), true, true );

		// Look for an actor that requires snapping.
		for ( FSelectionIterator It( GetSelectedActorIterator() ) ; It ; ++It )
			AActor* Actor = static_cast<AActor*>( *It );
			checkSlow( Actor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()) );

			GLevelEditorModeTools().Snapping = 1;

		TSet<AGroupActor*> GroupActors;

		// Modify selected actors.
		for ( FSelectionIterator It( GetSelectedActorIterator() ) ; It ; ++It )
			AActor* Actor = static_cast<AActor*>( *It );
			checkSlow( Actor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()) );


			if (GEditor->bGroupingActive)
				// if this actor is in a group, add the GroupActor into a list to be modified shortly
				AGroupActor* ActorLockedRootGroup = AGroupActor::GetRootForActor(Actor, true);
				if (ActorLockedRootGroup != nullptr)

			ABrush* Brush = Cast< ABrush >( Actor );
			if ( Brush )
				if( Brush->Brush )

		// Modify unique group actors
		for (auto* GroupActor : GroupActors)

示例11: ProcessCmdString

	 * Process a string command to the logging suppression system 
	 * @param CmdString, string to process
	 * @param FromBoot, if true, this is a boot time command, and is handled differently
	void ProcessCmdString(const FString& CmdString, bool FromBoot = false)
		// How to use the log command : `log <category> <verbosity>
		// e.g., Turn off all logging : `log global none
		// e.g., Set specific filter  : `log logshaders verbose
		// e.g., Combo command        : `log global none, log logshaders verbose

		static FName NAME_BootGlobal(TEXT("BootGlobal"));
		static FName NAME_Reset(TEXT("Reset"));
		FString Cmds = CmdString;
		Cmds = Cmds.Trim().TrimQuotes();
		TArray<FString> SubCmds;
		Cmds.ParseIntoArray(SubCmds, TEXT(","), true);
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < SubCmds.Num(); Index++)
			static FString LogString(TEXT("Log "));
			FString Command = SubCmds[Index].Trim();
			if (Command.StartsWith(*LogString))
				Command = Command.Right(Command.Len() - LogString.Len());
			TArray<FString> CommandParts;
			if (CommandParts.Num() < 1)
			FName Category(*CommandParts[0]);
			if (Category == NAME_Global && FromBoot)
				Category = NAME_BootGlobal; // the boot time global is a special one, since we want things like "log global none, log logshaders verbose"
			TArray<FLogCategoryBase*> CategoryVerbosities;
			uint8 Value = 0;
			if (FromBoot)
				// now maybe this was already set at boot, in which case we override what it had
				uint8* Boot = BootAssociations.Find(Category);
				if (Boot)
					Value = *Boot;
					// see if we had a boot global override
					Boot = BootAssociations.Find(NAME_BootGlobal);
					if (Boot)
						Value = *Boot;
				for (TMultiMap<FName, FLogCategoryBase*>::TKeyIterator It(ReverseAssociations, Category); It; ++It)
					checkSlow(!(It.Value()->Verbosity & ELogVerbosity::BreakOnLog)); // this bit is factored out of this variable, always
					Value = It.Value()->Verbosity | (It.Value()->DebugBreakOnLog ? ELogVerbosity::BreakOnLog : 0);
			if (CommandParts.Num() == 1)
				// only possibility is the reset and toggle command which is meaningless at boot
				if (!FromBoot)
					if (Category == NAME_Reset)
						for (TMap<FLogCategoryBase*, FName>::TIterator It(Associations); It; ++It)
							FLogCategoryBase* Verb = It.Key();
							// store off the last non-zero one for toggle
							checkSlow(!(Verb->Verbosity & ELogVerbosity::BreakOnLog)); // this bit is factored out of this variable, always
							if (Verb->Verbosity)
								// currently on, store this in the pending and clear it
								ToggleAssociations.Add(Category, Verb->Verbosity);
						if (Value & ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask)
							// currently on, toggle it
							Value = Value & ~ELogVerbosity::VerbosityMask;
							// try to get a non-zero value from the toggle backup
							uint8* Toggle = ToggleAssociations.Find(Category);
							if (Toggle && *Toggle)


void FIndirectLightingCache::UpdateCachePrimitivesInternal(FScene* Scene, FSceneRenderer& Renderer, bool bAllowUnbuiltPreview, TMap<FIntVector, FBlockUpdateInfo>& OutBlocksToUpdate, TArray<FIndirectLightingCacheAllocation*>& OutTransitionsOverTimeToUpdate)
	const TMap<FPrimitiveComponentId, FAttachmentGroupSceneInfo>& AttachmentGroups = Scene->AttachmentGroups;
	if (IndirectLightingAllowed(Scene, Renderer))
		if (bUpdateAllCacheEntries)
			const uint32 PrimitiveCount = Scene->Primitives.Num();

			for (uint32 PrimitiveIndex = 0; PrimitiveIndex < PrimitiveCount; ++PrimitiveIndex)
				FPrimitiveSceneInfo* PrimitiveSceneInfo = Scene->Primitives[PrimitiveIndex];
				const bool bPrecomputedLightingBufferWasDirty = PrimitiveSceneInfo->NeedsPrecomputedLightingBufferUpdate();

				UpdateCachePrimitive(AttachmentGroups, PrimitiveSceneInfo, false, true, OutBlocksToUpdate, OutTransitionsOverTimeToUpdate);

				// If it was already dirty, then the primitive is already in one of the view dirty primitive list at this point.
				// This also ensures that a primitive does not get added twice to the list, which could create an array reallocation.
				if (!bPrecomputedLightingBufferWasDirty)

					// Check if it is visible otherwise, it will be updated next time it is visible.
					for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Renderer.Views.Num(); ViewIndex++)
						FViewInfo& View = Renderer.Views[ViewIndex];

						if (View.PrimitiveVisibilityMap[PrimitiveIndex])
							// Since the update can be executed on a threaded job (see GILCUpdatePrimTaskEnabled), no reallocation must happen here.
							checkSlow(View.DirtyPrecomputedLightingBufferPrimitives.Num() < View.DirtyPrecomputedLightingBufferPrimitives.Max());
							break; // We only need to add it in one of the view list.
			TArray<uint32> SetBitIndices[4];
				for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Renderer.Views.Num(); ViewIndex++)
					FViewInfo& View = Renderer.Views[ViewIndex];

					for (FSceneSetBitIterator BitIt(View.PrimitiveVisibilityMap); BitIt; ++BitIt)
						uint32 PrimitiveIndex = BitIt.GetIndex();

					// Any visible primitives with an indirect shadow need their ILC updated, since that determines the indirect shadow direction
					for (int32 IndirectPrimitiveIndex = 0; IndirectPrimitiveIndex < View.IndirectShadowPrimitives.Num(); IndirectPrimitiveIndex++)
						int32 PrimitiveIndex = View.IndirectShadowPrimitives[IndirectPrimitiveIndex]->GetIndex();

			// Go over the views and operate on any relevant visible primitives
			for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Renderer.Views.Num(); ViewIndex++)
				FViewInfo& View = Renderer.Views[ViewIndex];

				const TArray<uint32>& SetBits = SetBitIndices[ViewIndex];
				for (int32 i = 0; i < SetBits.Num(); ++i)
					uint32 PrimitiveIndex = SetBits[i];

					FPrimitiveSceneInfo* PrimitiveSceneInfo = Scene->Primitives[PrimitiveIndex];
					const bool bPrecomputedLightingBufferWasDirty = PrimitiveSceneInfo->NeedsPrecomputedLightingBufferUpdate();

					const FPrimitiveViewRelevance& PrimitiveRelevance = View.PrimitiveViewRelevanceMap[PrimitiveIndex];
					UpdateCachePrimitive(AttachmentGroups, PrimitiveSceneInfo, bAllowUnbuiltPreview, PrimitiveRelevance.bOpaqueRelevance, OutBlocksToUpdate, OutTransitionsOverTimeToUpdate);

					// If it was already dirty, then the primitive is already in one of the view dirty primitive list at this point.
					// This also ensures that a primitive does not get added twice to the list, which could create an array reallocation.
					if (!bPrecomputedLightingBufferWasDirty && PrimitiveSceneInfo->NeedsPrecomputedLightingBufferUpdate())
						// Since the update can be executed on a threaded job (see GILCUpdatePrimTaskEnabled), no reallocation must happen here.
						checkSlow(View.DirtyPrecomputedLightingBufferPrimitives.Num() < View.DirtyPrecomputedLightingBufferPrimitives.Max());
		bUpdateAllCacheEntries = false;

示例13: ConvertQueryImpactHit

EConvertQueryResult ConvertQueryImpactHit(const UWorld* World, const PxLocationHit& PHit, FHitResult& OutResult, float CheckLength, const PxFilterData& QueryFilter, const FVector& StartLoc, const FVector& EndLoc, const PxGeometry* const Geom, const PxTransform& QueryTM, bool bReturnFaceIndex, bool bReturnPhysMat)

	if(bReturnFaceIndex && World->IsGameWorld())
		if(!ensure(UPhysicsSettings::Get()->bSuppressFaceRemapTable == false))
			UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Error, TEXT("A scene query is relying on face indices, but bSuppressFaceRemapTable is true."));
			bReturnFaceIndex = false;

	checkSlow(PHit.flags & PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE);
	const bool bInitialOverlap = PHit.hadInitialOverlap();
	if (bInitialOverlap && Geom != nullptr)
		ConvertOverlappedShapeToImpactHit(World, PHit, StartLoc, EndLoc, OutResult, *Geom, QueryTM, QueryFilter, bReturnPhysMat);
		return EConvertQueryResult::Valid;

	// See if this is a 'blocking' hit
	const PxFilterData PShapeFilter = PHit.shape->getQueryFilterData();
	const PxQueryHitType::Enum HitType = FPxQueryFilterCallback::CalcQueryHitType(QueryFilter, PShapeFilter);
	OutResult.bBlockingHit = (HitType == PxQueryHitType::eBLOCK); 
	OutResult.bStartPenetrating = bInitialOverlap;

	// calculate the hit time
	const float HitTime = PHit.distance/CheckLength;
	OutResult.Time = HitTime;
	OutResult.Distance = PHit.distance;

	// figure out where the the "safe" location for this shape is by moving from the startLoc toward the ImpactPoint
	const FVector TraceStartToEnd = EndLoc - StartLoc;
	const FVector SafeLocationToFitShape = StartLoc + (HitTime * TraceStartToEnd);
	OutResult.Location = SafeLocationToFitShape;

	const bool bUsePxPoint = ((PHit.flags & PxHitFlag::ePOSITION) && !bInitialOverlap);
	if (bUsePxPoint && !PHit.position.isFinite())
		SetHitResultFromShapeAndFaceIndex(PHit.shape, PHit.actor, PHit.faceIndex, OutResult, bReturnPhysMat);
		UE_LOG(LogCore, Error, TEXT("ConvertQueryImpactHit() NaN details:\n>> Actor:%s (%s)\n>> Component:%s\n>> Item:%d\n>> BoneName:%s\n>> Time:%f\n>> Distance:%f\n>> Location:%s\n>> bIsBlocking:%d\n>> bStartPenetrating:%d"),
			*GetNameSafe(OutResult.GetActor()), OutResult.Actor.IsValid() ? *OutResult.GetActor()->GetPathName() : TEXT("no path"),
			*GetNameSafe(OutResult.GetComponent()), OutResult.Item, *OutResult.BoneName.ToString(),
			OutResult.Time, OutResult.Distance, *OutResult.Location.ToString(), OutResult.bBlockingHit ? 1 : 0, OutResult.bStartPenetrating ? 1 : 0);

		logOrEnsureNanError(TEXT("ConvertQueryImpactHit() received NaN/Inf for position: %.2f %.2f %.2f"), PHit.position.x, PHit.position.y, PHit.position.z);
		return EConvertQueryResult::Invalid;

	OutResult.ImpactPoint = bUsePxPoint ? P2UVector(PHit.position) : StartLoc;
	// Caution: we may still have an initial overlap, but with null Geom. This is the case for RayCast results.
	const bool bUsePxNormal = ((PHit.flags & PxHitFlag::eNORMAL) && !bInitialOverlap);
	if (bUsePxNormal && !PHit.normal.isFinite())
		SetHitResultFromShapeAndFaceIndex(PHit.shape, PHit.actor, PHit.faceIndex, OutResult, bReturnPhysMat);
		UE_LOG(LogCore, Error, TEXT("ConvertQueryImpactHit() NaN details:\n>> Actor:%s (%s)\n>> Component:%s\n>> Item:%d\n>> BoneName:%s\n>> Time:%f\n>> Distance:%f\n>> Location:%s\n>> bIsBlocking:%d\n>> bStartPenetrating:%d"),
			*GetNameSafe(OutResult.GetActor()), OutResult.Actor.IsValid() ? *OutResult.GetActor()->GetPathName() : TEXT("no path"),
			*GetNameSafe(OutResult.GetComponent()), OutResult.Item, *OutResult.BoneName.ToString(),
			OutResult.Time, OutResult.Distance, *OutResult.Location.ToString(), OutResult.bBlockingHit ? 1 : 0, OutResult.bStartPenetrating ? 1 : 0);

		logOrEnsureNanError(TEXT("ConvertQueryImpactHit() received NaN/Inf for normal: %.2f %.2f %.2f"), PHit.normal.x, PHit.normal.y, PHit.normal.z);
		return EConvertQueryResult::Invalid;

	FVector Normal = bUsePxNormal ? P2UVector(PHit.normal).GetSafeNormal() : -TraceStartToEnd.GetSafeNormal();
	OutResult.Normal = Normal;
	OutResult.ImpactNormal = Normal;

	OutResult.TraceStart = StartLoc;
	OutResult.TraceEnd = EndLoc;

	CheckHitResultNormal(OutResult, TEXT("Invalid Normal from ConvertQueryImpactHit"), StartLoc, EndLoc, Geom);

	if (bUsePxNormal && !Normal.IsNormalized())
		// TraceStartToEnd should never be zero, because of the length restriction in the raycast and sweep tests.
		Normal = -TraceStartToEnd.GetSafeNormal();
		OutResult.Normal = Normal;
		OutResult.ImpactNormal = Normal;

	const PxGeometryType::Enum SweptGeometryType = Geom ? Geom->getType() : PxGeometryType::eINVALID;
	OutResult.ImpactNormal = FindGeomOpposingNormal(SweptGeometryType, PHit, TraceStartToEnd, Normal);

	// Fill in Actor, Component, material, etc.
	SetHitResultFromShapeAndFaceIndex(PHit.shape, PHit.actor, PHit.faceIndex, OutResult, bReturnPhysMat);


示例14: ImportProperties

			bool bRedefiningSubobject = false;
			if( TemplateClass )
				// next, verify that a template actually exists in the parent class
				UClass* ParentClass = ComponentOwnerClass->GetSuperClass();

				UObject* ParentCDO = ParentClass->GetDefaultObject();

				BaseTemplate = StaticFindObjectFast(UObject::StaticClass(), SubobjectOuter, TemplateName);
				bRedefiningSubobject = (BaseTemplate != NULL);

				if (BaseTemplate == NULL)
					BaseTemplate = StaticFindObjectFast(UObject::StaticClass(), ParentCDO, TemplateName);
				if ( BaseTemplate == NULL )
					// wasn't found
					Warn->Logf(ELogVerbosity::Error, TEXT("BEGIN OBJECT: No base template named %s found in parent class %s: %s"), *TemplateName.ToString(), *ParentClass->GetName(), *StrLine);
					return NULL;

				TemplateClass = BaseTemplate->GetClass();

			// because the outer won't be a default object

			checkSlow(TemplateClass != NULL);
			if (bRedefiningSubobject)
				// since we're redefining an object in the same text block, only need to import properties again
				SourceText = ImportObjectProperties( (uint8*)BaseTemplate, SourceText, TemplateClass, SubobjectRoot, BaseTemplate,
													Warn, Depth + 1, ContextSupplier ? ContextSupplier->CurrentLine : 0, &InstanceGraph, ActorRemapper );
				UObject* Archetype = NULL;
				UObject* ComponentTemplate = NULL;

				// Since we are changing the class we can't use the Archetype,
				// however that is fine since we will have been editing the CDO anyways
				if (!FBlueprintEditorUtils::IsAnonymousBlueprintClass(SubobjectOuter->GetClass()))
					// if an archetype was specified in the Begin Object block, use that as the template for the ConstructObject call.
					FString ArchetypeName;
					if (FParse::Value(Str, TEXT("Archetype="), ArchetypeName))
						// if given a name, break it up along the ' so separate the class from the name
						FString ObjectClass;
						FString ObjectPath;
						if ( FPackageName::ParseExportTextPath(ArchetypeName, &ObjectClass, &ObjectPath) )
							// find the class
							UClass* ArchetypeClass = (UClass*)StaticFindObject(UClass::StaticClass(), ANY_PACKAGE, *ObjectClass);
							if (ArchetypeClass)
								// if we had the class, find the archetype
								Archetype = StaticFindObject(ArchetypeClass, ANY_PACKAGE, *ObjectPath);

示例15: ConvertQueryImpactHit

void ConvertQueryImpactHit(const UWorld* World, const PxLocationHit& PHit, FHitResult& OutResult, float CheckLength, const PxFilterData& QueryFilter, const FVector& StartLoc, const FVector& EndLoc, const PxGeometry* const Geom, const PxTransform& QueryTM, bool bReturnFaceIndex, bool bReturnPhysMat)

	checkSlow(PHit.flags & PxHitFlag::eDISTANCE);
	const bool bInitialOverlap = PHit.hadInitialOverlap();
	if (bInitialOverlap && Geom != nullptr)
		ConvertOverlappedShapeToImpactHit(World, PHit, StartLoc, EndLoc, OutResult, *Geom, QueryTM, QueryFilter, bReturnPhysMat);

	// See if this is a 'blocking' hit
	const PxFilterData PShapeFilter = PHit.shape->getQueryFilterData();
	const PxSceneQueryHitType::Enum HitType = FPxQueryFilterCallback::CalcQueryHitType(QueryFilter, PShapeFilter);
	OutResult.bBlockingHit = (HitType == PxSceneQueryHitType::eBLOCK); 
	OutResult.bStartPenetrating = bInitialOverlap;

	// calculate the hit time
	const float HitTime = PHit.distance/CheckLength;
	OutResult.Time = HitTime;
	OutResult.Distance = PHit.distance;

	// figure out where the the "safe" location for this shape is by moving from the startLoc toward the ImpactPoint
	const FVector TraceStartToEnd = EndLoc - StartLoc;
	const FVector SafeLocationToFitShape = StartLoc + (HitTime * TraceStartToEnd);
	OutResult.Location = SafeLocationToFitShape;

	const bool bUsePxPoint = ((PHit.flags & PxHitFlag::ePOSITION) && !bInitialOverlap);
	OutResult.ImpactPoint = bUsePxPoint ? P2UVector(PHit.position) : StartLoc;
	// Caution: we may still have an initial overlap, but with null Geom. This is the case for RayCast results.
	const bool bUsePxNormal = ((PHit.flags & PxHitFlag::eNORMAL) && !bInitialOverlap);
	FVector Normal = bUsePxNormal ? P2UVector(PHit.normal).GetSafeNormal() : -TraceStartToEnd.GetSafeNormal();
	OutResult.Normal = Normal;
	OutResult.ImpactNormal = Normal;

	OutResult.TraceStart = StartLoc;
	OutResult.TraceEnd = EndLoc;

	CheckHitResultNormal(OutResult, TEXT("Invalid Normal from ConvertQueryImpactHit"), StartLoc, EndLoc, Geom);

	if (bUsePxNormal && !Normal.IsNormalized())
		// TraceStartToEnd should never be zero, because of the length restriction in the raycast and sweep tests.
		Normal = -TraceStartToEnd.GetSafeNormal();
		OutResult.Normal = Normal;
		OutResult.ImpactNormal = Normal;

	const PxGeometryType::Enum SweptGeometryType = Geom ? Geom->getType() : PxGeometryType::eINVALID;
	OutResult.ImpactNormal = FindGeomOpposingNormal(SweptGeometryType, PHit, TraceStartToEnd, Normal);
	// Fill in Actor, Component, material, etc.
	SetHitResultFromShapeAndFaceIndex(PHit.shape, PHit.actor, PHit.faceIndex, OutResult, bReturnPhysMat);

	if( PHit.shape->getGeometryType() == PxGeometryType::eHEIGHTFIELD)
		// Lookup physical material for heightfields
		if (bReturnPhysMat && PHit.faceIndex != InvalidQueryHit.faceIndex)
			PxMaterial* HitMaterial = PHit.shape->getMaterialFromInternalFaceIndex(PHit.faceIndex);
			if (HitMaterial != NULL)
				OutResult.PhysMaterial = FPhysxUserData::Get<UPhysicalMaterial>(HitMaterial->userData);
	if(bReturnFaceIndex && PHit.shape->getGeometryType() == PxGeometryType::eTRIANGLEMESH)
		PxTriangleMeshGeometry PTriMeshGeom;
		if(	PHit.shape->getTriangleMeshGeometry(PTriMeshGeom) && 
			PTriMeshGeom.triangleMesh != NULL &&
			PHit.faceIndex < PTriMeshGeom.triangleMesh->getNbTriangles() )
			OutResult.FaceIndex	= PTriMeshGeom.triangleMesh->getTrianglesRemap()[PHit.faceIndex];

示例16: checkSlow

UObject* FObjectInstancingGraph::GetInstancedSubobject( UObject* SourceSubobject, UObject* CurrentValue, UObject* CurrentObject, bool bDoNotCreateNewInstance, bool bAllowSelfReference )

    UObject* InstancedSubobject = INVALID_OBJECT;

    if ( SourceSubobject != NULL && CurrentValue != NULL )
        bool bAllowedSelfReference = bAllowSelfReference && SourceSubobject == SourceRoot;

        bool bShouldInstance = bAllowedSelfReference || SourceSubobject->IsIn(SourceRoot);
        if ( !bShouldInstance && CurrentValue->GetOuter() == CurrentObject->GetArchetype() )
            // this code is intended to catch cases where SourceRoot contains subobjects assigned to instanced object properties, where the subobject's class
            // contains components, and the class of the subobject is outside of the inheritance hierarchy of the SourceRoot, for example, a weapon
            // class which contains UIObject subobject definitions in its defaultproperties, where the property referencing the UIObjects is marked instanced.
            bShouldInstance = true;

            // if this case is triggered, ensure that the CurrentValue of the component property is still pointing to the template component.
            check(SourceSubobject == CurrentValue);

        if ( bShouldInstance )
            // search for the unique component instance that corresponds to this component template
            InstancedSubobject = GetDestinationObject(SourceSubobject);
            if ( InstancedSubobject == NULL )
                if (bDoNotCreateNewInstance)
                    InstancedSubobject = INVALID_OBJECT; // leave it unchanged
                    // if the Outer for the component currently assigned to this property is the same as the object that we're instancing components for,
                    // the component does not need to be instanced; otherwise, there are two possiblities:
                    // 1. CurrentValue is a template and needs to be instanced
                    // 2. CurrentValue is an instanced component, in which case it should already be in InstanceGraph, UNLESS the component was created
                    //		at runtime (editinline export properties, for example).  If that is the case, CurrentValue will be an instance that is not linked
                    //		to the component template referenced by CurrentObject's archetype, and in this case, we also don't want to re-instance the component template

                    bool bIsRuntimeInstance = CurrentValue != SourceSubobject && CurrentValue->GetOuter() == CurrentObject;
                    if ( bDoNotCreateNewInstance || bIsRuntimeInstance )
                        InstancedSubobject = CurrentValue;
                        // If the component template is relevant in this context(client vs server vs editor), instance it.
                        const bool bShouldLoadForClient = SourceSubobject->NeedsLoadForClient();
                        const bool bShouldLoadForServer = SourceSubobject->NeedsLoadForServer();
                        const bool bShouldLoadForEditor = ( GIsEditor && ( bShouldLoadForClient || !CurrentObject->RootPackageHasAnyFlags(PKG_PlayInEditor) ) );

                        if ( ((GIsClient && bShouldLoadForClient) || (GIsServer && bShouldLoadForServer) || bShouldLoadForEditor) )
                            // this is the first time the instance corresponding to SourceSubobject has been requested

                            // get the object instance corresponding to the source component's Outer - this is the object that
                            // will be used as the Outer for the destination component
                            UObject* SubobjectOuter = GetDestinationObject(SourceSubobject->GetOuter());

                            checkf(SubobjectOuter, TEXT("No corresponding destination object found for '%s' while attempting to instance component '%s'"), *SourceSubobject->GetOuter()->GetFullName(), *SourceSubobject->GetFullName());

                            FName SubobjectName = SourceSubobject->GetFName();

                            // final archetype archetype will be the archetype of the template
                            UObject* FinalSubobjectArchetype = CurrentValue->GetArchetype();

                            // Don't seach for the existing subobjects on Blueprint-generated classes. What we'll find is a subobject
                            // created by the constructor which may not have all of its fields initialized to the correct value (which
                            // should be coming from a blueprint).
                            // NOTE: Since this function is called ONLY for Blueprint-generated classes, we may as well delete this 'if'.
                            if (!SubobjectOuter->GetClass()->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_CompiledFromBlueprint))
                                InstancedSubobject = StaticFindObjectFast(NULL, SubobjectOuter, SubobjectName);

                            if (InstancedSubobject && IsCreatingArchetype())
                                // since we are updating an archetype, this needs to reconstruct as that is the mechanism used to copy properties
                                // it will destroy the existing object and overwrite it
                                InstancedSubobject = NULL;

                            if (!InstancedSubobject)
                                // finally, create the component instance
                                InstancedSubobject = ConstructObject<UObject>(SourceSubobject->GetClass(), SubobjectOuter,
                                                     SubobjectName, SubobjectOuter->GetMaskedFlags(RF_PropagateToSubObjects), SourceSubobject,
                                                     true, this);
            else if ( IsLoadingObject() && InstancedSubobject->GetClass()->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_HasInstancedReference) )
                /* When loading an object from disk, in some cases we have a component which has a reference to another component in DestinationObject which
                	wasn't serialized and hasn't yet been instanced.  For example, the PointLight class declared two component templates:


示例17: TEXT




C++ checkState函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-30
C++ checkSize函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-30





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